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Everything posted by Caunedheil

  1. [[i have desktop ponies and I am dying of cuteness]] Dahlia smiled, her heart swelling with joy."Aren't they wonderful?" Oh how she couldn't wait for them to bloom; they would be the most beautiful flowers of all. She loved when they were able to have the little blue roses in the shop, they reminded her of how she found her calling. Dahlia slipped off her saddlebags, pulling out a pad of paper out of one and fishing for charcoal in the other one. She settle back on her haunches, setting up the paper just so. "Once I finish up the sketch I can take you on a complete tour." She smiled widely at her new friend. Oh how she hoped she was enjoying herself. Maybe she would pick a favorite and Dahlia could draw it for her. She put charcoal to paper with that happy thought. Maybe it was a good idea to ask if she was alright after all.
  2. Iron mentally kicked himself in the head. He was sure the filly knew she had gotten on his soft side. Where was the calm composure his uncle had lectured into him. Iron took a long breath to focus himself. Gambler extraordinaire huh? She was skilled, and most likely used her pretty looks to her advantage. Which was what she was doing now! There was the motivation to stay focus. She was looking for a good deal, or perhaps a great over the wall deal. Iron had found his center again. Cool as steel. Iron's eyes widened at the sight of the bag of bits. He couldn't think of a time he had seen so many. "I'm sure I could hammer you out something nice." Already his mind was filling with ideas. He could hammer card like designs into them. Maybe he could make them look like the back of a card with suits hidden. Yes, surely that would work. But maybe it was too masculine. Iron started to think of coloration. Enamels could work but that would make the hidden design more noticeable. His brow furrowed as images swirled in his head. "Yes, I could do that for you."
  3. "Oh no no no. The only thing in the entire shop that may hurt you would be a thorn, but Mr. Bud deeps them trimmed down." Dahlia walked with a new skip in her step. The door to the shop opened with a delightful bell chime, Mrs. Bud immediately trotting up to the front. "Oh hello Dahlia. Here to paint the new blossoms I hope?"Mrs. Bud brought her attention to the little filly at Dahlia's side. "And who might this be?" Dahlia turned to Spirit, hoping she was starting to enjoy the shop even just a little bit. "This is my friend Spirit. I thought I would show her around the shop a little bit." Mrs.Bud gave them both a nod, returning to her roses behind the counter. Dahlia trotted ahead, venturing farther in the back of the shop. The flower shop was bursting with flowers. Every surface was covered with various buds. Dahlia often imagined she was exploring an enchanted wood while walking through the shop. Hidden away in the back of the shop laid the new buds, small precious blossoms hidden away from curious hooves. Dahlia turned to Spirit, wondering if she had the same feeling looking at the flowers as she did. "These are the new little blossoms." She stared at the tiny blue roses, mentally counting the days until they were fully bloomed.
  4. Dahlia perked up a little as they started their way. Surely it would be easier to talk to her surrounded by her wonderful flowers. "The new blooms are supposed to be just wonderful" She hoped talking about their mini adventure would perk Spirit up a little bit, it was saddening for Dahlia to see to see the look on her face. She didn't look too enthusiastic about the entire trip but maybe she would change her mind once they got there. The flower shop came into view rather quickly. It was a sweet little shop, ivy crawling up the sides while little specks of purple and blue flowers poked through the dark green sheet. "Well, this is it." Dahlia's heart instantly swelled up at the thought of sitting among the hundreds of flowers, the fragrance flooding her senses.
  5. What was with all this flirting? Iron was slightly taken aback by the obvious charm she was using. Then again, maybe she was just a charming pony in general. He shook his head slightly. What was he thinking? Iron had never paid attention to the giggles and smiled of other fillies, why this one all of a sudden? Was it because she actually showed interest in what he was creating? Or was she looking for a good deal. The entire thought process mad Iron feel uncomfortable. This is where Iron was in his element. He loved talking about his work, his little experiments. "I've been trying out different metals and so far I've been successful. This one here was my first attempt at silver and I find it to be the best one if I don't say so myself." He eyed it under the sunlight where even he was taken aback by the design. Iron was used to seeing his creations by the light of the fire, hammering them out right beside the forge else someone catch a peak at them. The thought of a custom order made him a little uneasy. Iron filled out orders everyday, taking all night to make sure every piece he created was perfect. But the orders he filled where usually just for nails and the occasional cooking pot or pan. Creating custom jewelry for someone was a pony of a different color. What if he couldn't do it? He thought of the few bits he had kept aside for himself, using them to buy the materials he needed for his secret projects."I've never taken a custom order but I'm sure I could give it a try." How hard could it be? The most the filly would want is a silver or gold bracelet with some flowers etched into it right? Iron's pride fell a bit. "I'd be happy to hammer something out for you."
  6. Iron watched the filly eye his hard work, noting the look of disdain she held in her orbs. He swelled a small bit with pride as he watched her eyes widen. It was the magic of his work. Though the jewelry look simple at first, it only took a few moments of careful observation for one to notice the intricate swirls and designs he had hammered in. This is what made him different from his uncle, hidden details. Not half bad had been the first comment he had ever received on his masterpieces but it was a compliment all the same. "Hammered them all out myself. I can only make them when I don't have to work the bellows or help with our regular customers. I really don't have a chance to show them off." He wondered for a moment at the girlish giggle. Had she forced it just to please him? Iron shook the thought.
  7. Dahlia loved the name. Spirit Flame. She had to admit to herself that she was a little bit jealous. With a name like Dahlia Blossom, she would always be seen as a small town pony. Dahlia pushed the thought aside. She was making a friend! "It is a lovely name." Dahlia began trotting down her daily trail, now a new friend in tow. "I can't wait to show you all my little flowers. I really hope you like them."But what if she didn't like them? The thought terrified Dahlia. But who would hate flowers? She has never met a pony that didn't love flowers, even the ones that had allergies. Dahlia was determined to make this new friendship the best she ever had. Which was completely possible seeing as she never had a friend. She was sure Spirit would love the flowers. Maybe she would even sketch her favorite for her as a nice present to a friend.
  8. Iron had hammed quiet a few nails in his day but very few of them attracted the attention of anyone other than his uncle. Therefore it was quiet a surprise when he saw a mare standing before his shop. He ignored the handsome statement, not one for false compliments. He could only imagine how he looked covered in his fine layer of dust. "Good day ma'am. Let me see if I can find something you might take a fancy to." Iron carefully stored the new nails under his work table, moving himself towards the back of the shop. He knew exactly where to find what the lady was looking for though it might not be what a pretty filly like herself would be hoping for. Iron shook his head slightly. He shouldn't be worrying about how pretty his customers where, just what they were interested in buying. Hidden away in a small wooden box laid a few trinkets Iron had made while his uncle was away. Copper, brass and even a few silver pieces shined back at him. Iron grabbed the box, taking them to his counter with a heavy heart. "Any of these spark your fancy?"
  9. [[That's what I was thinking XD]] Dahlia abandoned her babbling, feeling as if her head was spinning. "But you just said.." She was close to just giving up and trotting to the flower shop. Wait. Maybe she could use the flower shop to her advantage. "If you'd like to try it I'm sure we could learn from each other." She shuffled her saddlebags slightly. "I'm actually going to the flower shop to sketch up the new buds. You're more than welcome to join me if you like" Friends visit each other and work all the time...don't they? Dahlia was sure Mr. and Mrs. Bud wouldn't mind her having a friend in the shop with her. Dahlia turned back towards her path without her eyes leaving the new pony. "Do you um mind if I have your name? I'm Dahlia blossom"
  10. Iron will awoke rather tired and perplexed. After much looking around without anything to look at, he decided it was in fact the sun that was causing him so much confusion. It was the same old sun he had been living under for all his life which gave Iron no reassurance as to why it was giving him such trouble. It took him only a matter of moments before he realized that it was in the wrong spot. Every morning Iron had awoke, the sun was rising with him just above the distant horizon. But on this particular morning, the sun had decided to race in front of its usual companion and reach it's highest point before giving Iron the signal that it was time to awaken. Iron took a few more moments to react. Iron jumped up from his usual spot before the forge, sending the small film of dirt that had been resting on his nose down into his lungs which in turn gave him a rather nasty sneezing fit. He looked around with quickly watering eyes to find the second cause of his confusion; the status of his uncle. Iron rubbed his eyes dry, trotting around the small shop for any trace of the old work horse. The spot his bag was usually kept was now unusually empty, which cleared up Iron's confusion once and for all, leaving a feeling of dread. He trotted to the bellows, quickly breathing life into the dieing flame before tossing in a few select pieces of food. Now that the fire was thoroughly fed Iron set to work on the only job his uncle had left him with, watching the shop and hammering nails. Iron didn't completely understand why he was always left to watch a shop no one ever entered when he could be out helping his uncle. As soon as the thought passed him Iron answered himself; it was because he slept in past noon and almost let the fire die. With a heavy sigh, he took the hammer into his mouth and began the tiresome task of making nails his uncle would use later that day.
  11. Dahlia's ears went back, her confidence completely shattered. "Well I uh thought that um maybe we could learn from each other. You know, maybe we can learn to talk and everything with each other. And then maybe it would be easier for us to talk to other ponies and make friends." She crossed her front legs nervously instantly regretting the decision to try to make a new friend. She should have just walked straight to the shop and start painting. "But it was a silly idea." Dahlia would definitely be telling her flowers about this failed attempt at making actual pony friends.
  12. She tried not to seem too eager as the little pony trembled. Oh how Dahlia wished she had the courage to give her a hug or try some other way to comfort her. But alas, she couldn't even comfort herself let alone a strange new pony. She wished so much she could just run away to the flower shop and hide among the hundreds upon hundreds of petals. What then would the pony think of her. You'll never make friends if you don't talk to people. Think of the paintings.She tried to give herself a small pep talk in her head, but that wasn't turning out so well. Dahlia smiled softly, lowering her head back down. "I'm with you on that one. I don't know how to make friends with anyone but flowers." That was a good thing to say wasn't it? It was putting the two ponies on the same level. Maybe Dahlia was getting better at talking to strange ponies. It would only be so long now before she was attending private art parties in Canterlot. "Maybe we could help each other?"
  13. [[Glad I passed the inspection lol. That sounds good.]] Dahlia's heart sunk a little further as she watched the filly dart away from her. She opened and shut her mouth a few times, unsure if her voice would scare her again. "Please don't hide," she whispered, a little relieved to see that the filly was just as nervous as she was. She thought for a moment about wither or not it would be better to leave her alone and go on with her usual day. No. She was going to do this. She was going to talk to this filly no matter how nervous she was. "I um saw that you looked unhappy. I was just wondering what had you so blue." Dahlia tried to smile even though she was shaking in her hooves. She took another deep breath, trying to steady herself. It was a slow start but still a start. What if she doesn't want to talk to me? What if they think I'm strange? Insecurities started to build in Dahlia, her resolve and confidence starting to fade. "I just don't like to see anyone unhappy." She tried not to panic, slowly making excuses as to why she was even talking to another pony. If only she was a flower, then Dahlia wouldn't have a problem talking to her. She had tried before to imagine that other ponies where flowers, the advice of an older pony, but it never seemed to do the trick.
  14. Dahlia trotted into town, her saddlebags laden with paper, paints and pencils. Mr. and Mrs.Bud's flower shop was sporting some new blossoms this morning and Dahlia just couldn't wait to sketch them. She took the path she took every morning, nodding shyly to the usual ponies that crossed her path as her steps quickened. Dahlia was no an antisocial pony, she just preferred the company of her flowers than the stress of having to actually strike up a conversation. Rising her head from its typical lowered position, Dahlia took in Fillydelphia's town square. This is the town she grew up in, found her purpose and continued to live in. It just so happened to also be the town she wished to one day leave. Her hearts became almost as heavy as her saddlebags at the thought. Could she really leave this sweet little town? To move would mean she would have to learn a new array of pony names. And if that wasn't enough to make Dahlia shy away from her big dreams, the thought of having to meet very influential and important ponies made her dizzy. But it would all be worth it to her. If she could only take a few sketches to an art collector, then she would be a great art pony. Dahlia sighed, leaving her dreams for later that night. In her small cloud of anguish, Dahlia noticed another seemingly uncomfortable pony. Seeing the little filly pulled at her heart strings. Dahlia took in a deep breath and held it for a moment. This could be good practice for her; walking up to a random pony and talking to them. If she could accomplish that here, she could to it in a place like Canterlot. Dahlia trotted up to the strange filly, her knees shaking slightly as she thought of what to say. Hello there. You seem a bit troubled."It wasn't exactly conversational gold, but at least it was a start for Dahlia.
  16. As lame and cheesy as it sounds I totally want a mlp tattoo. It would be adorable to have the pony version of me with me at all times...though I would constantly be hugging myself lol
  17. Lol alright, but I think you can directly upload pictures from your computer to your Canterlot gallery. I already added one XD But for the way everything with the scanner is set up, its easier to upload to photobucket :3
  18. Oh not the user control panel on your computer, the one on Canterlot. It's near the top left corner and has a small pony next to it. XD Well I was talking about just getting it on the computer in the first place lol. I was using photobucket to get it here.
  19. I'm not sure if you know about it, but Canterlot has it's own gallery system! You can upload your art to it through the user control panel. I didn't know actually When I get on the desktop [where the scanner is] I will have to try that. I have my bf scanning them and uploading them to my photobucket while I stay on the laptop lol
  20. Oh my goodness it's entirely too cute for words! Thank you so much for drawing it for me! :heart: You don't know how glad I am to hear that :heart: I was sooo so so so worried about it :3
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