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Posts posted by Imoverthere

  1. Hysiss blinked as he looked at the odd company before his ear twitched at the sound echoing from within the swarm, yet keeping his eye on the pony. He was worried it was Sapphire escaping, but the sound was so muffled from how far in those chambers were, there was no way for him to know for sure. Still, by orders, he remained at Vision. "Hmm... and you're not here to try anything to destroy us? We've heard this before and have met with betrayal behind a mask."

    Unbeknownst to Hysiss, Sapphire Blaze has emerged and began her maddened rampage out of the hive.

  2. Hysiss found himself facing the unusual stranger, floating up to face him eye to eye as he spoke. "Who are stranger? And what business would you ever have with our kind?" His voice was filled with an odd curiosity on this newcomer, shrouding the distrust he had. It wasn't he first time an outsider came to the swarm only to be attacked from within. Every time that sort of thing happened, it was Hysiss that would aide in fighting back and knicked along his wings.

    "You're rather bold to come to the swarm on your own."

  3. A changeling stood over the sleeping unicorn, eyeing it under duty. Hysiss was one of many drones who swarmed the hive, looking over the ponies that were captures and converted. This was something that happened time to time, although not very commonly. It was a big process, and a long one at that with how much is done between the time and effort put into each conversion. He hovered in the air, floating by his iridescent wings, which have taken a few hits with knicks that gave it a jagged outline, as he looked over the sleeping husk of Sapphire Blaze as she was coccooned.

    She was in a deep sleep, soaked with a very unique fluid that began the long process. The sleep wasn't a cause of this, but rather from the magic that the royal guards used on her, to ensure her rest would allow the transformation to hasten. In the meantime, Hysiss was ordered to ensure that the magic was working, since with the more royal types of ponies can have resistance, but as far as he could see, Sapphire was not resisting. It was then that one of the elite changelings came in to greet Hysiss.

    "Does Her Majesty have a new order for me?" asked Hysiss in his high raspy voice.

    "You're needed at the front gates, drone," the nameless guard replied in a demanding tone, a bit of a deep his to his voice as he spoke, "There is a stranger that needs to be escorted by a few. Now go!"

    Without batting an eye, Hysiss followed orders and flew out towards the gates. Travel is never an issue thanks to the wings all changelings had, yet even with seemingly minor damage, it affected his flight a bit, and so it took a few minutes from the inner chambers to the front gate where he came towards a group of changelings as well as Vision standing in the midst.

  4. Name: Dash Habery

    Sex: Male

    Age: Freshly stallion

    Species: Unicorn

    Eye-colour: Green-amber

    Coat: Rock-gray, a mix between his mother's black fur and his father's white in contrast.

    Mane/Tail: A pale-sky blue colour with a somewhat-deeper blue highlight, his hair isn't always stylized, a simple cut since he's bound to wear a hat, and his tail is kept at an intermediate length, not long but not particularly short, either.

    Physique: Dash doesn't appear very muscular, but he can pull decent weight with the work he's done, his fur also has a somewhat thicker appearance with his foalhood home in Stalliongrad, he stands subtly shorter than most stallions his age, but at the same time he has a bit stronger build to him, more so around his legs.

    Residence: Manehatten

    Occupation: Owner and sole-worker of his haberdash store of hats.

    Cutie Mark: His cutie mark came in the form of a top-hat, and it came to him on one of the more work-filled times of his young life back in Stalliongrad. His family had not much around, so he would have to work alongside his father in laboring around the fields on the cold days. These times were just as wearing as they were curious for Dash as he had began conciously working with his magic. It was his only means of entertainment when he wasn't working or at class since not much could be done otherwise after the long many hours spent between the two during his young life. During one of his work days, he picked up a few local flora, from the pines in the trees to the twigs around the ground, creating a hat that held together strong for the rest of the day. When he was returning home a few other colts and fillies took notice and wanted hats of their own, warming his heart at this newfound enjoyment. So while working on the fields, Dash would manage to sneak off to collect the materials he needed to create a number of hats that night that was a big hit for everyone, not only putting a smile on their faces but even some of the parents that could watch the spectacle! A glow appeared around his flank as he stared in wonder a hat appearing on it after as he ecstatically found his talent in haberdashery, as his parents would say, even if the word makes him giggle to this day.

    History: Dash was born to a simple farming family, being always grateful of being under a roof to call home. His father was hard at work in the farm fields picking turnips, one of the few vegetables that could handle the cold weather while his mother stayed at home caring for him, tending to the fires at night to protect them from the cold quality weather keeping their town rather frozen, but at the same time he never felt the need to be much much more accomodated in comparison with others, a rather humble quality of his growing up. He had always been considered quiet though cheery much of the time as he played with the local fillies and colts around the outskirts of Stalliongrad, but found that he always had to work once he was old enough, being put into the fields to help him out with the rather lengthy fields.

    Even if it was much work for a young pony, he had started to grow a bit stronger with all the work he had to do pulling a cart and plucking out vegetables out of the ground, which is not particularly easy with deep root types in feezing cold ground. However, his newfound talent in hatmaking, as well as his cutie mark discovery, gave him a new passion in trying out with making hats with proper materials of cloth and linen. This allowed him to pick up on stitching and tailoring alongside with hat styles and fashions as he accumulated more bits selling hats than he ever did doing work, doing so for a few years until he was able to begin a new life in the hopes of opening a new business.

    Luck would have it that his aunt, otherwise his mothers sister, lived much further south in the sunny warm city of Manehatten, offered her home for him to start off, allowing him to keep his bits to buy a shop for himself. With his money in hoof, all his clothing and miscellaneous items in a bag, and a rather long good bye with his parents, he set himself on the first train he could towards Manehatten to meet his aunt Winter Leaf at her tea shop to start his life as a haberdasher and hope to complete his dreams of being successful enough to aid his family.

    Summary: With his store open, Dash now finds himself starting off decently already making a few hats for customers, giving him a boost in confidence. Often he comes across as a bit shy, but he is simply a pony of fewer words than most, but willing to share his thoughts with a smile, fitting in the best he can as he adjusts to the city life with sun compared to the snowy cold town of before. On his free time, he takes walks throughout the town, getting to know it better and finding joy in the learning the viola, even if he isn't that great. Whenever he finds himself facing critique, he finds it a challange to improve himself, pushing himself to become more renouned.

    During his work hours, he tends to be more personal with his customers, getting himself to know more about the locals in friendly terms while he works with each customer, whether it's measuring their hat size or figuring out what materials or colours is needed for the hat while they browsed the choices. He finds that his accent makes him well liked among the group of ponies that have taken to his services, even if he cannot fully comprehend the Manehatten style of talk, especially sarcasm. His appetite, even if it isn't that great, has definitely deviated from his former strict diet of turnips and potatos, which he avoids like the plague as he has had them every day of his life for years in his old home, which he sends letters to on a monthly basis.

    Dash's stay with his aunt certainly has been far more benificial to him than ever as he has gained a bit of knowledge in the ettiquits of the locals, taking the time to help her around the shop when it got busier, and learning a few tricks in magic that his aunt knew that worked in the every day casual life that he had softened up towards. Even then, he can be stubbornly modest with work loads, often taking hefty amounts to carry on his own without wanting others to help while he does so, even offering to carry even more if he notices.

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  5. Starting out on a game like LoL isn't the easiest, usually the best thing to do is to try playing some Co-op games against AI, building the recommended items, and such. Be sure to look at your Summoners Profile to set up some Masteries for certain roles, try out different champs to see which ones you like more, wait buying runes until you can get the teir 2 and teir 3, and such!

    There's a lot of aspects about the game and you'll learn bit by bit, but you'll get used to it and enjoy your games!

  6. Ah, the League of Legends. For whatever reason, I was once so bored of the game because it was always the same field, but with the latest champ I somehow get into the kick of the game again and been doing well! Olaf is definitely one of my favorite champions and I'm more often than not making a bloody battlefield when I play him. Teemo is a great honorable mention whenever I play AP, love the phantom mushroom kill (or egg kill in my case)! A couple I also play include Soraka, Ryze, Kassadin, and Twitch!

  7. Well Beatles, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, but those are my favorites and they're not much further ahead than a wide variety of music. I just love music in general most of the time! Lately though a classical piece Tocatta and Fugue has been stuck in my head!

  8. Thank you for the welcome Tenkan, Cat and SonicRainb00m!

    @Cat My favorite music is around rock, I like being more towards classic rock, but I definitely enjoy metal, classical music being another favorite genre, and a wide variety of other music after that! Also, I love cats too!

  9. Yeah, they were. ^_^ Billy Hatcher was an awesome game, it didn't get to much acclaim though, which was a bit saddening. How do you feel about the Zelda Series, specificallythe older ones, the newer ones are kind of iffy to me..although great plays, they just don't stand up to the classics like Ocarina of Time or Majoras Mask. Even A Link to the Past.

    Oh yes, I just love the Zelda series! Orarina of Time is definitely one of my favorites! I remember managing to beat just about every game except Zelda II which is definitely the most difficult of any Zelda gamer ever. I have Twilight Princess and I have to say it seems like they're trying to do something in the same way with Ocarina of TIme did (heck, even the map is the same as Ocarina of Time!), but I haven't done Skyward Sword yet, and that one looks very fun.

    Also thank you thank you shyshy and Armony!

  10. Gosh there's a lot of shows I've watched that I'm glad are on Netflix! Ren and Stimpy was a demented show that I'm so happy to have watched for it's insanity! Rugrats, Aahh!! Real Monsters, Rocko's Modern Life, Spongebob (until it "jumped the shark" after the movie), My Life as a Teenage Robot was okay, decent enough to watch even though it seemed a tad blad time to time, but definitely rememberable!

    Cartoon Network definitely had a lot of shows I love watching, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ed Edd and Eddy, Powerpuff Girls, Cow and Chicken (LOVE the Red Guy!), Adventure Time, Code Lyoko, and Dexter's Lab!

    Disney was the one I watched the least but I still remember a couple shows! Tail Spin was a fun spinoff of The Jungle Book. Kim Possible is another one that had great action, fun humor, and interesting characters!

    Boy do I feel nostalgic now.

  11. Adventure Time continuity seems to go for a few episodes, sometimes even remaining for the rest of the series (Such as Finn's demon-blood sword), but what I love and hate at the same time is how the makes can make an episode that has a deep episode, one that reveals something tragic or emotional like the Ice King's past or Goliad, and then suddenly they go right back to the lightheartedness! Still love the show a whole lot, and I can't wait to see what happens with the Lich Snail!

  12. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

    And to answer your question LovinMoonlight, I'm not going to go for any of those shooter games, I really do not prefer those kinds, unless it's Team Fortress 2! Those games you mentioned, I've heard of them though I haven't seen them much, though I should probably have tried Billy because that one seemed fun! No More Heroes has a different tone to it for a Nintendo game and it's a nice change of pace of what Nintento has! Though I've honestly been playing since the Super Nintendo days and boy were those games great!

  13. I was watching some of the episodes and I have to admit, Disney has a pretty good show here! I find myself laughing at plenty of the characters personalities traits, Gruncle Stan and Mabel especially! Dipper is alright, he has a good personality for him, and the others are rememberable too! The different things they go through are quite original for the most part and it's hilarious with what they do have! Gives me hope in Disney animated shows, just wish they'd air more of the older stuff!

  14. I've always played Nintendo ever since I was young and Mario games have been among the most played. Nintendo has always done a great job with most of the mario games (aside from the ever infamous educational games), and it always is a gem playing them! Even then, there is one game that seems underappreciated, which is the Donkey Kong gameboy game, usually called Donkey Kong '94. Other than that, all the other Mario games that follow through the years have always been great! I think of all of them, Super Mario Sunshine is one of my absolute favorites in the franchise. In the end, however, the final bosses are always a great climax to a great game, but I think that's where Super Mario Sunshine sorta falls off.

    As for Mario vs. Sonic, I've actually played both when I was young, and they're both really fun for their own reasons, so it's hard to really show any hate against either. As much as I enjoy Sonic games, the newest ones just don't captivate my attention. Shadow the Hedgehog is probably the furthest I've played and owned, but everything before that has been a great experience otherwise!

  15. About Myself: I'm a quiet person in real life, a bit shy, but on the internet I'm a lot more open and talkative! I live in the southern regions of California, and usually gaming is my thing, while I'm also working on my Drafting and Design degree on my way to video game design!

    How I found Canterlot.com: Well I was looking for a minecraft server that I could just build a place, enjoy company with similar interest! Found this place in a google search!

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Youtube videos started it off, followed by watching the episodes on Netflix!

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Hello! I'm another one to join the forums, so allow me to introduce myself!

    My name is Christian, age 20 for the record, and I love watching MLP:FIM for perhaps what many others can see. The character design, the layout of the show, the plots, the music, it all reminds me of older cartoons, and it is just as entertaining! I think it started out from Youtube clips and watching bits of it while I would watch my little sister, and since then it seems to have grown on me! As for me, I'm a calm, silly, quiet and shy person in real life, usually keeping to myself unless someone wants to strike a conversation! The internet, however, gives me a freedom to show a more social self for some reason and I enjoy being able to talk to others here!

    I'm in college right now studying for a Drafting and Design degree right now, hoping to get into Video Game design when I get around to do a Bachalor's Degree! I'm an avid video gamer, I've done WoW (quit for awhile however), I'm much into Nintendo, always have been! These days I'm doing more computer games, Minecraft being a high mention!

    Hopefully I've done a good introduction and I hope to make some good friends here!

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