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Posts posted by Darkshine

  1. Artsybelle was supposed to be in Fillydelphia on business for her dad. He trusted her to pick up whatever supplies he needed, or drop off whatever he'd ask her to bring into town with her. She was also supposed to go visit her mother afterwards like she'd promised, even though she hated the long talks of how she should have focused more on being academic.

    Instead, she was standing in front of Sugar Blooms practically drooling at the display of pastries, breads and pies laid in the window. She took a deep breath, and made a little squee noise of delight. She LOVED raspberries! She walked in, looking about at the different ponies that had gathered to no doubt enjoy the tasty smelling treats. She was grinning and humming softly to herself as she got in line to order.

    "Mom and dad shouldn't be too upset with me if I detour a bit, especially if I bring them back something tasty to eat," she reasoned to herself. She knew full well her parents practically expected her to wander a bit, and even admitting she was a bit short-attention-spanned sometimes. But she liked where her eyes... or in this case her nose, lead her sometimes.

  2. Name: Artsybelle

    Sex: Female

    Age: Young adult mare

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Icy lavender, almost white-ish

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: A mix of black, silver and purple, not in stripes but just variegated throughout her mane and tail, her legs are slightly darker than her body, but not by much

    Eye Color: A dark shade of ambery gold

    Cutie Mark: A painter's palette, loaded with paint, with a paintbrush and chisel crisscrossed behind it

    Physique: She's a short mare, and slightly plump, but not grossly so. When walking, she has a barely discernable limp that becomes more pronounced the faster she tries to go, so instead of a standard four beat gallop, it's three beat, like a canter only because she's barely touching one of her hind legs to the ground when she's going full tilt.

    Origin: Saddleveil Plains & Fillydelphia (summary explains it)

    Roleplay Type: Mane RP (hopefully)

    Occupation: Artist and sculptor

    Motivation: She sees the innate beauty of all things, and enjoys putting together works that encourage others to look at things in a different light.

    Likes: (optional) Painting, sculpting, drawing, the smell of freshly made paper, and the smell of her father and the plains when he gathers the harvest.

    Dislikes: (optional) Negativity, darkness, the harsh attitudes of close minded ponies when confronted with something they don't understand, hypocrisy, prejudice against Griffons or other species

    Character Summary:

    Personality wise, Artsybelle is bubbly and infectious. She's always ready with a grin or a giggle, and eager to help out others. Sometimes she prefers to be the quiet one in the group, studying or thinking of something possibly unrelated to the topic at hand. She's known for spacing out at times. She tries to see the good in everyone, which some may think makes her gullible.

    Artsybelle's parents, unlike most of the parents her friends had, didn't stay together after she was born. She spent most of her days in Fillydelphia with her mother, Orchid Kiss, where she was pressured to be the best academically that she could be. Her father, Clyde, was a down-to-earth farmer who encouraged Artsybelle to be who she wanted to be. He celebrated her small successes as well as her big ones, and was her sounding board when she started talking about her ideas and how she viewed the world. He gave her her first set of paints when she was a young filly, something her mother would never let her have. She began painting, and painting, and painting some more. She began doing odd jobs around Fillydelphia when she was staying with her mother to earn money to buy her own art supplies, which let her progress into other mediums like charcoal, pastel, watercolor, oils, and eventually oddities like welding, wood working, sculpting.

    Her mother began pressuring her into more academics as well as magic, hoping to send her to Canterlot to be schooled with the best unicorns in the area. She finally broke it to her mother (as gently as possible) that she wanted to be an artist instead. It was at that admission that her cutie mark appeared on her once blank flank. She'd acknowledged her special talent, and her mother certainly couldn't argue with it. She still pushed her to finish her academics, at least.

    Artsybelle's limp came from her own foolishness. She had decided to venture out to RoughRider's Ridge to get some gorgeous views of the sunset for a background in one of her paintings. What she hadn't counted on were the rocks she had so precariously perched herself on to give way beneath her hooves, crushing and breaking her left hind leg. Using her magic she was able to move the rocks off, but she couldn't stand uprigt, much less walk the rocky trails to get help. She laid there for over an hour, until an older Griffon came across her laying in the ravine. Gently, he carried her back to the Saddleveil Plains, to the worried Clyde standing in front of his home. He got a message to Orchid Kiss, and she came out with several talented doctors who did their best to save her leg. The flesh and bone knit back together, but even their magic was not enough to restore her leg to how it used to be. There was no outward sign of the injury, save for the slight limp in her step. She never returned to RoughRider Ridge, but she remains cheerful despite her injury, and continues to act like any normal mare her age would.

  3. About two months ago we had a week solid of torrential downpours here in Missouri. Everything was muddy, the horses were sinking to their knees in some spots, it was nasty. Well, one morning I get woken up at about 4 am or so by my husband, saying something about the horses being loose. I'm thinking okay, we have another fence surrounding the paddock so they won't go far. Our horses are a 16hh appy mare, a 14hh QH cross, a shetland pony and her half full-sized yearling colt, just to give you an idea. He then proceeds to tell me to get up because the horses are in the house.



    Apparently, the neighbor's mare was lonely and knocked down a fence panel separating our paddock from hers. Then the shetland, in her infinite genius, unlocked the gate, led the now small herd of 5 horses to the front porch, and let herself into the house. We had a muddy shetland slipping around in the kitchen on the linoleum with my German Shepherd huddled in the hall confused out of his gourd, the appy and QH on the porch destroying our storm door trying to decide who was going to go in next, and the colt and neighbor's mare dancing about in the mud in front of the porch.

    Moral of the story? Child proof lock the gates because the pony will figure them out.

  4. I'm a little at a loss for how to really introduce myself, so I'll just ramble a bit and hope I can spit out some sort of useful information :)

    I'm a soon to be 27 yr old resident of Missouri, where I live with my wonderful husband who will probably end up joining the forum too- yes, I converted him to MLP FiM :D I work for an air ambulance company full time, and I've got 2 dogs, 2 cats and 4 horses.

    In my spare time I draw, sculpt, paint, game and RP. I've RP'd for 11 years and counting now, it's my favorite way to let my imagination loose. I used to RP Sailor Moon, but my tastes have changed to Gargoyles and of course MLP. I find the show really well written, with characters that are pretty well developed for what is supposed to be a children's show. I especially like that they are put in different situations where they can truly shine and their individual personalities mesh together to form a cohesive team effort.

    I think that makes sense... I look forward to meeting everyone else here ^^

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