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Posts posted by Trinity

  1. The only thing is, my character was accepted as a crossover RPer because it had too much Dr. Who and my personal beliefs influencing it. So I don't think I can RP anywhere but there. And I really don't want to make a new character because I spent a lot of time on Trinity.

  2. [colour=#282828]Roleplay Type: [/colour][colour=#282828]Crossover RP (I decided too many outside influences took part in this character's creation)[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Name: [/colour][colour=#282828]Trinity[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Sex: [/colour][colour=#282828]Male[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Age: [/colour]Colt

    [colour=#282828]Species: [/colour][colour=#282828]Unicorn[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Eye colour: [/colour][colour=#282828]Dark Brown[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Coat colour [/colour][colour=#282828] A dull, silvery, grey.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: [/colour][colour=#282828]Dark brown mane and tail w/ a copper tone to it. Medium/short and a little shaggy.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Physique: [/colour][colour=#282828]Above average height and a bit stocky/chubby.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: [/colour][colour=#282828]His cutie mark is a black pentacle overlapping a circle. Trinity's first time encountering something from his past caused an explosion to occur. He awoke with a necklace in his hoof and his cutie mark.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]((I'm writing about this character with a certain mystery and wonder mind set. Maybe his cutie mark was there, but it wasn't))[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Origin/Residence: [/colour][colour=#282828]Trinity's origin, as of now, is still unknown. He lives above an old antiques shop, near Canterlot Square.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Occupation:[/colour][colour=#282828]Trinity helps run his aunt's antique shop and [/colour][colour=#282828]occasionally sings for the local cafe a friend of his owns. [/colour]

    [colour=#282828]((To clear a few things up, it really is his aunt. The first thing he remembers was waking up on the train and finding a letter from her))[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Motivation: [/colour][colour=#282828]Four questions have always ran through Trinity's mind: Where did I come from? Who are my parents? Where are they? And who am I? He won't give up until each and every one of them are answered.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Likes:[/colour][colour=#282828] He likes writing, reading, exploring, learning about things, walking around town, contemplating new and old ideas and concepts, working, organizing things, watching the starts at night from his rooftop, socializing with his customers and friends, a hot cup of coffee at anytime of the day, and singing.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Dislikes:[/colour][colour=#282828] He dislikes crowded places, rude ponies, sleeping too long/little, being alone too often, being disorganized, going to parties, anything or anyone getting near or touching his face (depending on the situation), constant annoyance, most animals, spiders, humid weather, getting wet without a bathing suit on, and not knowing how to handle a situation.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Character Summary:[/colour]

    History[colour=#282828] – Trinity is oblivious to anything previous of his arrival in Canterlot three years ago. He spent most of that time in the shop and getting to know the people around him. He accompanied his aunt to the last Galloping Gala, which turned out to be quite the spectacle.[/colour]

    Parents[colour=#282828] – He doesn't know who they are.[/colour]

    Cutie Mark Story[colour=#282828] – [/colour][colour=#282828]During a trip out west with his aunt, Trinity found himself out and about exploring everything he could. After about a week of fun and shenanigans, he stumbled upon a cave filled with small florescent crystals lining the walls. His curiosity got the best of him and into the unknown he went. Like any other young colt who wandered too far from where he was suppose to, Trinity found himself completely lost. The thought of never escaping the crystal tome caused him to break down into tears. While his sobs filled the air, a small glint of light caught Trinity's attention. To his left he could see a small light and it gave him hope. As he approached the light, the tunnel opened up into a brilliant antechamber filled with rainbows of light and colour At the center, on a pedestal was a small wooden box. As he drew near, Trinity swore he heard something calling his name. As he touched the box, a sudden feeling of dread shot through his whole body. Complete and udder terror gripped the poor colt's very being as the box slowly opened. Everything went white. Startled awake,Trinity sat up and found himself outside once again. But the scene before him was just as confusing as the events preceding that moment. All the grass around him was charred and beyond that was perfectly fine. That's when he noticed the necklace in his hand. It was black lace and had a silver medallion engraved with a sideways hourglass attached to it. He also noticed his flank was no longer dull and blank. That's when he heard a familiar voice shouting his name. Throwing the necklace around his neck, he ran off towards the voice. Turns out he'd been gone for quite awhile and his aunt had come looking for him.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]((To clear something else up, the necklace is, in no way, an artifact of power. There was a connection between it and Trinity that suggests he may have had it before))[/colour]

    Flaws[colour=#282828][/colour][colour=#282828]Trinity may not seem like it but he's more flawed than he'll ever let on. Like the Spirit himself, he seems to fall in love with every mare he meets. No matter how hard he tries, the one he truly wants will never be within reach. Love is Trinity's biggest weakness. Trinity seems to show abnormal or extreme behavior during times of high stress, thus triggering a mental breakdown or a black out. Anger is also another flaw Trinity constantly works through. Being a sore loser is also a flaw he deals with more often than not. This comes from the on set idea that he has to be the best at everything or what he does do doesn't matter. It's extremely [/colour][colour=#282828]aggravating[/colour][colour=#282828] and causes problems with him and those involved.[/colour]

    Personality[colour=#282828] - [/colour][colour=#282828]Trinity is a pretty normal unicorn, if you count out his mysterious past. He's a witty and charismatic smooth talker. His dreams are big and out of this world. When he's not at work, he can be found out and about around town or on his roof watching the starts late at night. He's the type that can always put a smile on your face. Anyone who's heard him sing can tell you how much emotion he puts into his words. Given the chance, Trinity could be the greatest friend you'll ever had and more.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]((The picture is a basic idea of his cutie mark))[/colour]


  3. Aaa, Highschool. Good times. It'll be better for you since you're a brony and still in Highschool. ;)

    Welcome to Canterlot, Trinity! :D

    Thanks! I hope to have a lot of fun here.

    Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

    How come you didn't mention you're a Zelda fan though? :-o

    I actually didn't think about it at the time. I mean I fan-boy over a lot of stuff and I just picked a few out off the top of my head. But yeah, I absolutely love The Legend of Zelda series.

    Welcome to... CANTERLOT! You can call me Cat :)

    My fave genre of music is rock and metal, what's yours?

    I usually listen to anything that sounds good regardless of genre, but I tend to lean more towards metal, rock, and the old school stuff like Metallica and Queen. Good to know someone else with similar interests in music!

    • Like 1
  4. About Myself: Hello everyone! My name is Trinity. I'm a huge gamer and musician. I play bass guitar, regular guitar, and I sing. I'm a huge MLP and Dr. Who fan. I also love to write stories and read fanfics, etc because I love seeing how creative and imaginative people can be. I think having creativity and the means to express it are fantastic ways to show who you truly are. If your curiosity is not quenched, just give me a shout. I love to talk about myself.

    How I found Canterlot.com: Google and another RP site I'm apart of.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: After a friend of mine showed me the show I slowly became more and more of a fan. It wasn't until the end of my Junior year in high school that I became a full on Brony.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle
    I had so much more typed but my computer shut down right before I posted. So I had to shorten most of it (I couldn't remember most of what I said).

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