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Posts posted by Shifty

  1. "Wrong place? The last pony I asked said I must speak to some pony in Canterlot about assigning Pegasi to work out in Unyasi. I assumed it would be somepony at the weather station. So I must speak to Princess Celestia?" Punda asked, he was somewhat confused on the matter of who he needed to speak to.

  2. How dare he dismiss me! M[colour=#000000]anz[/colour][colour=#000000]anit[/colour][colour=#000000]a thought [/colour][colour=#000000]angrily. She slowly b[/colour][colour=#000000]acked [/colour][colour=#000000]aw[/colour][colour=#000000]ay from Well Heeled [/colour][colour=#000000]and kicked the shelves behind him, c[/colour][colour=#000000]ausing the books to f[/colour][colour=#000000]all down on top of him. "Oh look more books for the [/colour][colour=#000000]w[/colour][colour=#000000]all. Guess I did something useful." she s[/colour][colour=#000000]aid smugly.[/colour]

  3. The young rusty redish-brown coloured earth filly stared at the eggnomancer. She wondered what an eggnomancer was but decided to just go along with it. She just sat on her rump and turned to deal with her other dilemma she had. She quickly blew a dark green lock of her mane out of her eyes and looked from the alabaster colt to the red orange maned filly, both proudly proclaimed to be royalty. She was confused on who she should choose. "What makes you fit to be princess?" she asked the new comer.

    (I'd just like to add that this is a role play within a role play.)

  4. Welcome to... CANTERLOT! You can call me Cat :)

    I LOVE MUSIC (obviously) AND CATS!!!

    My fave genre of music is rock and metal, what's yours?

    I love 70's Rock, but I occasionally listen to soul, funk, techno and classical

  5. Punda walked along the streets of Canterlot somewhat nervously. Ponies gawked and stared at his stripes only to compose themselves and walk away as though he were never there. He doubted all ponies acted like this, he hoped meet somepony who would tell him where he could find the weather station so he could find some pegasi who could help with the drought in his homeland. He could make some friends along the way, it wouldn't hurt.


    You're one of the first ponies to actually greet Punda, a foreign Zebra visiting Canterlot. Will you befriend him?

  6. Hi everypony, I'm new here. I don't really know the culture of this place so if any seasoned members could tell me how things are here. You know, what kind of jokes are acceptable or not; that kind of thing. I would love to meet as many ponies as I can!

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