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Posts posted by ArmedSargent117

  1. With regards to the subject of furries being brought up, there was a panel they held at UBcon talking about the psychological component of the fandom, which was rather interesting to hear... (back over to the TLC thing) however as soon as I heard the psychology part in the clip... all I could smell was "drama" and "ratings".

    Back on topic though: Not a collector, so they won't get me... and even if I do become a collector of ponies (or anything), no way am I going to go on tv... do not want my 15 minutes of "fame". *shudder*

  2. I'd have to say Applebuck season.

    Thinking about the other episodes, with the exception of Feeling Pinkie Keen, it helps to know a bit about the ponies involved (whether it's twilight's obsessiveness, or fluttershy's love of animals). Both Applebuck season and Feeling Pinkie Keen are fairly self contained, and I'd even go so far as to say you learn what the focus of each episode is fairly quickly in the episode. As for why Applebuck season? Beyond the other reasons presented here (and they probably make more sense than I do at the moment), you can also sympathize a bit I think with Applejack and monsterous workloads.

    Such is my two cents.

  3. I'm ArmedSargent117, and I was exposed to ponies by my girlfriend and my friends (like I said in my intro thread). More specifically they made a deal that I just watch one. I if I liked it, then "yay! new brony", otherwise they'd drop it. I think we all know how that turned out :D

  4. Welcome to the peaceful and caring forum that is Canterlot.

    Hi, my name is BlindJester formally known as PaintedWings and I will be your new buddy here on these forums. I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony we get here at Canterlot.

    1. Do you RP?

    2. Do you plan to participate in the wonderful world that is canterlot?(Do NOT worry if you don't want to RP with us that is absolutely okay we are not requiring you to join so don't be afraid to tell us you don't plan to participate.

    If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around the RP section!

    If the answer is no then that's fine! We have plenty of other wonderful things for you to do here at Canterlot such as meeting other bronies, discussing things about the show, the second season, sharing your art, canoeing, hiking, and long walks on the beach. Also you must post 5 times in the intro section before being allowed anywhere else keeps the trolls and spam bots in control and gives you a chance to introduce yourself to other new bronies. Also please be sure to check out the rules and get possible goodies here at the Getting Started Section. Anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay. :lol:

    Apologies, I didn't mean to ignore your question BlindJester (little scatter brained tonight). To answer your first question, I do not RP at present. I've not done so in the past and if certain individuals plan to bring me into their RPs, I would likely lurk for a while (and read up on things). So to answer your second question, not at the moment, but perhaps later.

  5. Okay, fine! BOTH RCT and Elsina brought me here!


    Edit: I should have also added:

    Thank you everyone who has welcomed me! Honestly I've been on a couple other boards before and never seen mods or other "officers" of the boards stop in and say "hi". So thank you all. :lol:

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