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Motion Paradox

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Posts posted by Motion Paradox

  1. I made it!

    Seeing the Halloween episode I felt bad for Twilight and her frustration with nopony reconising her costume so I decided my entry would be based on that, originally it was going to be a bit longer and have a few more background ponies but I'm still happy with how it turned out (-^u^-). Now thank you very much to the creators of the stock material I used in this comic, I wouldn't have finished on time without it.

    The Green Unicorn, by the way, was originally intended to be a one time throw away character, but now I've decided to keep her. Her name is Epona (after the Fairy asociated with Equines) and her interests lie in classic and pre-classic era history, mythology and magic, she also runs the equivilent of a renasanse dance class and her costume in this is The Mare of the Mist (Pony version of The Lady of the Lake)

    Also there are a few things to look for in the last panel


  2. Wow, their parents are really....wow....at least now we can officially banish the "Sweetie Belle is Rarity's daughter" theory to the moon, Sweetie Belle is more similar to their parents than Rarity is (sorry to anypony who liked that theory, I just find it a bit....)

    But is it bad that the first half when Sweetie Belle was ruining everything made me grateful to be an only child?

    (I don't care what they say "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" isn't the Golden Rule, that award goes to "Don't touch the clutter")

    But I suppose Dinky and the Dolphin Unicorn (Sea Breeze?) could just be step sisters or half sisters to have Dinky be both Derpy's Daughter & Sea Breeze's Sister (hmm....you could even still have Dinky's Father be Doctor Hooves which would make the Pink Unicorn....Jenny Hooves!). Saying that, it seems Ruby Pinch is actually Berry Punch's Sister, not Daughter

    Also I really love the little classic movie references they sometimes use with Rarity. And if you look really closely at the end you can actually see the blue eyes

    And Rarity's horn appearing from under the hat

  3. First of all, I knew Luna would be the only one to guess Twilight's Costume

    I suppose that the "Shy Luna" stories could still work if you think of them as happening early after she returns from the moon and then as her power returned so did her arcaic habits (saying that it would have been hilarious if she said "We are not amused") and she may be quieter at home since she said it's traditional to shout when addressing her subjects (which may also explain why Celestia didn't think of telling her not to shout when she went to Ponyville)....yes, my attempt at making all the various ideas work

    Oh! And appearently the official reason for why Rarity didn't appear in the episode (and why she was replaced with Carrot Top in the Derpy Scene) is that the episode ran too long (they probably picked Rarity's scene as the one that was removed due to Luna and Rarity having the same voice actress). But I've seen comments describing the deleted scene

    Rarity was still working on her costume (not finished, that perfectionist Rarity), Twilight brought Luna over for a makeover, Luna didn't like the new look (a stupidly pink princess getup), she took it off, Pinkie showed up while Luna had part of the dress in her mouth, then screamed that Nightmare Moon ate a princess, then ran away, screaming.

    Also, did anyone else notice the horse noises when Twilight was dragging Fluttershy out of her house? (I wonder which one of them it came from)

  4. There was that new My Little Pony series, even if it turns out to be mindless fluff at least there's a good chance it'll cheer me up what was the one that had the picture of them losing it? (searched Deviant art for "Tamama Pony") no that's not it (searched "Tamama Bipolar" and found that picture of Tamama & Fluttershy) "Fluttershy" well then, let's start with clips of her....

    Or something very close to that (it makes more sense when you read my post of what lead up to me finding the show)

  5. As everyone else has said, I think it's a bit early to worry about this being a bad season though I understand your concerns. But yes, I think it be alright, don't forget there were some more comedy centered episodes in the first season too, not to mention with Lauren Faust stepping back a bit everyone is getting used to the changes and the new jobs they have to do. I think that with everyone trying to get used to the changes they decided to start with an easier, more comedy focused episode and it will balance out a bit more within the next few episodes, especially since the descriptions for some are very promising. To be honest I didn't really expect it to be as in depth as some of the other episodes when I read the description, but as Kal413 said it did have a nice bit of character development for Twilight.

    We've seen how Twilight's usual logical thought process end up falling by the way side when she's under too much stress, even in her story from Cutie Mark Cronicles we see that there are certain situations that she dosen't handle well and this episode really showed how bad her anxiety can be at times. As for your comment about Rarity and her Melodrama couch, it's not the first time she's over reacted like that (namely during the description of the Everfree Forest in episode 9), but looking at the descriptions on Equestria Daily, episode 5 seems very promising

  6. The first episode since Lauren Faust Stepped down and, thankfully, still great! There were so many fun moments in this one, the episode was every bit as great as the fan works I've seen on the topic, it does feel a tiny bit different from the previous episodes but that is probably everyone getting used to their new jobs and will balance out later. Also everypony who was dissatisfied with Twilight's breakdown during episode 10 you can now see her really go flying off the deep end (And on a side note, there was nice bonus for me, one of the scenes is perfect for something I've been working on)

    This Week's Meme Report:

    New opening (By the way, did anyone else spot Derpy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders in the train?)

    Magic Kindergarten

    Unnamed Alicorn Filly

    Rarity's Melodrama Couch (That almost sounds like a possible playset....)

    Sonic Mush-boom cloud/ Sonic Rain-Plume

    Fluttershy the massage Ninja

    Rainbow Dash's Sunglasses

    Smarty Pants

    "I like her mane"

    Big Macintosh Loves Plush Toys

  7. There's one anime convention, that I go to every year and they had a My Little Pony panel, but I didn't go see it since it was before I became a fan.

    However I did go to the My Little Pony panel at another convention in the summer (though I missed half because my Mother was driving me back and was getting a migrene and it was a long drive), I saw a girl dressed as Fluttershy in her Gala Dress (I have a photograph of her) and bought three Ponies at one of the booths (Twilight Sparkle, Rarity & Lily Blossom, they had Cheerilee too but I didn't bring very much cash and since this was one of the first years of the convention so it was fairly small and cash only)

  8. I did it! And while watching, I noiced several things:

    Elements Of Harmony's opening song starts first

    Look Before You Sleep has it's opening sequence last, it starts when the second to last finishes

    There's one pont where 3 different songs are going symutaniously

    There's a point with at least 4 Ponies screaming in unison

    One Sonic Rainboom starts more or less when the other ends

    The same appiles to "Wahahaha"

    There were several points where you could hear a Pony's voice more clearly because there were several of that Pony speaking at the same time

    Pinkie Pie's Gala speculation song and her verse of At The Gala overlap

    • Like 2
  9. I've seen a few little girls buying the toys when I've been browsing my local Toys R Us, there's also the inncident when this woman put one of the Pinkie Pie ornaments on hold for her little Colt the same day I bought mine and the clerk thought that I was the woman's daughter or sister.

    In terms of the T.V. show I know that one of my mom's student brought her son to our house once and he saw a bit of one episode before his mother took him to show him another room and she's shown him episodes online since then (to be honest I don't know very many people with young children)

  10. Well in terms of the franchise as a whole I've known about it for a while, my earliest memory being of it watching the "Escape from Katrina" special when it reran on T.V. (the first line or two of Megan's song with the baby Ponies and one of the Ponies knocking over an archway made of blocks) I'm not sure when this happened but I'm fairly sure it was before I turned 5

    Then when I was a bit older (about 6 or 7) they released the second generation of Pony toys and I started collecting and playing with those, around that time I had a baby sitter, Lindsay (who I'm still in touch with by the way) who would let me play with her and her sister's old Pony toys when I came over to her house. I also found the movie at a video rental place when I was 8 or 9 (and I managed to convice my long distance friend Wesley to watch it with me when he visited). After moving to my current house I eventually found another video retal place that had the movie and later the original T.V. series avalible (though it took several months for me to finally be able to rent it) and I've seen a few episodes of "Pony Tales" after finding it on youtube

    As for "Friendship is Magic" I heard it mentioned a few times before I watched it, I believe the first one was when one of my friends mentioned that she had been watching it earlier that day (though the way she phrased it made me think she had been watching one of the older series, I think she explained it afterwards), I also saw one of the custom Pony makers (the one with limited options, not the better nown one) at some point after finding out that this was a new series and seeing a few pictures of some of the Ponies with other characters (the two works that I remember best are a fan-character named "Dusk and Dawn" and picture of Fluttershy with another one of my favourite characters) though I never thought to really look the series up even after seeing that there was a panel about it at one of the conventions I go to.

    Still, this series does have something special attached to it; it soothed my heart break

    (This probably sounds a bit melodramatic, but it did)

    On Tuesday June 14th my friend that I've started tutoring in Japanese told me that shed have to cancel her session with me that day because of a crices of some sort which turned out to be a good thing since I wouldn't have been in any state to work with her by the time we usually met up at. I ended up going onlne to another forum that I frequent and one of my online friends (not the one mentioned earlier) mentioned that she now had a boyfriend, when she gave a few hints about him it started to sound a bit familiar....and it turned out to who I thought it was. Which was a problem because I had been in love with the same boy for several months before, we had even been a couple for a day during valentines day that year, I'm not sure why I didn't tell any one, I didn't tell him because his last girlfriend had treated him so badly I didn't think that he would try to find another one for a while longer, if I had at least told my other friends I'm sure she never would have accepted him asking her....I didn't even know they had been talking out side of the topics that usually serve as the common room we all chat in

    As you can guess, I was devistated. But at somepoint I thought that I should at least let her know how I felt so she'd know that she had to be careful and she could tell him to be careful as well in whichever way she felt would be best. I hoped that I'd even be given a chance to tell her everything and that her reaction would be "Oh shoot, I had no idea it was like that, I can't do anything about it now but I promise I'll break up with him later so you can tell him how you feel" after all, I had been harbouring secret feelings for months, feelings that were only kept hidden because I didn't think he was ready, that definately counts for more than a "It Clicked" moment, she's five years older than him (he and I are about the same age, he's about 6 months older than me), possibly taller than him, neither of them have a job so neither of them can afford to go visit each other (she lives in America he lives in Wales, I live in Canada but I have an Uncle I could stay with and I was going to start training for a job that I plan to pay for my university and anything else that was important to me with). Not to mention she had said countless times before that he didn't care about finding a boyfriend or anything like that......It didn't work out the way I'd hoped, she wasn't upset with me but I didn't have my opening or my "Don't worry, I'll make this right for you" (probably because when I'm upset my typing dosen't really show my feelings very well, if this had happened in the physical world even if I had managed to hold myself together long enough to leave my reaction wouldn't have left very much to the imagination) and she wasn't as careful as I hoped (meaning don't ever mention or allude to it in my presence or anywhere you know I'll be until you break up)

    The next day I went into the city because my Mother and I were going to see a play and I enjoyed that but out side of then I was still upset. And the next day, while I could still talk to everyone I was also still depressed and needed something to use as an emotional crutch, I ended up remembering the picture of Fluttershy and the other character and eventually managed to find her name and searched for her on youtube (I still wasn't sure what to expect, but I was so depressed that even if the show had been similar to generation 3 it wouldn't have mattered) so I ended up watching a few clips including the "Best of Fluttershy" and "Fluttershy's Rant" videos (and imidiately noticed that she wasn't nearly as volitile as I thought she would be given the character she had been shown with) and eventually watched an episode after seeing a comment about it, and of course it was episode 26, then episode 9. And I went through the entire first season like this, watching episodes depending on how many it took to cheer me up and which ones interested me more and talking to my friend who had first mentioned it to me (for the first couple of nights we manged to clear the topic of everyone else but eventually all of the regular posters ended up loving it....yes even the two responsible for me starting to watch the show)

    Wow....I didn't expect to still react like this three and a half months later thank you to everypony who made it to the end of this

  11. Well that was fantastic! (^u^)

    There were so many funny moments through out this half with lovely sentimental moments and everything was just perfect (Yes....I'll probably write a better review when I'm a bit less sleep deprived)

    But yes, the only thing I would have changed was having "Dumb Rock" be thrown in and maybe having the Rainbow of Harmony transport Discord to "Somewhere with the perfect friend for him" (The home of a Q Pony, to be honest I wasn't really expecting them to do that but they could have fit another fun pop-culture reference in that way)

    Also I found it hilarious when the rock was reffered to as Tom, for obvious reasons (And Tom? something in Equestria being given a human name?), but it had a secong layer of humour for me and my family since I know somebody who has a father named Tom whose personality was sumarised perfectly by the boulder

    If Spike is RainbowDash then would Sonic Rainboom have a different name? Sonic Spikeboom? Sonic Scrollboom? Hehe, this is fun.

    Sonic Flameboom! (^u^)


    this is my new love. SHE IS....

    I fixed it for you

    Meme fountain anyone?

    Meme Fountain-y Goodness! :D

  12. Oh! Did anyone else notice the nod to episode 8 at the beginning?

    Applebloom:....If you were actually victoriful at something

    Sweetie Belle: That's not a word!

    Compared to their Sister's

    Applejack: Well ah'm the gettalongingest Pony yer ever gonna meet!

    Rarity: That's not even a word

    Also, does anypony else think the boulder is made from part of the dumb rock? Even if it probably won't be mentioned it would be ironic

    One possible theory about how this episode arc will be resolved, that it will have something to do with the Everfree Forest, if you think about it the riddle at the beginning it could also be thought of in order to retrieve the elements they need to go back to the Everfree Forest where their friendship began (actually, considering what's happening to Equstria, the Everfree Forest is probably the safest place to be)

  13. So the rain is Chocolate! And from Cotton Candy clouds too!

    Hmm, I thought this would be answered in the next episode, but I was wondering if I was right about the Elements of Harmony. That a Pony with the right traits can harmness the corresponding element and they become bonded to whoever uses them and changes it's form to match the Pony in question (in some senses they're like the Clow/Sakura cards from Cardcaptor Sakura). It also suggests that because she had to use them alone Princess Celestia couldn't return Nightmare Moon to normal because the elements aren't as powerful when they're all being used by one Pony so she could only seal her away until a Pony who was able to use the Element of Magic appeared and could bring other Ponies together to harness the other Elements

    Oh and did anyone else notice when Discord hypnotises the Ponies:


    Dessa's Picture: I see three Trixies, and a Pony shaped building

  14. Well Dusty, this is a world where almost everyone is female....

    I think it's more or less safe to assume the brown rain is chocolate looking at some of the screen shots given

    1- Rarity probably wouldn't be as concious as she is if it were raining mud

    2- Unusual as she can be, I don't think even Pinkie would eat dirt (true that mushy stuff from Over A Barrel looked like mud, but it may have been pemmican)

    Or it might be a variation of the Smooze

  15. Maybe instead of blindness being extremely near-sighted (actually that is a possibility for me since I have very good vision, at least I have the option of using my mom's other pair of glasses)

    Most likely I'd end up with decreased intelligence ( :-| with up speak.... :blah:)

    Loss of fine motor skills (a lot of things I enjoy require good fine motor skills)

    Mister Paradox voice (I have a very high-pitched voice)

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