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Posts posted by Dessa

  1. This post is part of a multi-post polling bracket, the full details of which are here: http://www.canterlot.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2021&p=25724#p25724

    Rrrrrrround 3! So many episodes to pore over.

    Pick up to three favorites. You may change your votes as many times as you wish, but polling will close 5 days after this posting, after which your votes are all locked in.

    Links to episode videos here: http://www.canterlot.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1870

  2. Name: Dessa

    Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: 6

    How can you contribute?: Assistant Key Grip

    Do you have any connections in NASA?: Neigh.

    Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: Only bad criminals get caught.

    If so, what for?:

    What languages are you fluent in?: Love

    What do you think of this font?: It depends on what this font thinks of me.

    Social Security Number: Pinkie Pi

    Credit Card Number/Verification Code: My credit card has a name: Steve.

    Name on Credit Card/PIN: Although my card's name is Steve, the name on it is still Dessa.

  3. Fall Weather Friends comes after that. (Only in this list.) This episode was a fun watch. Especially seeing the characters get into an actual fight. Not that I want them to, but it showed that things in Equestria can get escalated to that point, even with these characters.

    These two seem likely to respect each other more because of a good fight.

  4. I keep people away from it, because i know firsthand how thoroughly it can destroy your love for anime. Took me YEARS to like anime again after watching that trainwreck of caca. I am very bitter towards it, and it's impossible to hide it.

    I don't like talking too much about it. Thereby, i will probably not reply to anything having to do with Evangelion from this point onward.

    Fair enough. I wouldn't likely thrust it up front as an example of anime either, except when I know it fits the profile of the person I'd be pitching it to. Really, the only animes that I know I can safely show to anyone are the Ghibli movies. Anime buffs, grandmas, kids, traditionalists, art snobs -- everybody finds something to like in the Ghibli movies, it seems.

    Beyond that, I'd say Card Captor Sakura for lovers of cutenessess, and Cowboy Bebop for actiony types.

  5. Okay, new day! Bracket updated.

    Round 1 was incredibly close. There was a moment about an hour or two before poll closing where a 3-way tie seemed imminent, but a late straggler came in in the nick of time to give Swarm of the Century the final nudge.

    Didn't see this one coming at all. How many more surprises are in store?

  6. I really like the art style on that one, very refreshing when most anime looks so homogenous. Unfortunately, having personal issues with homosexuals who can't accept the gender they were born with, the premise is not the kind of thing i would be interested in.\

    May still watch it when i'm done with Phil's suggestions, though.

    Wow, well, I could easily usurp the thread with comments about this bit alone (and if you wish to have a rousing discussion via PM, then let's do it), but I will note that transsexuality has nothing to do with homosexuality, especially given how many are hetero.

    In any case, yeah, if you get the chance to watch it, maybe you'll see a different perspective. We can talk more afterwards.

  7. Here you gave very, very hard choices at all but well. First my vote goes for The Show Stoppers, second vote goes for Party of One. And now i'm have a problem between Suited for Success and Boast Busters - both of them i'm like on similar "level". I threw a coin here and my choice goes for Suited for Success.

    I suspect for many people there are going to be one or two tough choices in each division. There's just a lot of quality there competing.

    And keep in mind you can always come back and change your vote if something occurs to you later on. Not that I object to "Suited for Success'" success.

  8. Ah! Evangelion. The Anime that turned me from otakudom and made me decide that most anime was the biggest pile of bile to have ever graced this world. It removed my blinders, so to speak. In my mind, it is to anime what Final Fantasy VIII is to Final Fantasy's embittered fans.

    Different strokes, I guess. Evangelion has many flaws, but the character development is very good. The battle pacing is excellent as well, IMO, even if there's little animation. I can't blame anyone for disliking it, but this show's strengths more than make up for its weaknesses, IMO.

    I don't consider myself an otaku by any stretch. I'd say I'm more likely to dislike an anime than to like it, but when it's done right, anime is so special.

  9. Suited for Success is an all time favorite of mine. The episode that made me really fall in love with Rarity.

    Friendship is Magic Part 2 was my second choice. It just really goes a long way in defining the characters. And it has Luna.

    My favorite is surely Party of One, with Suited for Success probably my third favorite, give or take a place. Suited, it seems, made a lot of people fans of Rarity.

    Party of One is one of my favorite television moments of all time, actually. It's effing brilliant, and gave Pinkie a much welcome depth without violating her inscrutability. It's got great gags, too. Funny and serious at the same time.

    I'd comment on the pacing, but even the worst episodes (relatively speaking) tend to have good pacing. It's a major fundamental that they hardly even know how to fail.

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