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Posts posted by Armony

  1. Now the con did have one sour note. Last night there was a panel for the roasting of our favorite MLP characters, which sounded like great fun, right? Yea, they only stayed on topic for the first 15 minutes and then it devolved into gay bashing, bashing the con staff, other panelist, etc. I get that to the people running the panel it was "humorous", but when people are walking out of your panel in droves, your brand of humor may not be working. The con staff did shut down the panel after it went on for about 45 minutes and the person who was hosting got his con pass taken away. He also had his comedy show cancelled. So mad props to the con staff for handling the inappropriate panel in an appropriate way.

    I'm really glad to hear something was done about that. I was one of the ones unfortunate enough to have checked that panel out with the intention of actually hearing funny and original jokes. I tried to stay, hoping maybe they would get back on topic, but after a point, I just couldn't take it any more. I left a few minutes after Dudebro started going around the room, probably just before it got shut down, from what you said.

    On the first night of the Brony concert, the combined jumping of all the bronies (as well as dropping the bass) actually ended up registering on the ritcher scale (numbers I've heard was 1.1), so bronies can now create earthquakes. Go us! Honestly I do not doubt that, because while I didn't attend the concert (I hate dubstep), I did feel the jumping up and down no matter where I was in the Convention Center.

    Aha! That's why I wasn't allowed to jump when I went up there to party Saturday night!

  2. Lying on the grass with her eyes shut, Stormsong could almost believe that she was out her in the clearing all alone, with the rain still pattering gently on the leafy canopy above. Everything about the environment, now that there was no music to distract her from it, was so soothing that she just couldn't cry for long, and instead she looked up to see what her date's reaction was. The musician could tell instantly from the stuttering in his speech that he'd at least gotten the intent of that last song, but for some reason he didn't want to let that on.

    The mare opened her mouth to pointedly tell him that that last song had been her surprise, and she'd made it just for him, but she stopped. He already understood that, and it really wasn't going to solve the underlying issue of why he didn't seem to want to acknowledge her music. Did it turn out to be a really bad song? Had she messed up while she was performing it? Storm could usually hear when she messed up one of her own compositions, but this was a brand new song that she'd never done before. Or maybe... was it because he didn't want to put her through the disappointment of being rejected, after putting so much of herself into that piece?

    She had to know now. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at him and sighed, [colour=#009acd]"Thank you. I, uh... well, that was my surprise for you... I... I wrote it... just for you..."[/colour] As she continued, fresh tears began rolling down her cheecks, afraid of what he would have to say in response to her, [colour=#009acd]"I... I... I hoped... I'm sorry..."[/colour] She just couldn't bring herself to finish her thoughts, and substituted burying her face between her front legs for actually trying to speak what was on her mind.

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