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Posts posted by johnconer2

  1. Will you and i are in the same boat , i don't really believe in anything that as to do with the end of the world. I am not a true none beleiver for say becasue it as to end sooner or latter but not on the very last day of their calender.

  2. will i tend to stay away from , anything that as to do with the news becasue it mostly makes me depressed. I tend to stay in more like thses areas , role plays and general fun.

  3. Roleplay Type:[ cross over





    Eye colour:[yellow

    Coat:[Dark brown

    Mane/Tail:[Light brown

    Physique:[ He is athletic and

    he as a slight torn left wing and he as a scar on the right side of his face.

    Residence:[Clouds dell.

    Occupation:[ none he is still in school.

    Cutie Mark:[ A question mark with a few random iteams around it, he is able to find some random iteam that he needs and use it he has no idea on how he finds it. Yavolin has no clue on how he erned his cutie mark he just remembers he was making something that he needed for class for a project he had little to work with so he made do with stuff that he found around the house. After he had made his project his cutie mark appeared on his flank. He has no idea what it means and tried to explane it to some ponies but he end up confusing some.

    History:[ He as lived in clouds dell for all of his life with his little brother Marvolin and his father Golvern.

    When he was born his wing kinda was out of alignment with his right wing. For awhile Yavolin was unable to fly becasue of it. But he never stoped trying to fly. Yavolin never let his disabilty of not being able to fly get the better of him becasue he saw it as an opertunity to better himself.

    caracture summery: [Yavolin as a few anger issues which makes him unaprocable to some ponies. He doesn't really have that big of a problem in interacting with other ponies but he hates it how other ponies say he is only half a pegasus becasue of his bad wing. Yavolin offten finds it difficalt to do his day to day task becasue of his wing. Mostly becasue of his bad wing it doesn't stop him from trying nor does he allow other ponies to keep him down , Yavolin offten thinks of himself as some pony who doesn't quit. He offten as troubble with working with other ponies but when it comes down to it he is willing to help out almost any pony. Yavolin is often unable to interact with some of his classmates due to his anger problems and most meany make fun of his bad wing so he mostly stays away from some of his classmates.

  4. About Myself: I am just an normal guy sitting down at the computer typing this in, my hobbies are writing poems and stories. But when i am not doing that i am mostly watching tv.

    How I found Canterlot.com: thought the powers of crazy

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My little Dashie.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
    Hy I am PrinceMorningstar and i am new here to the fourms but not the show.

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