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Posts posted by Armony

  1. Sage couldn't help but chuckle, silently to herself, at her companion's reaction to the information she whispered to him, and walked him over to the table with a mischievous grin on her face. She hadn't meant to insult him, but she realized pretty quickly that she had, and without any idea why, she found it absolutely hilarious. It took a fair amount of self-control to stop herself from just bursting out with laughter in the middle of the library, but she managed to seat herself back with the books with a mostly straight face.

    Now that the two were working together, she grabbed one of the books she had already gotten into, glancing back through for anything she might have missed. There were a few passages about small villages, as there seemed to be in all of these books, but none that carried a crest matching that of the recipe. Letting out an exasperated sigh, she tossed that book onto a slowly forming pile of materials already searched, grabbed another, and set it in front of herself, perhaps a little more forcefully than intended. Just like Colton, however, she pressed on, determined to find the information they were looking for, even if it took them all night to get through all of these darn books.

    The stallion's voice interrupted her as she was reading through a passage about a completely underground settlement, and she marked the page to come back to later before moving on and responding. "Yeah, I guess you could say getting out would be a nice change of pace. I've never really been outside of Canterlot, as far as I can remember, and it's always seemed like I'm cooped up in the restaurant for one reason or another. I like it there, but everypony needs a vacation every now and then. Getting out, seeing some more of the world, having an adventure... all things I haven't ever gotten to do, and I probably wouldn't even get away with it now that I'm a grown mare without a good excuse. An excuse like looking for a new ingredient for the restaurant, solving the family mystery... it seemed like the perfect opportunity to me."

  2. With one final check to make sure nothing was left behind, Stormsong began making the trek back out of Whitetail Woods, beckoning Sam to follow her along. She was exhausted, and wanted nothing more than to lie down and sleep, but that would leave him to try finding his way back to Canterlot alone, and that just didn't sit right with the musician. The whole time they walked back along the path, she pondered over his words, wondering what was to become of them in the future, if indeed they did have a future together. She felt like she'd stacked everything she could in her favor tonight, and had the best date she could put on without having more time. From here, it would be luck that decided how their relationship might progress.

    Storm didn't speak a word until after the two had returned to Canterlot, her own thoughts and aching hooves being more than enough company at this time of night. She turned to Sam with a smile on her face, "I had a lot of fun tonight, all things considered... but, I think it's getting time for me to get to bed. I can make it back home safely by myself. Thank you for coming along for my music, and... well, just, thank you. Have a good night, Sam."

    With that, she turned off down the nearest side street, disappearing into the night, headed home with her head held high, even after the somewhat turbulent events of the night.

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