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Posts posted by Flamingashes

  1. I like all animals, but if i had to pick... that be a tie between dogs and rats! I listen to any music that has more then three words in it that doesnt play against dub step! My favorite show (next to MLP) is Trigun! Gotta love the classics!

    Yes I do love starting fires >.> they are fun, thats why Im good on camping trips! Thank you all for the warm welcome! Expect for me to have my OC character sheet thing up soon, just been busy today cause I drill and tomorrow and possibly monday (Veteran's day related activities involving JROTC and Sea Cadets and my Brother who is in the Army) SO PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF IM SLOW TO REPLY!!! :C

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  2. About Myself: I live in MA and I enjoy life!

    How I found Canterlot.com: google xD

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My friends forced me into it

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
    Im a military type of person, and it kinda shows. I plan on becoming a COmbat medic in a year joining the army. I enjoy RP and I enjoy the company of others. I hope to prove myself a kind person on here! Also the application process on here can someone give me a easier run down on this? Also if you have any questions ask them!

    My pony info:

    Name Flamingashe

    Special skill: Fire starting

    Lives: On the out skirts of ponyville

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