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Posts posted by Kayian

  1. I have two things to ask of and I hope to get some help because my mind is killing me with all these ideas

    1. I just started a 3D modeling class using Maya and I need to know how to model a pony from scratch, starting from the image planes

    2. This might sound odd, but I need someone who likes and can write fan fics to listen to my ideas. I have many ideas in my head and I keep seeing them, but when ever I write them down, notes, what ever the seen is, it just never comes out right. That is why I need someone to colab with and maybe make a fan fic.

  2. Hey every pony. I was looking around on youtube and spotted this video of a game called "Welcome to Ponyville" and when I checked out there sight, they said that something was Sabotaged, I didn't really understand when I read it, but has any pony downloaded Act 1, if so how is it? If not, here is the link to there sight and maybe you can get a better understanding of what they are saying http://www.fillygamez.com/

  3. So we have seen the art and the movies made by bronies. Now have any music made by bronies that you just cant get out of your head.

    I'll start us off:

    An amazing Cadence song I just cant stop listening to

  4. I think everyone should be able to go about how they want to as well without being bullied or teased.

    It's something we wish for, but know it will never come true. Everyone in this world has something they don't like about someone else, it being there life style or w/e and if they say other wise, than they are lying to themselves. I will admit that I don't like a race, but I don't say anything for reasons I say above.

  5. Just to be clear, serious crimes are not welcome in Mane RP. If you would not see it happen in FiM, it is not welcome in Mane RP. If you're not sure, feel free to ask any of the RP staff -- we'll be more than happy to review specifics, and let you know why something may or may not work.

    right, I was thinking of something for a character to go off of, though it didn't work....
  6. Now I know when you are making an RP, you can say that there is or was, but I am applying for a Equestria world RP and from what we have seen, there hasn't been any crimes.

    My question to ya'll is, what would your answer be, cuz your feed back would give me an idea of how to make my characters backround story.

  7. I'm not saying it did look like one but the amount of people that insult Emos, Goths and all the others is just stupid, do ya agree? I got a few friends but sometimes poeple just decide to hate me straight away without giving me a chance - is that what happened to you?

    Well, the way that "[colour=#282828]Goths" look kinda creeps me out and how they act as well and as for "emos" I really don't know that much other than they cut themselves? Either way, it doesn't matter to me. Just like politics, I consider my self a independent and that goes for religion as well because my saying is...[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]You can say, do, what ever and so can I, but you are your own person and if you want to live your life like that. I have have the right to voice my "opinion", but I choose to keep quite because if I say something about someone, then a fight is inevitable and when push comes to shove, I really don't have an argument to back up what started the fight and when I do have one, I chose to stay quite because in some fights, you know that its a fight that will keep going on, like the fight for gays to marry. I don't think its right, but I don't say anything.[/colour]

  8. @LIM - Your right cuz I don't really fallow, though if you are saying that cuz my avatar looks "emo" that's just how he is. Kinda a reflection of my past cuz I didn't have any friends and I was like a ghost. Going into conversations and leaving them with out anyone ever knowing I was around...Still is kinda happening now, though not as much...

    @PT - Hey, you might remember me as Sapphirediadem though you probably have a tone of friends cuz your a mod and to keep up and remember everyone would be hard. Anywho, I believe it was Ponysquare that I learned of this sight.

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  9. About Myself: I like anime, dragons, wolfs, mlp. I was born in Florida, but I moved to California. I have a creative mind, but when it come to telling my ideas...it doesn't really come out right...

    How I found Canterlot.com: Advertisement from another sight

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: After going to the Comic con SD I saw the Hasbro booth and some guys waiting for MLP stuff and after questioning it, I decided to give it a chance

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle
    Hello every pony. My name is Kayian, I am not really new here I just been gone for some time and thought coming back that I should

    re-invent my self.

    I look forward to rping and chatting with every pony.

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