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Posts posted by Renabeforerainbows

  1. Here is a thought I had. The apparent abundance of gems of all kinds could be do to the existence of dragons themselves. Dragons might be the ones creating the gems, using their strength for pressure and breath for heat. If that is true, and because gems are seen as a delicacy for dragons, dragons might actually be farming gems in various places throughout the world. That would explain some of the sudden terrain changes that are mentioned previously. Of course the time factor in the formation of gems, may or may not be an issue. Adult dragons may have a special technique that makes gems form faster, or, considering their long lives, they could just wait it out. If it is a latter, then those gems that Rarity keeps finding all over in that particular area could be the remains of an old gem garden that some ancient dragon made at one time. Spike might know, but probably not since, in dragon years, he might not be even a 'one-year old' yet.

    • Like 1
  2. yay :evil:


    oh sorry I was trying to do a fluttershy yay and that was the only smiley that worked for yelling something out (fluttershy-wise) it would have been better if I did a big *INHALE* next to it, but I didn't think of that. sorry for the confusion! :sniff:

  3. Name:Green Dream



    Species:Earth Pony

    Pelt Color:Lightish green

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:Short, wavy, dark blue, mane and tail, wears pink glasses, and prefers to

    stick to simple clothing and basic grooming.

    Eye Color:Purple

    Cutie Mark:Open book with a rainbow coming from it

    Physique:Slight, shorter than average and a bit frail


    Roleplay Type:Mane RP

    Occupation:everlasting quest for more stories and legends (storyteller)

    Motivation:Green Dream devours books, namely story books.She will read anything that has to do with far-off kingdoms,

    old legends, ancient creatures, or just the mundane lives of non-existent ponies.

    Likes:Books, Quiet places, Easy work, Daydreaming, and Any creature described in stories(IE. dragons).

    Dislikes:Being torn from her books, Physically demanding work, and Turnips

    Character Summary:

    Once upon a time, in a distant kingdom...(AHEM!), I mean, not so long ago, in the Equestrian town of Hoofington, the

    chosen one was born...(...forget it, I'll do it myself)..aawww!

    Fascinated with old sailor pony tales as a foal, Green Dream began to crave any unusual or fantastical tale she could get her hooves on. Within the first month she learned to read, Green Dream made her first visit to the Hoofington library, and she was never the same again. In that fateful day at the library, the stories upon the pages created worlds

    that became far more beautiful to her than anything in real life. Green Dream knew she would give her very soul just to stay in those imaginary worlds.Even as closing time loomed, Green dream sat transfixed upon the words on the page. It took two local stallions to drag this small foal out of the library and back home. That night, she knew she wouldn't be satisfied until she knew every story in Equestria. With her determination set and mind preoccupied Green Dream didn't notice the appearance of her cutie mark until morning.

    Green Dream seems out-worldly an aloof pony, apparently caring more for fictional characters then real ones.

    This is not true, however, what is considered coldness is merely an intense focus on her obsessions. The few times Green Dream isn't reading or lost within her head, she has a gentle, yet frequently distracted demeanor. Green Dream likes to go with the flow as long it suits her.A failed attempt at working at the library has shown that Green Dream's work ethic is lacking despite her enthusiasm. Which leaves her very unsuited for librarian work, not only lazy, spending all her time reading, but disorderly as well, leaving books throughout the store.

    She is usually assumed to be incredibly knowledgeable, which she will fully agree with but is not quite right. She may

    read many books but has little patience for "boring facts." This attitude causes her to become defensive when she is

    challenged intellectually. Having read about heroes vanquishing evil, defending the weak, and enforcing justice for many year has given Green Dream a strong, sometimes naive sense of right and wrong. To Emulate such heroes, she will come to anypony's aid to make things right once more, usually biting off more than she can chew.

    Always enthusiastic to share with anypony that shows interest in hearing a story, Green Dream performs dramatically to match the tone of the story. In many cases, her eagerness gets the better of her, causing over-dramatic displays and even mixed-up details from other stories to appear. When hearing stories from others, she has a habit of asking for every single detail and get's irritated at vague descriptions.

    (I think it's ready, so what do you think?)[/align]


  4. Well, regular soda wise, I definitely a root beer gal, but underneath I have an unquenchable need for Shirley Temples(basically cherry and sprite). The closest thing that comes to it, mass-market, is cherry 7-up. It is close, close enough that if I buy a two liter it will be gone in an hour. And that why I'm not allowed to buy cherry 7-up anymore

  5. Thank you so much, I already feel better about the rp board. I missed out on replying to all your messages, why did I have to join at 1am? Don't worry I made a point to read the rules before I posted anything. It still is strange how MLP hooked into me and won't let go, I think it is some kind of mind control conspiracy.

  6. Hi, I'm Rena, I just recently been bit by the friendship bug, and I'm looking for a place to further delve into the MLP universe. I'm a bit nervous and rping, something I'm extremely new at. But I will do my best, and of course have fun along the way. Anyways, thanks for letting me be here.

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