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Everything posted by Dessa

  1. Sports: The stories you can't predict. I don't watch sports as much as I used to, but I love sports. As a child, baseball was my love. How could it not be? The home team won 2 pennants over 5 years at my childhood's height. Minnesotans aren't used to winning the big ones, so it was a huge deal when it happened. As a player, I've always had love for soccer, and always will. There is no grander event in the sports world than the World Cup! It's all about the passion, the nationalism and politics, the stakes, the history. As for the game itself, I see how people can say it's boring, but I can't make sense of how it being low-scoring makes it so. A low scoring game is always close. True, better teams usually win, but even down 3 points, it only takes 30 seconds to get a point. Soccer games are rarely over until that final whistle. Football, Basketball, love. I like football's tension. With 16 games in a season, there are few throwaway games, and every playoff game has the potential to be a team's last. And the Super Bowl is akin to a holiday. Food, time with friends and family. LOVE the Super Bowl. In basketball, blowouts can be rewarding as well, as teams start to play loose and show off. I can't think of another sport that has the creative potential of basketball. Just look at the slam-dunk competition. Hockey is low on my list of loves, but even then, when the stakes are right, it can be exciting. Playoff games are fun in ANY sport. Every sport has the potential to be exciting, even if it's normally super dull (Nascar...) ♥ Sports.
  2. I'm the fSecond! Wahaha! My OC, Silver Lining. She's a loose concept, and I invite artists to change or add whatever. Since you're looking for scenes to depict, could you draw her collecting silver from a cloud? References Original: (Eternally unfinished!) Inspired by brianblackberry's cut: brianblackberry's cut Bramble Rose's cut. (She's on the bottom/left)
  3. Mexican/Kosher Coke. It's all about the real sugar, and the no sodium added (they add sodium to most Coke so you stay thirsty).
  4. Yay! An art pony! Welcome to the herd!
  5. I like the psychodrama in the mecha fights too. What would Evangelion, Escaflowne be without it? Boring, IMO.
  6. Round 1, Poll 2 (Canterlot) is closed! Threeward! (Appleoosa): http://www.canterlot.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2146 (Closed)
  7. Those last two aren't likely to get many votes. Appleoosa and Manehattan are packed tight with greatness, and less popular episodes are going to have a hard go of it. Then again, my predictions have been moderately off, so who knows? Cutie Mark Chronicles will probably win the whole damn thing. I voted for that for sure. SUCH a great ep. A Dog and Pony Show. Rarity episodes should have gotten free promotions. The tough choice was Green Isn't Your Color vs. Sonic Rainboom. I settled on Green, mostly because of "FOREVERRRRRRRRR"
  8. Polling closed! Time for round 3 (Appleoosa): http://www.canterlot.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2146 Gotta say, there have been a few surprises, so far. I thought Fall Weather Friends was a lock.
  9. This post is part of a multi-post polling bracket, the full details of which are here: http://www.canterlot.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2021&p=25724#p25724 Rrrrrrround 3! So many episodes to pore over. Pick up to three favorites. You may change your votes as many times as you wish, but polling will close 5 days after this posting, after which your votes are all locked in. Links to episode videos here: http://www.canterlot.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1870
  10. I've been exploring. I've been poking around that thing for like a month now. I don't hassle people with questions unless I can't answer them myself. Thank you for your patience.
  11. Thank you, thank you! Next q: Is it possible to get the link URL for a picture in the gallery? I'm trying to link one of my gallery pics to a related pic in another gallery, but clicking on a picture pops an image up that doesn't provide the proper url.
  12. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I can't figure out how to post to the gallery.
  13. Not a Yu-Gi-Oh fan, but this was great.
  14. I've been lazy lately. Little things, but nothing big: THis had a bunch of stuff done to it that was never updated here:
  15. Dragons might have longer lifespans than ponies. Spike might even be OLDER than Rarity.
  16. If you search for an item on Google, it should appear to the right of the main link to the page on the results page. If it's not there, maybe you need a google account?
  17. Yeah, not in the first round or this one. I have a feeling the only CMC love we'll see is for CMC chronicles. And The SHow Stoppers is so good!
  18. Name: Dessa Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: 6 How can you contribute?: Assistant Key Grip Do you have any connections in NASA?: Neigh. Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: Only bad criminals get caught. If so, what for?: What languages are you fluent in?: Love What do you think of this font?: It depends on what this font thinks of me. Social Security Number: Pinkie Pi Credit Card Number/Verification Code: My credit card has a name: Steve. Name on Credit Card/PIN: Although my card's name is Steve, the name on it is still Dessa.
  19. These two seem likely to respect each other more because of a good fight.
  20. This is how I felt about MLP. Episodes 1 and 2 didn't quite sell me, and episode 3 showed promise. Few shows hit you right out of the gates, it seems.
  21. Fair enough. I wouldn't likely thrust it up front as an example of anime either, except when I know it fits the profile of the person I'd be pitching it to. Really, the only animes that I know I can safely show to anyone are the Ghibli movies. Anime buffs, grandmas, kids, traditionalists, art snobs -- everybody finds something to like in the Ghibli movies, it seems. Beyond that, I'd say Card Captor Sakura for lovers of cutenessess, and Cowboy Bebop for actiony types.
  22. Okay, new day! Bracket updated. Round 1 was incredibly close. There was a moment about an hour or two before poll closing where a 3-way tie seemed imminent, but a late straggler came in in the nick of time to give Swarm of the Century the final nudge. Didn't see this one coming at all. How many more surprises are in store?
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