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Posts posted by Makuzui4220

  1. (I don't see a reason why not!)

    Pyper sees Rainy smile, and feels touched. "How about a song?" She dips her head into the cloud to wet her throat, and begins to sing,

    "Crystal droplets fall to the ground

    Trees and ponies rejoice

    Twinkling, breaking from their round

    Giving the heavens a voice

    Thunder grumbles in the clouds

    Weary from its cry

    Whisking away in its dark shroud

    Saying goodbye,

    It leaves to bring life to another world."

  2. To Lifeismusic: I've heard of all those bands before and like them quite a bit. Have you heard of a band called Dog Fashion Disco? It might be something you'd like.

    To Rosewind: Yes! I did check that out, and have found some awesome ponies to hang with already!

    To Armony: :D Thank you!

  3. "Oh my, it must be quite intimidating to find a pony for you when all these mares only want other mares!" Pyper giggles to herself to ease tension. Noticing the long look on Rainy's face, she nudges him reassuringly. "Don't fret, you'll find that pony someday. For now, enjoy that freedom you have! Look, even the rain is starting to pass, shall we stretch our wings and fly?"

  4. Pyper examines Rainy, then thinks for a moment while she stares at the rain. "Perhaps, eventually, if I found the pony for me. But I can't be happy unless I have new ponies to entertain all the time, so someplace like Canterlot would probably suit me better. Besides, who wouldn't want to see Equestria and all it has to offer?"

  5. (Never assume things, dearie ;) And you mean your DA id? What's his cutie mark?)

    Grateful for the invitation, Pyper sits next to the stallion and introduces herself, "I'm Pyper Uscroll, the bard. It's a pleasure to meet you sir...?" The stallion nods is head, and introduces himself as Rainy Splash. "Ah! I see," Pyper closes her eyes and hums a small tune to herself to remember his name.

    "Rainy Splash

    With a dash

    Saved the day

    So I said hay

    And watch the lightning

    Which is so frightening"

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