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Posts posted by NukaColaBomb

  1. Welcome to CANTERLOT!

    Greatest city in Equestria, home of some really great ponies too, might I add ;)

    The names Lovin' Moonlight, but you can call me LM for short. Its a pleasure to meetcha' greecha! :D

    What kind of games do play!? Thats the most important thing here. :twisted:

    Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

    Haldo! Welcome to canterlot! I like your username :D


    Welcome to canterlot enjoy your stay

    fallout ftw!

    Welcome to Canterlot! Call me Cat :)

    What music do ya like to listen to?

    Do ya watch anime?

    Hiii! Welcome to Canterlot, Cola!

    Wowie! I'm honestly surprised how many people decided to greet me, so if it isn't too much trouble I'd like to respond to you all at once, sorta!

    For gaming, I absolutely adore Team Fortress 2, Borderlands 2, Any Fallout game of course, and recently I've been playing some civilization 5! I like to listen to Techno, Rock, Classic, and really any kind of music! Unfortunately I don't watch anime, never really was my thing .

    Besides that, I host LazyPurple's TF2 Gaming Server, (He's a moderately popular youtuber if you've never heard of him), and can commonly be found there! If you enjoy TF2, or any of the games I listed, feel free to add me on steam, under the same name!

    To everyone who welcomed me, thank you so much, I'm glad to be a new part of the community! I hope that I get to know you all better as time moves along!

    • Like 3
  2. About Myself: Well, I love gaming, water polo, and My Little Pony: FiM. I live in California, United States.

    How I found Canterlot.com: Google!

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Got pestered by my friend Jimmy until I finally caved and watched an episode, never regretted it!

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
    I'm looking forward to chatting and roleplaying with all these interesting people! I must say it's really exciting! Hope to talk to people soon, goodbye for now!

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