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Motion Paradox

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Posts posted by Motion Paradox

  1. Twlight Sparkle

    Type: Psychic/Fire

    Ability: Analytic (Magic Guard or Magic Bounce works well too or Flame Body)


    Psychic, Psywave, Hidden Power, Flamewheel (When she turns into Rapidah)

    Pinkie Pie

    Type: Normal/Rock

    Ability: Infiltrator (Te-he, breaking the 4th wall, Mold Breaker or Own Tempo could fit well too)

    Moveset: Metronome (Of course), Confusion (Yes....), Shadow Sneak, Rock Throw


    Type: Psychic/Ice (all unicorns have psychic as one type)

    Ability: Keen eye (Pick-up could work too all things considered, Oh! Or Cute Charm....Hmm, it made sense to me)


    Uproar (but it sounds like whinning, fake tears could work too), Attract (Cut if she has the ability Cute Charm), Telekinesis, Power Gem (Or Payday....If you think about it long enough, it fits)


    Type: Grass/Flying

    Ability: Healer (Damp could also be a good fit, to prevent exploding or Friend Guard that would be good too)


    Charm (I tried Begging and beseaching and asking nicely....), Healing Wish (Aww!), Mean look (The Stare), Return (Frustration when she's Fluttershycho)

    Rainbow Dash

    Type: Flying/Fighting

    Ability: Speed boost or Levitate


    Fly (obviously), Aeroblast (multi-coloured), Storm Throw, Brave Bird


    Type: Normal/Ground

    Ability: Hustle (Yes....I saw it and it reminded me of episode 8, Harvest would also fit)


    High Kick, Takedown, Stomp, String Shot (Lasso....Yes I know most of her attacks are physical attacks, but I always see her as being the type that would mostly have those sort of strait forward attacks)

    I could imagine Princess Celestia having the Chlorophyll ability, it raises the Pokemon's speed when the sun is shining or Drought which makes it sunny when the Pokemon is out

    Either way Celastia's Moveset would include Morning Sun and Sunny Day while Luna's would include Moonlight and Lunar Dance

  2. On the other hand the animals in Equestria might be slightly different from the ones here, let's not forget this is a world where Ponies have complex thoughts, speak, read and write, run businesses, come in a variety of attractive colours, have large eyes on the front of their faces can fly, use magic and....whatever it is Earth Ponies are supposed to do.... it wouldn't be that surprising if the other animals are a bit different too and could get protein from other sources (Perhaps those fish were fish-shaped Ferret treats) though obviously Owls do eat mice since it's been mentioned, cats....well they have catnip mice so perhaps Equestrian cats do eat Mice (though for multiple reasons I can't imagine Opalescence eating mice)

    Sheep probably live on farms and in exchange give their wool (especially in the summer when it would probably be more comfortable for them to be clean shaven), the Cows & Pigs have already been explained

    As for products that in our world have often been made from Horses, given that this is a world populated by Ponies these things were probably never made that way (can you imagine how morbid pre-school would be if they were?) there's vegitarian gelatin and non-horse glue, which is probably what has always been used

  3. I think the first game I played was something called a video tron....I have no idea how old that is but I couldn't even find anything about it on wikipedia

    The first video game I really had was Pokemon Yellow which I got along with gameboy colour when it first came out (And yes, I got the gameboy colour at the same time, I even received the promotional Mew)

    The first T.V. game I bought was Pokemon Snap (though for the first year or so I didn't really play it as much as I had my mom play it and I directed her, the controllers were too big for my hands) and the first non-Pokemon game I ever played was Kirby Chrystal Shards

  4. Having a redemption story for one of the characters that came off as a jerk in an episode in the first season would be nice and have a lot of humour potential, to give examples:

    Gilda: Decides to make amends for what she did in episode 5 and gets help to get everyone together so she can properly apologise....From Pinkie Pie (I'd actually really like to see something to this effect, especially since I imagine Rainbowdash & Gilda as being friends from childhood and given that Rainbowdash is the element of Loyalty I can imagine that she probably would have been upset to a degree that he had to give up on being friends with Gilda and the reason why she did was because she realised that Gilda wasn't being a good friend in return)

    Trixie: I'm not sure what exactly could happen with her but for some reason I could see her doing puppet shows for a group of foals at a daycare, I can imagine her being very popular with younger children for some reason

    Blueblood: Having had a Will Ferrell in Bewitched moment after the Gala, it could turn out to be either really sweet, really funny or both

    Actually one thing I've been wondering is since Luna is doing to appear in the new season, will she have her own voice actress or not? Since she only had a few lines as Luna they could probably get away with it

  5. screencap20.png

    Sweetie Belle's helmet, and probably Applebloom's too, is missing its straps.


    Also her eyelashes are sweeping the wrong way

    And another error with Rarity's scarf is that in the scene where she puts it on it's slightly transluent

    In "The Best Night Ever" when Pinkie Pie sings "The Pony Pokey" Rainbow Dash kicks the table with her right leg, not her left

  6. If he only shows up in the first episode or two then having him be a big threat would definately work well, actually one thing that would be really fun to see is Discord in some way being a nod to Him from The Powerpuff Girls (especially if he's trying to turn the Mane 6 against each other since Him did something similar on several occasions)

    If he's a recurring character through out the season then having him be like Spat from Hamtaro (particularly the way he's depicted in the show) since it would put him half way between being a laughable villan and one that's capable of causing real damage. I can explain further for those who aren't familiar with the series

  7. (Fluttershy Voice)

    Um....actually....I....well....I think Rainbow Dash and Soarin would make a nice couple....you know....after she joins the Wonder bolts and gets to see that they're really normal Ponies like she is....

    Also I'm....uh....not much of a yuri fan....


    (Oh, I see I'm not the only one who likes this pairing)

  8. Here's the Equestria Daily post about it:

    http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/08/p ... lable.html

    I just got back from buying one at my local Carlton Cards (I had seen her a few days ago but wasn't able to pick her up right away), she's currently in my room, sitting on a hat box and she's really well made with a fantastic paint job (Hmm, shall we all start petitioning for ornaments of the other Ponies? They could do some really nice ones). Incidently one thing I noticed buying mine is that she's not listed in the little catalogue they hand out in the store

    I might buy another one before Christmas to keep in her packaging (along with a blind bag figure kept in her box so they can keep each other company, though I fully expect them to get out on their own, seeing what she's done to the 4th wall plastic and cardboard probably won't contain her very well), probably when another shipment comes in since there are only three left from this one. Hopefully I won't be asked if I have younger brother I'm buying for (I noticed one had been put aside when I went to the cashier and pressumed it had been put aside by the other local Brony until I was asked if I had come to pick it up. It turns out somepony else had put one aside this morning for her little colt and the cashier thought I was his older sister) :!:

  9. Actually I have the opposite problem that many have, when I buy My Little Pony merchandise I'd be bothered if somebody suggested that it was for a sister, niece or cousin (not that I wouldn't by it for one if I had any siblings or a cousin that I was in contact with, but don't so....thank goodness I'm only 20 and look the way I do, if somebody suggested that I had a child that it was for I'd be mortified, for obvious reasons)

    I've bought pony toys at the Zellers in the Kozlov Mall, and none of the cashiers said a word. They most likely assumed it was for a female relative...or they just knew better than to say anything. haha.

    They have them there too? :(

    (Thus far I've been buying mine at Toys R Us)

  10. I get about half the people to watch, and most of them stick with it, so maybe a 1/3 conversion rate. Not bad, but i wont be satisfied until THE WHOLE WORLD JOINS THE HERD.

    A wise Mare once said "Give it time...."

    I don't hide my love of Ponies at all (well once or twice when I was watching it when I had to leave the house in a few minutes I insisted that it was something else that was about to make me late) those who know me know it's typical of me to like this sort of show I've gotten my Mother to watch it (my Father is going to be a bit harder, he dosen't like high pitched sounds) and I've gone out to stores and bought merchandise with the staff knowing that it was for me (I tell anyone who sees me that I collect them, which is true).

    Actually I have the opposite problem that many have, when I buy My Little Pony merchandise I'd be bothered if somebody suggested that it was for a sister, niece or cousin (not that I wouldn't by it for one if I had any siblings or a cousin that I was in contact with, but don't so....thank goodness I'm only 20 and look the way I do, if somebody suggested that I had a child that it was for I'd be mortified, for obvious reasons)

  11. Hmmm, two episodes that I like actually made it onto the list

    But I decided to go with Sonic Rainboom, it really is a fun episode:

    The quietest shouting the world has ever seen (more seen than heard)

    The library/flight spell sequence (really there are so many neat little lines and details in that scene)

    Rainbowdash having multiple panic attacks

    Pinkie Pie tasting the rainbow

    The laugh

    Rainbowdash preforming the Sonic Rainboom

    Rarity's Sezurific Costume

    Fluttershy Screaming (really screaming)

    "Omigosh Omigosh Omigosh Omigosh"

    And of course all the wonderful little details for the people who pay huge amounts of attention

  12. Sometimes they wear shoes with feet (for example Applejack's galoshes in Suited For Sucess)

    Fluttershy looks extremely similar to Sky Skimmer, a Pony from the short lived second generation, in Cutie Mark Chronicles Filly Fluttershy is shown as being unusually leggy, perhaps as a nod to the second generation Pony

    Look really closely during the first scene of Dog and Pony show you'll see Rarity squinting when she sews without her glasses

    Three different Dr. Whooves have been shown to date, the usual one, a Pegasus one and a Blue one with a Blonde Mane, there have also been two female Ponies with the same Cutie Mark, one shows up in Applejack's flashback in Cutie Mark Chronicles and the other is Colgate (or Jenny Whooves)

  13. Uma-chanContest6-1.jpg

    Parents: Pinkie Pie & Pokey Pierce

    Name: Pinky Pop (Nickname: Pinky Pyro)

    Sex: Filly

    Age: Younger Filly (in the picture, obviously she and her brother don't exist yet)

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: Pink

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Three darker but still bright shades of pink in a tangled wind-swept mess (appearently it was strait once, either way even "Aunty Rarity" has long since given up trying to tame it)

    Eye Color: Rosey pink

    Cutie Mark: When she gets it three firework explosions in the same colour as her mother's cutie mark

    Motivation: She enjoys all sorts of fun things with her favourite being fireworks (eventually she will set up fireworks displays)

    Likes: Fireworks (and various other pretty explosives), parties, bubble wrap (everyone in the family loves popping bubble wrap), Bubblegum, playing with her brother, anything fun

    Dislikes: Heavey rainfall (too wet to dance in the rain, too wet to play with her fireworks) anything that's too boring, Ponies being in a bad mood

    Character Summary: The reasult of an unlikely pairing Pinky Pop is the daughter of Pinkie Pie & Pokey Pierce with the thing that started them bonding being their shared love of popping bubblewrap. Despite her Mother being an Earth Pony and her Father & Twin Brother being Unicorns Pinky Pop is a Pegasus, though nobody's really surprised how this happened (after all she is Pinkie Pie's Daughter) she shares her Mother's optimistic personality and love of parties, she also has her own personal passion; fireworks, her love of explosives eventually earning her the nickname Pinkie Pyro (though hr Mother calls her "My special girl" her father....is proud of her but secretly is glad she's not the one with magical powers)

    Parents: Pinkie Pie & Pokey Pierce

    Name: Prickley Pear

    Sex: Colt

    Age: The same as Pinky Pop (They're Twins)

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Peachey Orange

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Orange, short and a bit whispy

    Eye Color: Sky Blue

    Cutie Mark: When he gets it a dancing Cactus with sunglasses and maracas

    Motivation: Dancing especially to lively Samba music, he one day wants to do something dance related

    Likes: Dancing (especially Samba), citrus & tropical fruit, parties, bubble wrap (everyone in the family loves popping bubble wrap), Bubblegum, playing with his sister, anything fun

    Dislikes: Getting scrapes, having to sit still while catchy music is playing, anything that's too boring, Ponies being in a bad mood

    Character Summary: The reasult of an unlikely pairing Pinky Pop is the daughter of Pinkie Pie & Pokey Pierce with the thing that started them bonding being their shared love of popping bubblewrap. Prickley Pear loves to dance if any catchy music is playing he'll jump in the middle and start dancing like nobody's business, though it's best to be careful, he inheireted the tendancy to get a bit carried away when having fun that both his parents have and sometimes he dosen't watch where his head is. Though he's great at dancing, running arond he's a bit more accident prone and eventually had "Aunty Twilight" teach him a few spells to fix his messes (which both his parents are very impressed with him for learning)

  14. Uma-chanContest5.jpg

    Parents: Rainbowdash and Soarin

    Name: Prisim Flicker

    Sex: Filly

    Age: Obviously she's born in the future but this is her as a little filly

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: Light blue (both of her parents have almost the same light blue)

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: The same as her mother's

    Eye Color: The same green as her father's

    Cutie Mark: She dosen't have it yet, but it will be a multi-coloured light flash

    Motivation: Like her parents she enjoys high speed flight and wants to be like them when she grows up

    Likes: Her friends and family, Aerial gymnastics and racing, pie & hearing her mothers stories (her version is 20% cooler)

    Dislikes: Losing, broken promises, failing in general, when something gets too long and boring

    Character Summary: Eventually Rainbowdash was able to join the Wonderbolts and eventually she ended up with Soarin, and then there was Prisim Flicker, who inheireted their love of arial acrobatics and hopes to follow in her parent's hoof steps and join the Wonderbolts when she grows up. Like her Mother she values loyalty and hates when somebody breaks a promise without a good reason (including when she does) though she is a bit more romantic than her with one of her favourite stories being how her parent's first met (though not too much more since she prefers her mother's more exciting version, either way she likes it more than her dad's "First she saved my life, then she saved my pie" version of the story). She's headstrong, tends to rush into things and is quick to defend anyone in need

  15. Uma-chanContest1.jpg

    Te-he, that smug face

    Parents: Trixie & Pompous background stallion (I can point out the exact one if anyone is curious, he's seen in the best night ever)

    Name: Flashie

    Sex: Filly

    Age: Younger Filly

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Blue, slightly lighter than her mother's

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Very light purple

    Eye Color: Purple

    Cutie Mark: A shooting star (this is a bit of an astronomy joke since they're called shooting stars but are really meteors)

    Motivation: She loves to show off her magic

    Likes: Any situation where she can show off her talents, praise, things going her way

    Dislikes: Being upstaged

    Character Summary: We saw in "The Best Night Ever" that the Grand Galloping Gala happened and how it went for the mane cast, what we didn't see was what happened to Trixie. While she didn't receive a ticket she was sure that this was just because she didn't have a perminent address and that her name was definately on the list, when it turned out not to be she was conviced it was just an over sight and tried to impress her way in, this nearly failed as well but luck was on her side and the palace staff had bigger problems than an univited guest considering the disastor that was unfolding. In the commotion Trixie met a usually pompous Stallion who in his panic had let his false pretense slip, they starting talking and soon became friends and eventually fell in love, their relationship being the first real thing they had in a long time in their life of exageration and facades. Eventually they had Flashie who likes to show off in front of other the way her parents often do, though like her mother she specialises in magic meant for stage shows so she has trouble producing any long lasting effects. She loves being in the limelight and hopes to someday have a job where nopony can ignore her

  16. Uma-chanContest3.jpg

    Parents: Dinky & Snips

    Name: Clutzy

    Sex: Filly

    Age: Obviously she's born in the future but the picture of her is when she's a little Filly

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Grey-ish levender

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Orange straitish-wavey

    Eye Color: Orange

    Cutie Mark: She dosen't have one in the picture but it will be a crash effect (squiggly crash lines with little stars like when you "see stars" after crashing into something)

    Motivation: Eventually she'll discover her talent for saying and doing funny things and Pinkie Pie will help her harness her ability

    Likes: Making people smile, playing with bubbles really there's not much she dosen't enjoy

    Dislikes: Ponies being angry, sad or generally in a bad mood

    Character Summary: Clutzy, as you can guess is more than a bit clumsy, both with her hooves and her Unicorn telekenis, that's not to say she's bad at magic, her abilities are about average with her specialty being simple magic to make people happy. Clutzy herself is a goodnatured pony who's happy if those around her are and dosen't need very much to be satisfied with her life she's very close to her family & friends and knows every Pony in town, one of her favourite adults is Pinkie Pie since they are both enthusiastic about life and have similar values and interests.

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