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Posts posted by Armony

  1. I recently found one of those elusive job things, working grill at McDonalds. In totally unrelated news, fast food has reached a whole new level of sickening for me.

  2. Even though it took her far more time than she had originally hoped, Stormsong managed to make it off the mountain without incident, or without further incident, to be precise. She was still a bit shaken up by the rock slide and the fact that someone had done that intentionally, just because they wanted to win the race. Now that she was down from her wonderful vantage point, she could see that the other path from back at the sign actually connected with the one she had taken. 'So that's why the sign pointed down,' she thought to herself as she trotted down the path, 'because both ways were right!'

    After a few minutes full of only the sound of hooves and leaves against the ground, Stormsong was assailed by the all too familiar smell of syrup. Or not quite syrup, she corrected herself, seeing spots where tree sap had fallen into the path. Moving carefully to avoid stepping in any, Stormsong found herself moving along quite well compared to some of the other ponies, who were either sticky with sap, or busy eating it. She guessed she had probably managed to move up to around somewhere in the middle of the pack, despite all of her setbacks earlier in the race. With that thought, she continued to trot along, confident that, even though she may not win, she certainly wasn't going to embarass herself by being last!

  3. Well then, introduce yourself, silly! What sorts of hobbies are you into outside of MLP? Where/how did you hear about out forum here? Are you interested in doing any RP, or just chatting with fellow bronies?

    Welcome to Canterlot! :D

  4. When the brown and white stallion turned to face her, Stormsong noted that his eyes bugged out for a moment, he seemed rather distracted. He smiled before replying "I'm fine, miss, but I don't know about me pal here yet. He got his tail caught under one of these fallen rocks. Hope he's alright to continue racing. Name's Mojo, pardon me while I do some investigation." She was relieved to hear that nopony had been hurt in that rock slide, though it concerned her greatly that he seemed to think that it wasn't an accident. Was somepony really so determined to win the race that they would risk injuring, or even killing the their competition to ensure victory?

    "Pleasure to meet you Mojo. I'm... um... my name's Stormsong. What exactly do you mean by- eep!" Stormsong cut herself off when Mojo suddenly kicked a baseball sized stone up the mountain. What shocked her even more was the scream of pain that followed shortly thereafter, coming from whoever the pegasus above was yelling at. A couple white feathers floated down from the mountain as even more ponies showed up, among them another pegasus and her new friend Holly Dash. They, too, were yelling at the one who was out of Storm's view above, the one who had presumably caused the rock slide. While most of the rest of the ponies around her were concerned with yelling at the cheater, Stormsong took some time to wonder about those feathers. The only one she could remember seeing in the race with white feathers was that griffon that Holly had run into by accident back in the woods. Could that griffon really have been so upset about such a small accident that she would try to crush Holly to get revenge?

    Stormsong's train of thought was interrupted when she felt something on her shoulder and jumped, looking off to her side as she did so. Holly had put her hoof on Storm's shoulder, and was saying "I am SO glad that you're alright, I--I don't know what I'd do if my very first friend was hurt..." Holly's smile was so bright that Stormsong couldn't help but to smile back, relieved that Holly hadn't been caught up in the rock slide herself. Before she could say anything though, Holly continued on, "I'm sorry I left you, but... I can't let her win." before letting out a cry and charging off. Stormsong heaved a sigh before setting off on her trot again, carefully avoiding bits of rock that had fallen into the path that might trip her up.

  5. Stormsong had been trotting along the path for a few minutes, when she heard a call from somewhere up ahead and above of "Look out below!" She stopped herself short, seeing the rock slide ahead of her, and cowered up against the side of the mountain, not even thinking to try magicking the rocks out of the way. As she put her hooves over her head for protection, Stormsong heard another shout from further along the path of "ROCK SLIDE!" from somepony else. Whoever it was, they were in quite a lot of danger, and while Storm would normally love to be of help, she couldn't bring herself to get up with the sound of moving stone still coming clearly to her.

    There was some more shouting coming from above, so even though the sound of the rock slide had stopped, Storm kept her hooves firmly planted over her head. She heard the sound of hooves rushing by, accompanied by a shout of "That pony needs me help! It's NEVER cool to miss an opportunity to help me fellow pony! Lyra, my love, you'll just have to wait." Whoever this new arrival was, he must have been one of the intended recipients of the note that had been left back at the sign.

    Expecting to be directly addressed by the stallion soon enough, Storm was surprised to hear his voice from further up the path saying "Hang in there, chum, I'll have ya out quicker than you can say 'Bob's your uncle!'" She peeked out from her hooves to see a brown and white stallion kicking at a boulder that had landed on the one winged pegasus' tail. After a few kicks, he had managed to move the boulder enough for the pegasus to get free, and said "There ya are, pal. Name's Mojo, glad I could be of service!"

    Stormsong got up from where she had been cowering near the mountain, shaking all over from the excitement of the rock slide, and approached the other two ponies. They looked no worse off than she felt, but she still asked them "Oh my... are you two okay?" She glanced upward, looking for the source of the shouting voices she had heard earlier, saw only a lone pegasus flying around something, or someone, that Storm couldn't see from her vantage point on the ground.

  6. I don't see much point in creating a separate topic, as I have a similar question but regarding the amount of time it takes for an App to be reviewed. As always, I know that the service is provided for free and staff have their own lives off the forums (I've done the forum moderator thing before, I feel for you guys) but I was just curious as to the general turnover time. Is it only admins that review and accept character apps, or are moderators and RP Helpstaff part of the process as well? I know I'm fairly new, but perhaps in the future I could help out as well; if Winter Wrap up teaches us anything, it's that things get done fast and efficiently when everypony chips in, right? :grin:

    From what I remember when I applied, a member of the RP Helpstaff will review your application first, and either help you expand on your character if it needs it, or give you a first approval. After your first approval, a Moderator or Administrator will handle a second approval and move the app into the accepted apps section. Then, from there, only an Administrator can move the app into the correct subfolder and add you to the Roleplayers group, which will allow you to post in other RP-related areas.

  7. Before you can get started with RP, you'll need to post your application on the Applications board for approval. You can find the application template for doing that here. Once your character has been approved and moved into the proper subfolder under Accepted Apps, and you've been added to the Roleplayers group on the site, you can jump right into the RP sections of the forum. As for what to do once you can RP, I believe that may best be answered in this thread where somepony else asked the same question recently.

    Also, in the future, I'd advise posting questions in the Questions & Suggestions board instead of the Introductions board, as you'll be more likely to get the attention of somepony who can help.

  8. Stormsong, having been completely distracted with the scenery of Whitetail Wood, had almost forgotten she was in a race, and it had definitely slipped her mind that she should have been moving faster than a walk. Up ahead, Stormsong could see two ponies, a brown pegasus with only one wing and a green unicorn who appeared to be taking a break, around a sign with an arrow pointing straight down. On the ground near the other unicorn, she could see the remains of a note, seemingly scuffed up by other passing ponies on their way to the finish line.





    Looking around, Stormsong could see that the path split off to the left and the right. It seemed pretty obvious to her, from the note on the ground, that the real path went to the left, and whoever had written this note was making sure their friends knew about it. Her thoughts were solidified when she noticed that the one winged pegasus had already taken off down the left path, leaving the two unicorns behind. She was completely oblivious to what he had been saying, lost in her thoughts as she was about finishing the race so she could try to find Holly Dash again. So, she set off trotting along the left path, toward the mountain, confident that she might not be finishing in last place.

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