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Posts posted by Scriptandscribe

  1. I was wondering if you would be able of my OC (detailed as follows)

    Mane: light brown long jutting out from underneath a black bowler hat

    Coat: dark brown but with a slight reddish tinge

    CM: a scroll and quill

    Misc: wears a light brown vest with gold trim sorry for being so hyper specific but I have always liked how this looks in my head but I don't have any artistic talent

  2. About me: well let's see I enjoy reading, video game (my favourites are the walking dead game and the devil may cry series) I like all sorts of different music but my favourite but my favourites are MSI, sex pistols and micthemicrophone

    How I got into mlp: funnily enough it actually started on the my little brony section of memebase I saw that before I ever watched the show and after I did I enjoyed every moment of it

    I'm looking forward to meeting lots of interesting new people and I would like to try RPing

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