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Posts posted by Armony

  1. Welcome to Canterlot! :D

    As others have said, this is in all-ages site, so you don't have to worry about any kind of sexual stuff. And if you happen to see something like that going down in an all-ages area, you are encouraged to report it so it can be sent directly to the moon.

  2. The three post requirement only applies to joining the chat, and I think to making blogs and galleries, definitely not to putting in an application. This is a preventative measure to make it more difficult for people to come troll through these features. And, as Corsair said, not everyone comes here to roleplay, and not even everyone who roleplays will want an application.

    As for the forums themselves, I find them easy enough to get around, but if you have any suggestions as to how they could be made easier to navigate, we would be happy to hear them. :)

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