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Posts posted by TechBrush

  1. Oh don't get me wrong, I love that part too. I just want the ability to do it with an open world, that's all. I plan to buckle down and make some pony cars out of pony cars (see what I did there? Mustangs and the like) just because.

    Also what makes the BronyDrift car so hard to race with? Aside from the fact it's a TVR with far too much torque?

    Edit: Better question...how are you able to drift? I'm just the average slow-in-fast-out driver, I don't try dem fancy stuff.

    Yeah, The TVR is spinning out at the start no matter what I do...

  2. I love me some Forza, however, with Forza Horizon on the...well, horizon, I'll hold off on buying it. I absolutely love Forza for its realism and superb graphics, but sometimes just going around tracks is boring. I can't wait to be a crazy hoon* on some open roads.

    *1. To travel at speed in a confined area, or do burnouts on a public road in traffic, 2. To show off in a dangerous manner, mostly with a vehicle or engine powered item.

    Well... I like there a way to have some fun in MP with friends. and I've working on MLP cars... I've made Luna so far...

  3. Under "Character Summary" in "Application Form", notice how it has specific areas you should cover when talking about your character.

    It's just about anything else you would like to say about your character, like, delving into them, giving them a full and well developed personality and history. Here's a few things that the character summary should contain:



    Cutie Mark Story

    Character Flaws


    If you want more detail about what to talk about more specifically, take a look at "Character Summary" in "Application Form (rules and details" once more.

    Oh, and one last teeny tiny detail. You should really take the colour out of this app, apps are supposed to be written in plain, boring, black and white font.

    Once you get those few things patched up, you should be ready to go with this character!! After he gets an approved stamp by a Senior RP Helper, that is.


    Ok, I fixed up that part up. anymore that needs to be done? :blush:

  4. [colour=#000000]RoleplayType:Crossovers[/colour]





    Eye colour:347235

    Coat colour:FDEEF4

    Mane/Tail/Markings colour &Style:Spiky w/orgned tips : 2B547E w/ E56717[/colour]


    CutieMark:It's a Painted Disk w/ a Brush over it.

    Origin/Residence: a Town close to Ponyvill. over the mountain called furhoof

    Occupation: Fixes up broken carts and anything that is used to move things around.

    Motivation: Like to see that every colt and filly are happy.

    CharacterSummary: [/colour]

    History:TechBrush was not very good at looking at where he was going, but in til one day he knocked over a Gaslamp and Half of the town to blazes. The Town didn't like him after the Town fire, and his parents disowned him as well. So TechBrush ran away. Then a few years later he opened a shop and fix almost anything that came in.

    Parents:His Parents are Builder for the town after the fire they were very unhappy with him for a long time. He's very with helping anypony out. but forget where he is half of the time.

    Cutie Mark Story:He was little at the time and he loved to draw Blue Prints of anything that came to mind but was a picked on for it. There for he took one of his Blue Prints and made it work. That's how it came to be.

    Character Flaws:TechBrush is nice and all, but he gets very forgetful. He'll go some where and forget what he was doing or worst is getting lost.

    Personality:TechBrush is Nice and like to care about the other ponies, but he's shy and says some words slowly or quietly.

  5. About Myself: I like Video Games Mostly the Racing ones. I like to RP.

    How I found Canterlot.com: one of my friends uses it.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I like the Art and Drawing Form

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
    Hello.. I'm TechBrush... or Tech for short. uhm..... I uh... -sits and puts Head down- :(

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