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Posts posted by Klopp

  1. Greetings, Klopp! The SRP staff are fine with your character using his head on thunderclouds, so long as it does not cause the character grievous injury.

    We would also like to inform you that your third sentence is an incomplete sentence. Additionally, the words "pegasus," "dissipate," and "common" are not proper nouns, and should not be capitalized unless beginning a sentence. If you would like to police our grammar, please make sure you serve us by example. Thanks! :mad:

    Yeah, you will find that I am the king of weird typos, and my pinkie has a tendency to over-shift at times, I really haven't a clue why. :P Normally I catch myself, but in this case I neglected to proof-read and the mistakes managed to slip by. :3

  2. Hi Klopp!

    Excellent start to this application! All of the required fields are filled and you did provide a very details cutie mark story.

    However, I do have to question the effects of 'ramming' clouds with one's head. We've seen on the cartoon that Pegasi can 'kick' clouds to make them discipate, and we've seen lots of examples of Pegasi stomping on clouds to make them rain/thunder.

    I guess this sounds ok, but I think we might need a ruling from a Senior RPH on this.

    Otherwise, the app looks GREAT to me!


    Thanks a bunch! :3

    In regards to ramming clouds with his head, I don't see why they could use their hooves and not their head to get rid of clouds or release thunder. I just imagine thunder clouds would be a bit dangerous to use your head with, especially considering the Derpy incident, which is why the hat is so important! :3

    And since Klopp is based off my own personality, ramming clouds with my head is totally something I would do if I were a Pegasus. :P

    PS: You spelled Dissipate wrong... Common mistake, I've found, but my inner Grammar Nazi just had to say something about it. :3

  3. klopp_thunderhead_by_arylett_dawnsborough-d5nohqs.png

    Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Klopp Thunderhead

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye colour: Azure

    Coat: Ivory.

    Mane/Tail: A fairly messy mane and tail of three different shades of blue.

    Physique: A strong Pegasus with a hefty build. (Similar to that of Shining Armor, but as a Pegasus)

    Residence: Manehatten.

    Occupation: Climate Control Specialist, particularly adept at the containment, construction and control of severe storms.

    Cutie Mark: The cutie mark upon his flank is that of his beloved fedora, which he wears at all time, accompanied by a blue thunderbolt, representing his talent for controlling thunderstorms, and his general love for 'bad' weather. It is the perfect representation for his job, his passion, and his iconic fedora.

    Klopp earned his cutie mark when he was a colt, while him, his sister, and his parents were off visiting some earth pony cousins in Baltimare. While there he wanted to be sure and pick up a souvenir from his travels, and eventually decided to give in to his sisters wishes to get a hat, cause she would constantly tell him that his head looked empty without one. The two together entered a hat shop and tried on many things to get the right look. His spotted a glorious Fedora and decided it was the perfect thing to cover up Klopp's mane. The hat was a perfect fit, and not only that, but he looked darn good wearing it as well.

    Shortly after he acquired his hat, his family was to go on a boat ride with their cousins in the Horseshoe Bay, which Klopp was not looking forward to. He much preferred the skies to the sea. When they got to the opening where Horseshoe Bay connected with the Ocean, they noticed a large wandering thunderstorm approaching from the the southwest which would have endangered not only their boat, but the other boats in the area as well. Klopp's parents told him and his sister to stay put, and they would redirect it, and a few other pegasi joined in to help from other boats as well. Unfortunately they had underestimated the storm, and controlling it was not an easy task like they previously thought. Klopp noticed they were struggling, and had dealt with thunderclouds before back home in Cloudsdale, so took his own initiative and flew out to go help the other pegasi contain the cloud.

    At first his parents were greatly worried when they saw him fly over to help, but their concern turned to awe as he was doing remarkably well for someone his age. Rather than trying to redirect the cloud like the other pegasi had been doing, he gave it a good beating with his strength and agility, and attempted to force all the energy out of the clouds by simply beating it out of them. Unfortunately this wasn't working too well, so he decided to fly at full speed and ram the cloud with his head. This is a technique Klopp had done before that was very effective, but it was dangerous due to electrical shock to his head, and it often caused him to get severe headaches when doing so. However, with the protection his newly acquired wool hat offered him, he was able to safely zip through the clouds and expel a greater amount of energy from the clouds in the form of thunder. It did not take long before it had stopped creating large bolts of electricity and became nothing more than a gentle rain, so those on the boats below had little more to worry about than getting themselves a bit wet. He and his parents flew back down to their boat and were greeted by his sister, who gave latched onto him with a hug and pointed out to him that his cutie mark had appeared.

    History: Klopp was born in Cloudsdale to to a pair of Pegasi, the father being a strong, hard worker for a transportation company, sending supplies all around Equestria. His mother working at the weather factory helping to produce the finest in rainbows and clouds. At a young age, his father started to ask him to help out loading and unloading different cargo that he had to transport across Equestria, and he had done this many times starting pretty young which allowed him to develop some strong muscles early on in his life, he was amongst the strongest in his school and was always asked to lift heavy things for others. He continued working with his father for a long time while going to school. For the most part he was a loner though, not making very many friends but he was still well liked amongst his classmates.

    At school though, Klopp was always a bit of a harmless prankster. He loved to create small lightning clouds and give people an unexpected shock when at the most surprising times. But apart from shocking pranks, he did fairly well in most subjects at school, but excelled at weather-related classes the best. He always assumed his cutie mark would have something to do with weather, so he would always purposely get himself caught in large storms of all kinds whenever he could in an attempt to discover his special talent. However, he eventually acquired it when he least expected it in Baltimare on vacation with his family, and not only did he acquire his cutie mark, but he also acquired a taste for artistic talent as well, because the cousins they had gone to visit were painters and he grew fond of their works of art, which became an interest to him later on in life.

    Soon after he arrived back from Baltimare with his family, his mother had toldmany in Cloudsdale of his special talent, and soon afterwards he had been asked to become a weather specialist to help moderate the weather throughout Equestria. Of course, he accepted the job. After a few years he has moved up the ranks and has relocated to Manehatten, where bad weather is a common threat. He has been lonely since and is on the hunt to make new friends, but so far he hasn't met anyone who he has become very attached to.

    Character Summary: Being a pegasus, Klopp has a natural love for all things weather related, but he is particularly fond of what most consider to be 'bad' weather. Blizzards, hurricanes and typhoons were among Klopp's favorite things, and even as a very young colt would always do his best to get caught in a bad storm. He also had a passion for flying in general to the point where you are far more likely to find him whizzing through the air rather than standing on his hooves. Due to this he has become a very quick and graceful flyer since he is almost always flying when he's not asleep. Though he's not the fastest around, his top speed is certainly above average.

    Klopp tends to have a positive outlook on life, but he has a tendency to get a bit paranoid at times. He looks forward to everything he does with a smile on his face, but if someone or something doesn't show up quite when they were supposed to, Klopp often assumes the worst, but even when he does he never believes it. His emotions are very complex, and sometimes he can get into bouts of depression for seemingly no reason, usually caused by his loneliness, but many times there doesn't seem to be any particular cause.

    He is very eccentric, always doing and saying odd things just because he enjoys doing them. When working with others he keeps moral high with jokes, silly voices, and wearing things as clothes that weren't meant to be clothes. He is fairly shy when he first meets someone new, but after he opens up to them he becomes the life of the party. It's hard for anyone to hate him, but it's his unique personality that makes it difficult for him to find friends he gets along with well, since most are not like him at all.

    Klopp is very big on honesty, and hates to lie about anything. When he does try to lie, his body language and tone of voice makes it obvious he is doing so, so instead he often just tells the truth even if he would rather not, but in the end it usually makes life easier for him. He typically expects others to be equally honest, so he is easy to trust people, which sometimes ends up poorly for him.

    He usually has his head up in the clouds, both literally and figuratively. His mind wandering, thinking about friendship and what he wants to do with his future. He inspires to find himself a nice mare to settle down with and start his own family, but he's not very good with females so he hasn't made much progress there. Lately he has been coming out of his shell and doing more to meet other ponies in hopes that he can make that dream of his come true.

    All in all, he is just out to find himself a bit of happiness, but unfortunately he hasn't done made good progress. However, he will certainly never give up on that goal.

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  4. How many fedoras do you own?

    Well, the funny thing about that is I actually don't own any. :3 (I really need to get one though)

    It's just become this ridiculous symbol of Kloppishness that is so awesome I wouldn't dare create an OC representing myself without one. And yeah, I will certainly get myself a real one... some day. >.>

  5. That is ridiculously accurate to me now. Seriously... how does it know? O_o

    You aren't the only one...

    Your past life diagnosis:

    I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern North China around the year 1000. Your profession was that of a builder of roads, bridges and docks.

    Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

    [colour=#800000]Revolutionary type. You inspired changes in any sphere - politics, business, religion, housekeeping. You could have been a leader.[/colour]

    The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

    [colour=#800000]You are bound to learn to understand other people and to meet all difficulties of life with a joyful heart. You should help others by bringing them a spirit of joy.[/colour]

    Do you remember now?

    The last bit in particular is spot on. o.O

  6. Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

    My personal fursona is a fox as well.

    I'm sure it's because Foxes are just too awesome. :3

    Welcome to canterlot!

    Hope you enjoy your stay!

    Thanks! I'll do my best to enjoy it here. :3

    Klawpz! You finally post. Good boy! :3 Just remember to tune out the lies about any other hat being superior to a fedora. Because that is clearly not the case. Your hat is the only holy hat to exist.

    Of course! We all know my hat is superior to the rest. :3

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  7. Welcome welcome! Aside from Arylett, we have other furies hanging around these parts as well. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll giggle at your name. :lol:

    Good to know! But it's not at all surprising, really. There doesn't seem to be a public website anywhere in the internet that doesn't have at least one furry. XD

    PS: Panama hats are better.

    Only to those whose minds have been tainted by evil. Away with you and your devilish taste in headwear! (Of course not, both are Epicz. :3)

  8. About Myself: The name is Klopp, not to be confused with anything that is pronounced exactly the same (Feel free to giggle, though).

    I'm just a not-so-average 21 year old guy looking for a nice place to hang out and roleplay. My interests include... everything, really. There is always something awesome in every subject, and when it comes to entertaining myself, I will find joy in just about anything, especially if I am doing it with friends.

    Apart from being a brony, I am also a furry, and have been for roughly 5 or 6 years. Normally I would be hesitant to say that, because I tend to always get insulted simply because I enjoy something, so I have this horrendous fear that people will dislike me just for being myself. Thankfully I've gotten over that recently, and am not afraid to openly admit I am a furry on the internet. :3

    In case you are interested in that at all, my fursona is a Messenger, a species created by my friend, Arylett, who also joined and said a bit about them in her own introduction thread, In case you didn't read hers, they are an anthropomorphic species of canines with three separate races, Dogs, FOxes and Hyenas. My own fursona is of the Fox variety.

    Anyways, I tend to be a generally silly guy with a strange sense of humor. That's not saying I can't be serious when necessary, but being silly helps me cope with stress better (Which, unfortunately, I have a lot of) I am a kind and sympathetic, sensitive guy, and really hate to see others in pain. I am dedicated and loyal to my friends, and would do anything I could to protect them.

    I guess that's enough rambling about myself right now, I think I'll move on to the next text box...

    How I found Canterlot.com: I was told about it by my best friend, Arylett, who I joined alongside.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I had seen the memes pop up around the internet everywhere I went throughout 2011, but wasn't really interested in trying it out until I joined a forum and read a few posts from people who said the show was genuinely awesome, so I gave it a look and over the course of 2 days watched the series, and was begging for more.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy
    I don't know what else to say, I guess HELLO! :3

    See yall 'round the forums!

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