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Posts posted by Armony

  1. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here! :D

    And there are plenty of bronies here, including myself, who'd be more than happy to help you out. I'd definitely recommend checking out stuff in the Getting Started section here, there's plenty of tips on creating your own OC, and RP'ing in general. The pinned topics in the RP Applications forum are also a great source of information for creating OCs.

  2. Stormsong barely noticed as she and Holly passed into Whitetail Wood. While she would normally be giving plenty of attention to the beautiful surroundings, she was instead focusing on keeping up with her new friend. This had proven to be a more difficult task than she had originally thought, primarily because Holly took every opportunity to accelerate, pushing Storm's body steadily into more and more painful protest at the physical exertion. Stormsong knew she would need to take a break soon, but was utterly determined to keep up this pace for as long as possible. They had already passed several of the ponies that had left her behind back at Sweet Apple Acres, though they were still pretty far back from the head of the pack.

    Suddenly, she heard Holly cry out "WOOOOOOOHOO!" and charge ahead in yet another rush of speed, passing right past most of the ponies and gaining on the lead. Stormsong tried to pick up her pace as she heard her friend yell back "C'MON, STORM!!!", but her legs refused to move any faster. With her endurance wearing thin, she had no choice but to slow down to a walk to catch her breath and hope to recover enough of her strength to sprint again later. She watched in amusement as Holly charged forward, all the way to the head of the pack, and ran headlong into... Stormsong stopped a moment to rub her eyes to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.

    Yes, that was definitely a griffon at the front of the pack that Holly ran into, and she didn't look too happy about it either. Even from back where she was along the path, she could hear the griffon yelling at Holly, though she couldn't really distinguish any words. After the uncalled-for angry outburst, the griffon propelled herself forward using her wings, almost instantly regaining her lost momentum. Still panting heavily and sweating profusely, Stormsong was in no position to catch up with Holly and find out what had happened, but she certainly intended to do so once she had recovered.

  3. The basket full of berries the other pony had been offering to share positioned itself between Stormsong and the other mare, hovering above the ground at just the right spot for them both to partake of the fruit within. "The name is Holly Dash, it's a pleasure to meet you, Stormsong. I'm a fruit vendor--but I love a good race!! Nopony in Equestria could keep me from participating!" the other pony told her before levitating a berry out and eating it. There was something strange about Holly's accent that Stormsong couldn't quite place; it definitely didn't originate from anywhere she had ever been during her travels before. It roused her curiosity, and for the umpteenth time she wished to be able to leave Canterlot more often, but running the family business would have to come first.

    "But nopony in Equestria is gonna be finishin' this race on an empty stomach! And since I ALWAYS wake up late in the mornin'--I hid this basket here, so I could catch breakfast on the way." Holly echoed Stormsong's thoughts of just moments ago. Following the other mare's example, Stormsong magicked a berry out of the basket between them and wolfed it down, subconsciously disregarding her manners in a sudden surge of hunger. The sweet flavor of the fruit flooded her mouth and she closed her eyes a moment, all the better to savor what had to be the most delicious berries in Equestria. It was then that something Holly had said sunk fully into Stormsong's hunger-ridden brain: vendor. Of course, Stormsong didn't have any money on her, she had left everything she brought from Canterlot with her family so it wouldn't weigh her down while she was running. She was going to have to make sure she paid Holly for the berries she ate out here before going to see about getting that load of apples.

    "Perhaps we could run together? I don't have many pals in Equestria--I know someponies from sellin' on the road, but I haven't been doin' that too terribly long..." Holly trailed off for a moment, frowning as if reflecting on some painful memory. Stormsong had been about to politely refuse running together, as she would rather her only companions be the scenery and her thoughts, but she revised that plan upon hearing that Holly didn't have many friends. She knew well what it was like to not have many friends, and even though she was terribly afraid of meeting new ponies, she still couldn't stand having so few to hang out with. Holly's smile returned to her face, and she once again echoed Stormsong's thoughts by saying, "We could be friends, though. If you want."

    "I'd love to be friends! I don't really have that many because I'm so, um... well, a lot of ponies where I grew up thought I was strange." Stormsong replied to her, preparing herself to get moving again. She was certain there was absolutely no way she'd catch up with the rest of the pack by now, but her family would be waiting on her all the same, and if she was going to finish last, she at least wanted it to be close. "I'm not much good when it comes to racing, but we could certainly run together if you wanted, I'd really enjoy the company. You see I'm not really from around here, I run a restaurant in Canterlot, so I don't know anypony." Magicking another berry out of the basket, Stormsong faced down the path and finally resumed her previous trot, hoping that Holly would follow along.

  4. I first got into RP a few years ago when a now ex-girlfriend begged me to RP with her, and it was pretty fun, aside from some of the blatant, unchekced power gaming going on at the board she invited me to. After that, I got my RP fix from various tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, etc. Though, that has gotten a bit tiring, since I'm usually the only person in the whole group that makes more than a one-dimensional killing machine... and I'm generally the one of very few to stick with my alignment. So, after coming here, I decided to have another go at forum RP after a few years off, and RP here has been at least 20% cooler than anywhere else thus far.

  5. Stormsong heard the sound of hooves trotting by, all of the ponies that hadn't already passed her were well on their way now that she had fallen. Just as she was about to get back up and continue, she was startled yet again, this time by a voice coming from right next to her inquiring "Hungry?". She jumped and scooted herself away from the sudden noise involutarily, while at the same time getting a look at the mare who had sat next to her. She had blue, yellow, and purple striped mane, and pelt of a color Stormsong, in her inexpertise, couldn't quite find a name for.

    "You can certainly help yourself to some of my fruit. I packed in a little too much.", the other mare told her with a grin, "I'm always glad to feed a hungry pony!"

    Stormsong wasn't quite sure how to respond to this; sure, she was hungry, but she didn't often take offers like this, especially from complete strangers. And she needed to get up and continue the race, even if she was almost certain to come in last place by now, not lie on the ground and eat berries. But she was so hungry that she was concerned about her ability to finish out the race at all without some sustenance, and this colorful mare sure looked honest enough. And accepting these berries would be much, much better than stealing an apple from the orchard, even if she did intend to pay the Apple family back for it later.

    "I um... sure, but... if you wouldn't mind too terribly much... I don't want to get left too far behind." Stormsong murmured, finally standing up from where she had fallen on the ground. While she cast the spell to keep her mane from tripping her up again, she that, in her hunger, she hadn't even bothered to ask this other mare, who had been kind enough to stop and offer her foor, for her name. "I'm sorry", she apologized quickly, taking a step back, "Um... my name's Stormsong... and you are?"

  6. Stormsong was quickly left behind in a maelstrom of varying colors of leaves as most of the pack charged forward and off into the distance. There were a few other ponies that were also pacing themselves at the beginning, but Stormsong was far too enthralled with the gorgeous scenery around her to take much note of them. She thought she heard one of them, probably the aquamarine unicorn with a lyre for a cutie mark, singing a song, punctuated by gasps of breath. Even though galloping and such wasn't really her thing, Stormsong knew better than to try singing when her body was already going to be begging for more air, but she enjoyed the music all the same, while it lasted.

    Further on down the path, she could see hundreds of apple trees spread out over lands that she assumed to be Sweet Apple Acres. Having only been to Ponyville once before in her life, and even then she had only been passing through, she had never actually seen Sweet Apple Acres before, even though she often purchased apples for her restaurant from them. 'Maybe I'll get some of them for the trip back to Canterlot; I'm sure to be hungry and tired by the time this race is over', she thought to herself. At that moment, as if cued to do so by her thoughts, her stomach churned, accompanied by a slight twinge of pain, reminding her of how foolish it had been of her not to eat much before the race. Not that she could really help it; her anxiety, both at being around so many unfamiliar faces and at participating in a race against ponies who were much more physically fit then her, had robbed Stormsong of her appetite.

    As she trotted her way closer to Sweet Apple Acres, Stormsong was struck by the virtually palpable, overwhelming smell of apples, and she slowed nearly to a walk for a few moments to savor the sweet scent. This was definitely a place she would love to be able to come practice her music at, although she knew she would likely never get such an opportunity. Her stomach growled again, and she looked at the surrounding apple trees longingly, wishing she had eaten more for breakfast. 'They wouldn't miss just one apple, would they? I could even pay them back for it before we leave, since I'm going to be buying apples anyway', she reasoned to herself. But before she even began to levitate one down from a tree, she heard the aquamarine unicorn warning somepony else not to take any apples. She sighed to herself and picked up her pace a bit, so she could leave the apples and their tantalizing smell behind.

    Not even half a minute later; however, a blue and grey blur suddenly screamed past her and shot off into the sky, startling her so much that she let out a loud scream of terror. With her concentration having been so thoroughly broken, the spell keeping her silver mane out of the way of her hooves collapsed. Stormsong stepped on her now loose mane as she attempted to continue running, and tripped and fell painfully to the ground. She looked up into the sky, trying to find what had zoomed past so quickly, while bringing up a hoof to massage her head where her mane had gotten pulled. "What in Equestria was that...?" she spoke aloud, not even having the presence of mind to stand back up and continue on.

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