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Posts posted by Taliesin

  1. Hello everypony, this is Taliesin, ye olde resident dwaggy, and hereby I am proud to introduce to you all...

    Candida Nox


    click to enlarge!

    "Who is she?", you're asking yourself now, I imagine... and what about her parents - who could they ever be? Isn't that a cutie mark on her flank already too? Alright, alright... let me fill you in with all the details! ^^

    Name: Candida Nox: it's latin for "Candid Night". This shall give you a hint on one of her parents already... :D

    Sex: Filly, she's a lovely girl!

    Parents: Twilight and Rarity, with Rarity actually being the one giving her birth.

    Age: She's a young filly, yet she already started school - details later! - and got her cutie mark as well, too.

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Lilac

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Both mane and tail are long, well combed, and wavy. They feature a bright pink stripe going down their lengths, and faint, shiny sparkles shimmer all over when her mane and tail are hit by direct light.

    Eye Color: Different hues of purple.

    Cutie Mark/Motivation: To explain this, I have to introduce you her parents... Which are Rarity and Twilight Sparkle. Since Candida features both the good taste Rarity has for beauty, and Twilight Sparkle's curiosity for science, starry nights are Candida's favourite playgrounds. She loves to find constellations and to invent new ones, to spot the planets and all the astral things that orbit and burn billions and billions light years far away, but also just sit and stare at them in awe, letting the beauty of the heavens at night fill her eyes with thousands glittery sparkles.


    Candida's cutie mark closeup

    Likes: Stars indeed, studying and learning new things with Twilight, having her mane combed by Rarity, and playing with her own personal dragon hatchling, Gwion.

    Dislikes: Dirty! Ew!

    Character Summary: Alright, I guess we need a bit of explaination on what happened here! Lemme begin.

    It all happened when Twilight found a special spell scroll. It looked like some powerful magic she's never seen anything alike before, something so powerful and divine that could even create a new life. Intrigued yet a tad intimidated by the implications of such a powerful spell, she asked Celestia about it... her mentor explained her that such a powerful spell would've taken more than just a single unicorn, for it needed at least two magical ponies to partecipate in the spell casting, and it was critical the two would be ready to share a lifetime bond, along with all the joys and responsabilities coming along with it.

    Twilight started meditating about it... she thought and thought for days, until she decided to pay Rarity a visit. Rarity carefully listened to her good friend as she explained her the whole situation, and after some thinking, a smile and a nod of her head made Twilight understand she had found a good partner for the spell she wanted to cast so badly.

    After some days of studying the scroll altogether, practicing and warming up for the big event, the two mares got closer and closer, the special bond already starting to build between the two, which were going to share more than just a magic trick.

    So it happened. At first, they noticed nothing different. Nothing really changed, nothing magically appeared... yet they knew something happened. They'd feel it... notably for Rarity.

    Days and weeks passed by, and Rarity's belly started swelling and growing, carrying a new life within. Twilight never left her side for the whole time, as she and Spike did their best to aid her with her work at her boutique.

    And then... it happened during one glorious, bright, starry night. Rarity gave birth to Candida Nox, one of the most beautiful fillies in all Ponyville.

    Just like Twilight, Candida showed great magical skills in her first two years of life, to the point her parents, with the blessing of Princess Celestia, signed her for the exam to enter Canterlot's school for talented unicorns. She hatched her dragon egg in no time, with almost no effort, granting her special schooling, other than a new, precious friend... Gwion the pink dragoness, her own dragon hatchling.

    The rest is just history: Candida has earned her cutiemark with hard studying and dedication in astronomy, her favourite subject, yet she also enjoyed reading poetries, novels, and art books.

    Since the day Candida was born, the special bond between Twilight and Rarity has grown bigger and stronger, to the point it got a beautiful and syncere friendship bloom into... a family.


    The lil' happy family enjoying a walk in the park. What are they talking about? Who knows...

    The pictures in this page are all original and drawn by me. Candida Nox is a brand new critter which I designed and created on my own, trying to melt Rarity and Twilight feature altogether the best I could. Gwion is a dragon character I already own, which has been remodeled to fit the role. Twilight and Rarity are of course © Hasbro™

  2. The songs in the show are all catchy and awesome, they did a great job with them as they're fitting yet not cheesy as most toon songs usually are.

    I personally love em all, and listen to them full volume while I drive to work XD

    Having to vote tho, there's no doubt Winter Wrap Up is the best one, followed closely by Art of the dress. :(

  3. Okay I can tell you about ALL the merchandise currently available here in Italy at the moment - which is ALOT considering the show ain't coming out till fall around here... :)

    Wave 1

    Rainbow Dash




    Pinkie Pie

    Twilight Sparkle

    Wave 2


    Lily Blossom (Indigo Pegasus)

    Promotional Items

    Daisy Dreams (Violet Earth Pony) with Fluttershy

    Rainbow Flash (Pink Unicorn) with Rainbow Dash


    Fluttershy's Nursery Tree

    Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle's Sweets Boutique

    Twilight Sparkle's Twinkling Balloon yellow accent

    Twilight Sparkle's Twinkling Balloon pink accent

    Ponies with light effects

    Pinkie Pie (orange light on her necklace)

    Rarity (red light on her horn)

    Rainbow Dash (red light on her wings)

    This is as much as we have RIGHT NOW at the most furnished shop around here. I don't know full details about the WHOLE country of course, but hearing from friends who live up and down cross the place, I know this store I go to has the most ponies.

    Can't wait for more! :3


  4. Are you planning to ever sell these?

    I wish I just could, alas I live in Italy... making it difficult to sell outside the EU.

    I planned to have one of those DYI internet shirt shops, but due US laws I doubt I can even gain anything from them, being a foreigner :I

    Plus, price could be a bit high, since the shirt alone costs 13-15€ (around 18$) and you'd think about shipping costs (which shouldn't be that high) and well.. a bit of income for me too ^_^"

    I'd make and sell some for any european brony for sure, at the price of 20€~ which should be a fair price anyways.

    First, I have to wait till the guys making me the shirts get their stuff fixed - they broke the plotter to cut these, and they're a bit of noobs with that stuff I must say, even if the shirts and prints are high quality.

    Time will tell. I have more in production... we'll see :D

  5. Gosh this one was evil... only 2 choices!!! :lol:

    I love the whole mane 6 team, but I have to say my choice ended up on Rarity and Twilight Sparkle.

    Lemme tell ya:

    Applejack makes me laugh so much with her Texas accent, reminds me of the Engineer from TF2, other than a German girl that I know since a life time which is just as blunt and direct as AJ - they even look alike! :D

    Pinkie Pie is awesome. She's random, fun, absolutely hyperactive and genuinely enthusiastic for anything! She makes me laugh and giggle everytime she's on screen really.

    Fluttershy is one of the most adorable things ever - and the fact she

    totally breaks up in the last episode

    makes her way more complex and interesting than just the shy girl next door... I like to call her in the D&D term "Lawful evil".

    Rainbow Dash... little to say about her. She's 20% cooler than the others. and it's a fact. Best tomboy girl ever.

    Now about my fave 2:

    Twilight's way of being tied and bound to her books shows a big insecurity the girl has about social relationships. She wouldn't take a step if a book didn't say to. The constant need to certainties - brought by constant studies and dedication - make her a girl I'd love to protect and care for, as she's fragile and unsecure - or so she looks to me :)

    Rarity is just the opposite to Twi: affirmed stylist, she surely knows what she wants and how to obtain it. It really surprised me how a fashion-obsessed girl could actually attract my attentions, as I'm not too vary of fads and fashions at all... I tend to call myself "indie", but I see a line where "I do what I like" and "I do what others like". Rarity is the "I have good taste, and what I like, others will like too" - just think of the Green isn't your color episode. Also, she looks like she's the most mature of the group, prolly a couple years older than the rest - maybe even a tad more. Best moment in the show is when her certainties - which ususally are hard and stiff as rock - tumble down so

    she breaks down too

    in Suited for success.

    Why do I like

    ponies having breakdowns

    so much? I dunno... probably these show they aren't perfect, shallow silouhettes but all-round characters.

    My two cents :D

  6. I got to find MLP like a couple months ago, so whole season 1 was out already.

    I watched the whole series in 4 nights (work during day! XD) and I LOVED IT.

    Right now, what I do while waiting is:

    1. draw ponies

    2. follow equestria daily

    3. get on canterlot.com

    4. talk about ponies with friends

    5. scavenge for any merch they'd have brought to Italy already - since the show won't be out till fall

    6. re-watch episodes from time to time

    7. read wikies

    8. look at PMVs on youtube

    9. listen to music remixes and stuff like that about ponies

    10. read fanfics! (mostly the sad ones, and a bit of shipping :geek: )

  7. Hi colts and fillies, name's Taliesin here, and I'm italian.

    I personally LOVE this fandom, and I discovered this place thru Equestriadaily.com (which I follow on a hourly basis!), specially because I'm interested in giving a try at the art contest, but also to keep in contact and meet new bronies and fillies :D

    As you'd have understood I LOVE to draw, in fact the picture I use as an avatar here is the MLP version of one of my main critters, Gwion the dragoness... I think the result came out quite nice :P


    I also have a website with some of the stuff I draw available, feel free to check in if you want ;)

    Soooo... I hope I'll enjoy staying here :D

    Taliesin the dragon~â™ 

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