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Posts posted by allthingsgerman

  1. sure I can! give me more details about it ^-^

    Ok then hear is the detials [colour=#DAA520]A[/colour]

    [colour=#DAA520]ge: [/colour][colour=#282828][colour=#DAA520]Stallion[/colour][/colour]

    [colour=#DAA520]Species: Earth Pony[/colour]

    [colour=#DAA520]Eye colour: Geryish blue[/colour]

    [colour=#DAA520]Coat colour: White with one grey spot on his lower neck caused by an accendent shaped like the Iron cross[/colour]

    [colour=#282828][colour=#DAA520]Main/Tail Markings & Style: Germanic's mane is a jet black for such a light colored pony. His mane is staight-cut, that is cut in militay fashion. his hair on his head has been cut that he could fit his hat on his mane. [/colour][/colour][colour=#282828][colour=#DAA520]His tail is in the same cut as Germanic's hair, but longer, it touches the back of his knees . His tail is also the same colour as his mane, but the tail has a grey outline and it indents a little to form the Germane national pride[/colour][/colour]

    [colour=#282828][colour=#DAA520]Physique: Strongly built body built for carrying heavy load but he does not like carrying armor. He can run long distances and is able to carry things after that. He has had 5 years military training which was made him into the strong and fast pony he is now. He for some resone can pick up things with his hoofs better then other ponies.[/colour][/colour]

    [colour=#282828][colour=#DAA520]Cutie Mark: His cutie mark is the 5 ponies dressed in uniform standing in a line. His special ability is he love commanding line infantry. [/colour][/colour]

    [colour=#DAA520]Also can you do him in a prussia unifrom any more details just ask me[/colour]

  2. Greetings! Since you like learning about wars, I take it you're a history major of some sort (if you go to university, that is)?

    No I do not have a history major, but I now lots about history mostly between 1700s to 1950s that is the most interesting times to me

  3. Role play Type: WoE RP

    Name: Germaneic Powers

    Sex: male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye colour: Grayish blue

    Coat colour: White with one grey spot on his lower right side of his neck.

    Main/Tail Markings & Style: Germaneic's mane is jet black, unusual for such a light coloured pony. His mane is cut in the normal REA approved pattern, allowing his officer's cap to fit on top of his mane. His tail is in the same cut as Germaneic's hair, but longer, as it touches the back of his knees. His tail is also the same colour as his mane; the tail has a grey outline.

    Physique: Strongly built body built for carrying heavy load but he does not like carrying armor. He can run long distances and is able to carry things after that. He has had 5 years military training which was made him into the strong and fast pony he is now. He for some reason can pick up things with his hoofs better than other ponies.

    Cutie Mark: His cutie mark is a map with a REA flag in the background on a flag pole

    Cutie mark story: He got his cutie mark when he was older than most colts when they got their cutie marks. He got it when the changelings attacked Canterlot. He was patrolling the battlements when suddenly he felt a small object hit his armor. He bent down picked it up and saw it was a piece of the force field. He looked up and saw the whole changeling army bashing against the protective force field. Germaneic ran to the nearby warning horn and blew into it. As soon as he did that the force field collapsed. Soldiers were pouring from the armory to fight the changelings. Germanic powers, was fighting the changelings when his commanding officer was picked up and carried away from his squadron. Germaneic gathered the squadron of 7 others in a nearby ruined building and asked “who is highest rank here.” The soldier on his left turned to Germaneic and said “you are sir.” Germaneic then said “all right then let’s gets to work then.” Germanic then planned out some traps and other ways of distracting up the enemy so that the civilians could escape. He and another soldier covered a whole street with some really sticky cake batter and stopped a platoon of changelings from taking a group of civilians. He and the other soldier trapped many changelings from capturing civilians. Germanic looked to his right over a street and saw civilians and soldiers running away from the changelings. Germaneic saw a REA flag on the ground. He picked it up and ran over to the street. He then got on top of a mound of rubble and said “AS LONG AS I HAVE BREATH IN MY LUNGS I SAHLL FIGHT THESE CREATURES, FOR EQUESTRIA, FOR THE PRINCESS, FOR ALL WE HOLD DEAR.” This got the attention of the fleeing soldiers they were inspired to fight again so they formed a wall of shields to protect the civilians. Germaneic then said “FOR PEACE, LOVE AND FREEDOM CHAAAAARGE.” They started to run at the changelings who were blocking major road ways out of the city. When they had got to the changelings they were all gone it was like some mystical force swept them away. After the battle Germanic powers was summoned to the main hall where the royal adviser was. He walked down the hall and bowed in front of the adviser. The adviser pulled out a sword and dubbed him Sir Germaneic powers for his courage in battle. After the ceremony he returned to the base and met with the Major, He then promoted Germaneic to SGT 1st class. Germaneic returned to his bunk and to tell his bunk mates what had happened. When he got there before he could talk a soldier pointed out and said “Looks like you got your cutie mark my friend. Germaneic looked at his flank and saw his cutie mark. It was the best day for him.

    Personality: most people would think when they see him a stuck up fool, but when you meet him you see that he is the pony that would serve the country the best he ever could. He helps people regularly and he gives part of his wages to the hospitals for the fillies and foals that have been hurt. His main attribute is that he is always loyal and devoted to the cause of Equstria.

    Origin/Residence: He grew up in the city of Hoofenheim to Major Mane and Grander grapes, then because of money problems they moved to Canterlot when he was a little colt and that has been where they have been living ever since.

    Occupation: SGT 1st in the REA

    Motivation: Protecting Equestria and the ponies within while displaying the prowess of his natural homeland, Germaney and becoming a general like his father wanted to be.

    Likes: self-defense, commanding and sour kraut

    Dislikes: Cowards, arrogant Griffons, and ponies that insult Germaney

    Flaws: A flaw is that he is sometimes arrogant and stubborn to new ideas. The last main flaw is that he is very shy around mares. He loves Germaney so much that he expresses that out loud

    Character summary: he speaks with Heavy Germaney accent His father was a Pegasus his mother was and earth pony. His father was in the REA border guard while his mother grew grapes to make baked goods in their house. Due to the fact that growing grapes in Germaney is hard so his family moved to Equestria to make sure that they did not go bankrupt. In Equstia his mother started a raisin company while his father went and joined the REA. After a couple years of living in Equstria his father died of natural causes, from that day forth he wanted to finish want he had started and the only way to do that is he had to join the REA. He trained hard and long he made great progress. He disliked some Griffons because of the way they treated Germaneic and the other earth ponies. They were insulting them over the ability of flying and that they were superior because of their wings. He dislikes them when they were arrogant, but thought that they made good soldiers. Then after many years of working for the REA he got one of greatest wishes command, he was promoted and is now the leader of a Platoon of Infantry. He was also knighted but he does not like to talk about it or use the term

  4. About Myself: I like lots of **** like Dota 2 and other things My hobbies are writing stories and learning about different wars right now I am learning about the war of the roses I also love Heroes of might and magic V the Vth IS THE BEST

    How I found Canterlot.com: I found it through my friends

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I became a fan when my friends showed me my only weakness FLUTTERSHY I loved her from the start and that is how I became a fan.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
    Hey everypony I hope that I can fit in and have fun on this website. If everybody asked my character would be Germane. also I really like Russian things but mostly Germane things

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