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Posts posted by Dessa

  1. Babies are a major change in a person's life. This will likely have an impact on her career. If she was considering going back to the reportedly insane hours she put in for FiM (on another project, perhaps), this is very likely to make her rethink that. Kids need attention, and she's not going to have as much time for cartoons. So even if you're not the type to gush over babies (I'm not), this is still newsworthy.

    Though she's made it clear this is not the reason she stepped down.

    Yeah, it's more about future implications. A good producer is worth following.

  2. Babies are a major change in a person's life. This will likely have an impact on her career. If she was considering going back to the reportedly insane hours she put in for FiM (on another project, perhaps), this is very likely to make her rethink that. Kids need attention, and she's not going to have as much time for cartoons. So even if you're not the type to gush over babies (I'm not), this is still newsworthy.

  3. Because Eurobeat Ponies is one of the most popular memes around, and because relatively few people are doing stuff with sound. I mean, even in the videos, there's some feller Bandpuffs that does all the talking, and you're some mysterious dude he knows and talks about. Like you're in some back room and can't be disturbed by your masses of fans.

  4. It's only semi-related to other topics currently going on. I've been on boards where the mods will split things like this away from other topics, so I figured I'd just save the mods a step and do it for them. The chat is 98% unusable right now. I gotta do SOMETHING.

  5. Oooh, and it's a good one! ♪Oontz oontz oontz♫

    I didn't even know what a eurobeat was until Eurobeat brony.

  6. Via Deviant Art:

    ***Well I guess the cat's out of the bag. (I'm a bit disappointed [slashthrough]some FB friend chose not to respect my privacy.[/slashthrough]someone cyber-stalked me and couldn't respect my privacy. I suppose I should have expected it. I guess I'm going to have to do an FB friend cull) Anyway, I just want everyone to understand that my pregnancy is absolutely, positively NOT the reason I'm no longer on the show. It's just a happy side effect that happened after-the-fact.***

    Yay! This is great news for her. I hope having kids doesn't make her lose her edge like Eddie Murphy or any number of other stars who weren't as good after having kids. But I'll leave the worries for later.

    Unrelated side question: Could we get forum code to include slashthrough tags? Pretty handy, those.

  7. So you know what I want to see? Celestia losing her mind! The last time she got PO'd, she sent her sister to the freakin' moon. I can only imagine what else there is to see from her!

    This, SO much. Celestia lacks "humanity" (for lack of a better word) in part because we don't get to see her flaws. She's starting to become someone I like, definitely, with her "trollish side" adding an unexpected twist to her character (which makes her feel a bit mysterious as well), but her power and her positivity tend to drain some opportunities for interesting conflict. I feel like she could step in an easily solve some of the "outside threat" episodes that have occurred, which makes the threats a bit less menacing.

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  8. I am nothing if not a ball of over analysis. Fear and worry DO have one benefit: Expectation management. If you don't expect much and don't get much, you don't feel let down as much as you do if you expect the world and get garbage. But I think expecting total garbage at this point is a bit alarmist. That's a season 3/late season 2 speculation.

    If this show goes bad, it's not likely to lose everything that makes it good (animation, I suspect, will be good throughout), and it's not likely to do so all that immediately. That's my guess anyway.

  9. Wow, totally missed page 2 of this. Some of my fears are quelled (if she is largely in the same pre-production role, then is it safe to conclude that she's pretty much directing pre-production? If so, that's wonderful news), but I've still my doubts. Does anypony know in more detail what happens during production and post-production for animation? Is production like recording voice, music, and post like animation?

  10. Spongebob lost Camp after 3 seasons, so sayeth some dudes on /co/. PPG lost McCracken after 1. Dexters lost Tartaovsky after a few. I didn't have cable while these shows were playing, but I'm catching wind from close followers that these shows all suffered.

    Lost died a slow death. Season 1 was amazing, subsequent seasons were less consistent, but it still had good highs. It ended badly, IMO.

    If Faust is overseeing writing still, then writing may be solid, but what about directing? Episode pacing, expressions, timing, music, production methodology, chemistry, new visual content? Time will tell.

  11. Season 2 seems like a good bet.

    "Creative consultant" to me doesnt mean much. It could mean that she's still pulling major strings, and it could mean that she just nods and offers comments now and again. THat can mean anything

    Scriptwriter is more concrete. Although there's a lot that's great about this show beyond the writing, the writing is a highlight. Still, a scriptwriter can be as little as setting a general framework and as much as writing every last word.

    So many questions. I'd have been happier figuring this out in late summer. This totally harshes my mellow.

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