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Posts posted by Limeh

  1. [colour=#4b0082]About Myself[/colour]: My name is Lisa, and study Psychology, Sociology, Biology and Chemistry.

    I have only recently become a mlp fan but I do have a very addictive personality so I think it's a liking that's here to stay.

    [colour=#660099]How I found Canterlot.com[/colour]: My boyfriends little sister told me to :)

    [colour=#6600cc]How I became a fan of MLP:FiM[/colour]: I know quite a lot of people who are huge fans of mlp.. I was out with one of them about a month ago and they bought a pony and I just thought it was the cutest thing! I told him to buy me one and he bribed me saying he wouldn't buy me a pony until I watched an episode. Obviously I did as I was told. I watched one and just could not stop.. He still hasn't bought me a pony :( But I bought me own :razz:

    [colour=#6600ff]My favourite main cast pony/s[/colour]: Fluttershy

    I'm really bad about writing about myself so I will add to this every so often :)

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