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Everything posted by Papyrus

  1. It sounds like you've had a lot of practice, it's no wonder you're seem like you've mastered it. Have you ever taken art classes before, regardless of whether they were official lessons or otherwise?
  2. So, LM, I can see that you're an artist too! How long have you been displaying your art to the internet?
  3. A map with a surrounding orange aura enters the salon, or at least that's what it appears to be when the green unicorn levitating the map can't be bothered to look away. She steps in clumsily, not taking notice to her surroundings but instead staring intently at the wrinkled map. However, she quickly becomes aware of her mistake when she accidentally bumps against a chair. Her eyes spin for a minute from the minor collision, but she shakes her head and looks into the lightly dusted salon that she drew attention to herself in by mistake.
  4. @MyLittlePonyTales: Ohmigosh, how could I forget to leave out Gravity Falls?! That's a pretty awesome cartoon, it's really outstanding how wonderful the animation and humor is for a Disney cartoon. @LovinMoonlight: Yep, I drew the avatar! I actually made a whole range of emotions for RPs on Ponychan, but I came here instead. I don't really have it posted anywhere, but PM me if you want some sketches!
  5. @Bellosh101: I've done Homestuck roleplay before, along with human characters that I've made on my own, but I've only done one MLP-related rp before and it wasn't terribly long.
  6. About Myself: My name's Jen, but you can call me Pap after my OC if you'd like! c: I'm a high school freshman from Philadelphia, and I came to this site after finding out that the community is outstanding. I really like to draw/cartoon, write fanfics, and I may or may not be a shipping fangirl. I love animation, but My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Dan Vs. definitely top the list of my favorite cartoons. I'm very friendly and a bit naive, and I'd love to make some friends here. How I found Canterlot.com: Searched for MLP:FiM roleplay sites How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I first found out about Friendship is Magic browsing television channels on a Saturday. After being shocked by the fantastic animation for a My Little Pony cartoon, I admit I poked a bit of fun for the pony's names being kind of silly. However, a bit later I searched up the schedule online, and I became a fan of the show. Not too long afterward I found out about the internet fandom, and...here we are, with my set of 2" figurines lining my desk as I type this up. My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Miss Rarity This roleplay community is definitely the best one I've found for Friendship is Magic so far, and I can't wait to get involved with a few! Everything around here is so wonderful, and it really is a breath of fresh air compared to some other online rp communities, not to mention any names of course. I hope we can be great friends!
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