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Posts posted by Haseo

  1. If you can pay, you don't have to play.

    But this is great if you just happen to have a busy life and can't put in the time to grind away for your items. I used to be dedicated to gaming alone, but going back to school and getting a job was much more important. Believe me, I'd put in the time, but it's better spent on refining my skills which will make money. Developers ARE thinking about the players, especially the older ones who just don't have as much time to game as they did back in the day. Besides, giving the option to allow Casual players to play your game results in more sales, thus more sustainability for the company, etc. I do agree though about single player microtransactions, it just DOES NOT make sense.

    I remember when Valve released the ManCo. store, before the game went F2P. At first, I thought this was the worst thing possible to happen to the game since it could've lead to a Pay To Win format. But Valve has handled this wonderfully and is the best example of how all F2P games should be approached as. ArenaNet has also been doing a wonderful job with their Gem Market. The items on there either just boost your EXP/Mat/Item rate, guarantee salvage of upgrades, or change the asthetics of your gear. But what the greatest thing about it is, you can exchange in game currency for gems and vice versa. Even with this, boosters (the only thing ya need!) can be acquired via chests + keys. Like Fortress, the keys can be found, acquired after a story quest, or purchased. I've given both Valve and ArenaNet some dosh due to the fact that they've both provided FREE content at no additional cost.

    Oh, and that little tidbit about someone having the best weapon on day one before you can even grind your way to earning it? Just because someone has a better weapon than you, doesn't mean that they have the skill to use it. Good players will just deem it as a handicap and learn the weaknesses of the player & weapon.

  2. I give the crew credit for being valiant in undertaking such a huge project, unfortunately though the weight of the project seems to have taken its toll. You've pretty much covered what needs improving with the animation White, but the one thing that's been bugging me is the colour composition for some scenes and characters in the episodes. Colors either clash with one another or just DO NOT fit, creating a lackluster environment. The lack of depth is also what's killing it for me as well. Scenes which can easily be given more depth via simple gradients aren't given that treatment, thus a majority of the user made backgrounds just look flat and boring.

    I just hope that they aren't discouraged to the point where they drop the project all together. It has the potential to be something great, it just needs more refinement and polishing. So long as they listen to the comments and suggestions from those whom have viewed their animation, they can easily improve their next episode to the point where it outshines this one.

    All things in due time

  3. Over the course of the past few weeks I've converted Spy from being my worst class into my best class. Or at least my best when there aren't 4 or 5 Pyros on the other team hunting my every step.

    Pyros are easy to counter, just plug a few Amby rounds into their skulls or just wait until they're distracted. My favorite is when they're chasing me up some stairs and I decide to jumpstab them :smug:

    Now when the whole team is spy checking... :-|

  4. There's no such thing as silly questions friend. We've all got to learn in some way, what better way than to ask? :)

    Go to Image > Scale image.

    From here, BE SURE that the chains are linked, otherwise the opposing ratio WILL NOT automatically scale. I myself usually prefer having my images at a base of 2,000 x 2,000 pixels, but whichever size you choose will come down to your own intuition. All sites will have varying size/dimension limitations, but I found DA to be the best since you can upload images of up to 30MB and there's no dimension limits whatsoever for your gallery.

    Also take note: For whichever image you re-size, PLEASE, be sure to make a copy of the images you're planning to adjust. This is a preventative measure in case your image doesn't turn out well after you've manipulated the photo, or you want to share a bigger image than previously. Oh, and before I forget, always go from Big to Small! You'll lose quality if you decide to take a smaller image and blow it up, including huge photos. You wont notice it at first, but repeatedly doing it will degrade the pixels.

    Hope that helps ya out Lux! I'll post a quick image tutorial shortly, just let me get my brew and wake up s'more :razz:

    Edit: Image uploaded, just download the attachment (wanted an excuse to try out the upload feature :blah: )


    • Like 1
  5. Oh wow, I never expected George to sell Lucasfilm's :!: A lot of fans surely are going crazy over the news

    The franchise will be just fine I'm sure. I'm quite excited to see where Disney shall take the series since we've pretty much been in Clone Wars for a while. As much as I enjoy the animated series, I'd like to see Star Wars go BEYOND Return of the Jedi.

    I can't wait 'till 2015! pinkiepieclapplz.gif?1

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  6. I loved the comic series and wanted to love the show, but it pales in comparison to the comic. I know that you can't rid of characters as easily on the show, but that's what I loved about the Walking Dead. Besides Rick, everyone's fair game.

    spoiler'd 'cause it may ruin a future twist to the show (that is if you haven't read the comics)

    I mean hell, his wife was killed in the comic series, who's to say that his son wont succumb to the same thing?

    Maybe I'll give the show another chance in due time, but for now I've got to play catch up with the comics.

  7. Hello AlchierShy, and welcome to Canterlot! Home of the Vunderbolts and the birthplace of Arcane candies!

    I'm still quite new myself but I can point you in the direction of where ya should go when it comes to RPing ;)

    Note: I am, again, still new and am in no way part of the Canterlot staff. Please keep this in mind with the following information which I've provided.

    Canterlot has two sections when it comes to RPing: Free RP and World of Equestria RP.

    Free RP requires no application, thus you can jump into the fray at will. This is great if you just want to get a taste of RolePlaying and see if it's your thing. For whichever thread you join, please take the time to read through it, see what's happened thus far in the thread to help integrate your character.

    World of Equestria requires an application to be submitted before you can RP there, this is most likely to ensure that your character has a strong bio and to prevent any mishaps or plot holes when you're RPing with your character.

    You can find more information by reading[colour=#008080] [/colour][colour=#008080]Canterlot's Roleplay for Newbies Guide[/colour] as well as visting the[colour=#008080] Roleplaying - Guides, Info and F.A.Q.[/colour] section of the site.

    I'm sure you'll fit right in. Enjoy your stay with us, and again, welcome to Canterlot. :)

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  8. Even though I've been desensitized by the net, posts like this always wrench my heart.

    Someone so young to have been robbed of that which a majority of us take for granted, life itself.

    I wish I had the words to help mend the hearts of those whom have been affected, but I cannot find them.

    Reflect, remember, and count your blessings friends. Cherish the days you had with Sarah, never forget them.

    I'm sure she would've wanted you all to smile and enjoy life to the fullest.

    To the pony and person I never knew. Dusk, Sarah, I pray that one day you are reunited with those whom love and care for you.

    Friendship is Magic - Friendship is Forever

  9. Welcome to the .com part of Canterlot! Is this considered like the upper district? :lol:

    Now that you mention it, yes actually :blush:

    I love for the fact that you have features which don't require a donation to access or use, like the user blogs and gallery availability.

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