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Posts posted by Makuzui4220

  1. [colour=#008000]"Permission?"[/colour] Silt thought on the question before remembering a note that his mother handed to him before she flew off to the Badlands. [colour=#008000]"Oh! You mean, this?"[/colour] Silt's horn lit up a striking green, the same colour as his eyes, and the small seeds that hid in his mane began to grow. As the buds sprouted at an accelerated rate, they produced a folded note from the dirty tangles of Silt's mane. The vines were intended to give Mrs. Marie the note, but Silt's nerves stopped the magic short.

    [colour=#008000]"Um, here you go. Heheh.." [/colour]he leaned forward so Mrs. Marie could take the note. Silt swallowed against the small lump in his throat, and white flowers bloomed on the vines from a spurt of uncontrolled magic.

  2. [colour=#006400]"My name is Silt Treble,"[/colour] the wild-looking colt smiled. After all, the counselor seemed nice. [colour=#006400]"I'm not really a student here, but I really want to be. My mum told me all about this place and I think it would be perfect for helping me control my magic! She also wanted me to apologize for her for not being here to help me, but she left for the Badlands awhile ago and doesn't know when she'll be back.."[/colour]

    Silt's thoughts took him beyond the building and he seemed to space out for a moment, lost in his dreams of going with her to that faraway place, before he remembered he was in an office. [colour=#006400]"And the trip from Stalliongrad would've been too hard on my Great-grandsire for him to come along with me."[/colour]

    Oh wait, that's right, he was in room. A very tiny room, at that. Silt's hooves shook a little bit as he tried to breathe deeply to keep himself calm.

  3. Having such an enthusiastic young filly such as Fresco greet him so warmly, Silt felt his shyness ease away a little. [colour=#008000]"An actress, huh? You sure have the energy for it."[/colour] A griffon flew overhead and Silt almost jumped out of his skin in fright.

    [colour=#FF0000]"Wow! Did you SEE that kid, Silt?! I wonder if he'll be in your cabin. I hope there's a griffon in MY cabin! C'mon, Silt! We should go meet him!" [/colour]Fresco said excitedly and trotted over to to other ponies and griffon.

    [colour=#008000]"I really hope he isn't in my cabin..."[/colour] Silt mumbled to himself and reluctantly trotted after Fresco. Normally his fear of predators would've made Silt avoid the winged creatures, but he couldn't help but let his curiosity get the best of him. Maybe having a friendly filly around would help him overcome his shyness, too.

  4. A griffon! Silt stared as flew overhead, seeming to know one of the other ponies. Although she seemed rather friendly, Silt felt like his stomach turned over. The grass beneath his feet grew noticeably, and Silt headed to the feature of the camp, Little Lake, to calm himself before his magic went out of control.

    [colour=#008000]"There were those military ponies... Maybe they're here to make sure they don't eat us?" [/colour]Silt asked his reflection as he lay in the grass.

  5. The smaller unicorn left and Silt nodded to her as she passed. Looking in the office he saw the other motion for him to enter. He took a deep breath and shook himself a bit so as not to track to much dirt into her clean office. So focused he was at not noticing where he was going, Silt ran right into the transparent door. The knock on the head seemed to do him some good with his nerves and he forgot the size of the room momentarily. Gingerly he let himself in.

    [colour=#008000]"H-hello."[/colour] Silt stuttered shyly, nodding a greeting to the Counselor. [colour=#008000]"Thanks for seeing me today."[/colour]

  6. [colour=#ee82ee]"Are you excited, Treble?"[/colour] his mother asked as they walked the forest together. Other ponies passed them in wagons, but then again other ponies were probably coming from a town or city to Camp Little Lake.

    [colour=#008000]"Oh yes, I'm glad that someponies are out here instead!"[/colour] Silt Treble, a purplish blue unicorn colt with a tangled dark green mane cantered next to his tall mother. [colour=#008000]"The forest is so much better than any city."[/colour]

    [colour=#ee82ee]"Try to stay clean, will you?"[/colour] The lavender pegasus asked as she tried to brush some of the dirt from him. But there was so much on the wild child, it wasn't a battle to be easily won.

    [colour=#008000]"Mum, stop it! Before the other ponies see!"[/colour] Silt shook his mother's touch off with a small cloud of dust. They came upon the edge of the camp then, and Silt gazed in wonder at the other ponies.[colour=#008000] "...are you sure I can't come with you?"[/colour] the colt asked as he watched the ponies greet each other.

    [colour=#ee82ee]"The Badlands are no place for a colt."[/colour] Pyper kissed her son's forehead, just above his horn and encouraged,[colour=#ee82ee] "you'll make lots of friends. Your Great-Grandsire will be excited to hear about the stories you make here. Now go on, I'll be back for you at the end of the week. May the stars guide you, my love."[/colour]

    [colour=#008000]"And may the wind lift your wings, mum. I love you too."[/colour] Silt nuzzled his mother one last time before [colour=#008000] "Promise you'll tell me about the badlands?"[/colour] Silt asked as he took a step towards the group. Pyper nodded and Silt cantered towards the group happily, excited to meet other ponies. A thought crossed his mind and he turned to ask Pyper, but the lavender pegasus had already disappeared. Silt looked at the group again, steeled his nerves, and opened his mouth to introduce himself to somepony that had tripped over his own hooves. He noticed then the cynogriffin, and jumped in surprise at seeing one for the first time. Silt was quite nervous about it, so he decided to introduce himself to another pony instead, one off to the side of the group with red saddlebags. [colour=#008000]"H-hey there. I'm Silt.."[/colour]

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  7. i was thinking of the stunning not as something that would be used against another pony, but against wild things (like wolves, ursa major/minors) that she might come across while travelling. i realize that if directed against another pony it could be harmful, but given Pyper's personality I think she'd be very careful to not hurt anypony.

  8. Sitting outside the office wasn't as boring as Silt Treble originally thought. The school was as active as an anthill and, just like watching the ants, Silt was content to simply sit and observe while the time slipped past. After an unknown amount of time, a shimmering in the corner of his eye caught Silt's attention. The door next to him was transparent! Silt wondered at the cause for a moment before spotting two unicorns inside the room. Silt smiled shyly and waved to the two mares then inched further down the hall until he was out of sight. The last thing he wanted was for the mares to think he was eavesdropping. That, and that room was small. So very, very small.

    [colour=#008000]"I-it's okay Treble."[/colour] the colt said more to the tiny seeds in his dirty mane than himself. At the thought of being in a small room his nerves had taken a hold of him, and the seeds began quivering as his magic reached out to them against his will. [colour=#008000]"Calm down, it's okay, breathe..."[/colour]

  9. It was unusual for anypony to willingly enter the Everfree forest, but catching a whole band within the wild trees quite honestly caught Silt Treble off guard. The unicorn colt, who was a wild child - preferring the trees and wilderness to any city, followed the group silently. Their stories and songs made him smile. Most all of the crew was made of ponies, but another creature caught Silt's attention. He had never seen one in the flesh before, but he heard of the creatures called caribou. One of the ponies, Pinoak the others called him, spoke of Ponyville and of putting on a show. Silt snorted and pawed at the ground. [colour=#008000]"Well, if it's Ponyville they're after, they're going the wrong way..."[/colour] He said to no pony in particular. Silt wanted to say hello to the group, but his nerves wouldn't let him to much more than follow silently behind them.

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