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Posts posted by themeisterpony

  1. This other guy who likes MLP and I got our friend to watch it. We were on a school trip to a theme park, and ponies kept coming up in conversation when we were waiting in line and walking around and such. I think all the references made him curious enough to give it a shot.

    I tried to get my best friend to watch it by showing her the first episode, but she's not really the type of person to like a show like FiM, so I dropped it with her.

  2. School is... bleh. Everything seems to be piling up. Concerts for band, tests so that the teachers have enough grades, and then studying for finals. I'm going to have to pull some seriously hard studying for Pre-Calc if I want to do well in there. I just want Christmas break to get here. At least I only have to take four exams this semester...

  3. I guess I'm in the minority that still enjoys CN... Honestly, there are plenty of things on the channel that could improve, but they're not doing too badly for themselves. At least their situation is better than it was a few years ago. I enjoy Regular Show, The Amazing World of Gumball, and Adventure Time (and Total Drama whenever that's coming back...)

  4. Eh, I doubt we're ever going to see anything beyond what we've seen already in the show, and I'm okay with that. My Little Pony just isn't the type of show that I could see serious romance taking place in. I think the writers will want to keep the focus completely on friendship...

  5. I hate my school's method of rescheduling. =( They messed up my courses (after the little sheet confirming the classes I would be taking was corrected). Now I have to follow my schedule to the wrong classes and wait for them to call my grade level and letter my last name begins with down to see guidance, which means I'm stuck in the wrong classes for now. Why does it have to be my hardest class they left out? Getting three or four days behind won't do me any favors. :P Not to mention I have a really awesome third period (sitting next to my best friend no less) and I'd hate to get switched to a different section.

  6. My personal stance on piracy aside, I think Youtube has definitely boosted the popularity of MLP:FiM. As stated before, it makes the show much more accessible. At the same time, Hasbro really doesn't get anything out of it, at least not directly. I suppose they might make sales in merch, but I have to wonder how much it helps sales as opposed to hurting them. There isn't really much to say one way or the other, at least, nothing that I've heard about. A show could be popular, but if no one's willing to pay for it, then the number of views on youtube is more or less moot... Then again, if merch sales are through the roof because of youtube, then the episodes did help.

    To be honest, I don't get why they haven't just become youtube partners already. Stick some adds on the those episodes, and they could be making tons of money and bronies could still get their episodes for free. Everypony wins. :D

  7. I want to say it was Pokémon Crystal. I remember that was one of the first games I got when I got my Gameboy, which was the first gaming system I owned. I got for either my seventh or eighth birthday. I can't really remember which. ^^' I want to say seventh... Or maybe it was for Christmas. Blah, I don't know. :D

    EDIT: Now that I think about it, I might have played Frogger on an old Atari at my grandparents house when I was five...

  8. My parents know about it, but they know that I'm really into animation, so they don't make too big of a deal out of it. Still can't convince my dad to watch an episode though...

    I've mentioned it to my friends before, though I don't talk about it constantly. None of them are bronies, so I don't see much of a point to it. I did draw ponies for some of my friends though.

    I've also drawn a pony during math class with the reference pictures in plain sight of my classmates. I also have Friendship is Magic listed under my TV shows on facebook.

    So I guess I don't hide it that much. I don't really talk about it a lot, but I won't deny it. I also really want a Vinyl Scratch t-shirt to wear when I go back to school.

  9. Yeah, it is pretty annoying, but it's expected. There isn't really much of a news story in "Children are Watching My Little Pony", or "Females Watch My Little Pony". XP They're going to focus on the stereotype defying aspect because that's what people would be most interested in hearing about.

    I think Hasbro still recognizes us (female fans), and the fandom does too. That's all that matters, really. The media probably isn't going to get the story right anyway. xD

  10. I picked Winter Wrap Up and Best Night Ever. Winter Wrap Up is definitely a favorite of mine. The song makes it wonderful, but I enjoyed the plot as well. Twilight is my favorite character, so that may have something to do with it.

    Best Night Ever was a great season finale. It was one of the funniest episodes, IMO, and did a good job showing all the characters.

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