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Posts posted by CadeyrnFireWing

  1. Most of them didn't have anything nice to say about me I bet, I went by the name firegazer there, just goes to show how spiteful and mean us Aussies can be, sad though. Especially the mod Sweetie Heart, not much of a sweetie if you ask me...

    anyways, if you don't mind me asking, what part of Aus r u from?

  2. I know, well that's what it said for him on his app so that's how I did it

    I'm afraid I'm not very original.. I just use the hubworld's pony creator as a base then go over it in inkscape... one reason I'm giving up, I'm not very good at art.. more of a writer...

    EDIT: Not to mention that whilst most have appreciated and said thank you for the art I've done for them, there are some that haven't said a single word of acknowledgement or thank, so that is another reason I'm giving up on it

  3. I should mention that the endless tie-ins and references just did it for me, that is when I decided to call it quits and say that generally Blizzard got lazy... I could imagine like maybe one or two tie-ins or references that would have been ok, but they didn't even do anything to change the names they just had like "Lieutenant Lane" or "Harrison Jones" or something like that and yeah.. I prefer SW:ToR or GW2

  4. Hi and Welcome to Canterlot, and I can sympathize with you on the leaving the forum due to drama, I've left a few forums (namely MLPforums, firendshipismagic.org, everypony and Bronies Australia), how-ever ponies here tend to b more on the understanding and appreciative side and not on the dramatic side. Hope you enjoy your stay here :)

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  5. Some kids at my step-daughter's school play slender, though I don't think their parents should be letting them... I mean its horror for crying out loud! You may as well let them watch Friday the 13th or Elm St...

  6. Ok, so I'm just going to throw this out here as an idea, and see what kind of response I get.

    I have noticed (not particularly on this site, but on others) that there are a lot of Bronies and Pegasisters who have disabilities (myself included), how-ever I have noticed that on most sites they are sadly lacking a Disability Support spot. Now this would be great, not just for those who have a disability and need somewhere to go to for support from people who understand them but it would also be great for those who are curious about the various disabilities or know someone who has a disability and would like to know more/how to handle their friend/family member/s. Now this spot will be completely non-discriminative, meaning that anyone with or without any sort of disability, be it mental, social, intellectual or physical, can join and get the support they need/want. I've already asked a mod about this but haven't gotten a response, so I thought I'd ask it out in the open here and see who replies with what answers. I also thought I'd ask first, as I know how confronting something like this can be, and it can possibly be breaking some hidden rules or something so instead of getting in trouble, thought I'd ask first.


    Cadeyrn FireWing

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  7. Bravo Autumn! It is good to see that there are some ponies out here that are sensible, have a sense of decency and "cleanliness", as I mentioned before I was on another couple of other forums recently, and the "language" coming from these ponies were extremely vulgar and disgusting! Why must people make something that is meant for children into something for adults? There is no need for all this NSFW stuff as it is just plain disgusting and unnecessary!

  8. Hmm, did a search and couldn't come across anything directly STEAM associated so decided to make one myself.

    Ok so this be where you say your steam account/s and games (if you want)

    Mine are:

    Destorytheministry and Dreadwitchhunter

    Games: too many to list, I no longer play ANY of them, so am looking to trade (pm for the list)

  9. I don't believe the world will end on December 21st. Something big will possibly happen, could be for better, or for worse, I don't know. To back me up, there is a lot of material in The Bible that explains a number of things that will occur before anything like "2012" happens. I don't know/can't remember all of them, but I know one thing, only God knows when the world will end. How would the Mayan race know when? How would they know better than the one who created them in the first place?

    That's all I have to say, really.

    EDIT: One other thing. We shouldn't fear change. Not as long as it is God making the change/s. Just trust. I'm sure we all don't share the same religion, but this is how I see it.

    Whilst I am not a practicing Witness nor am I a baptized one, my Wife is a practicing Baptized publisher with Jehovah's Witnesses, and I agree only Jehovah knows when it will happen, and it will most certainly be for the best! Also, I never put much thought into the whole thing when others are saying it is going to happen. For Australians, you will remember the first time people really started harping on about it was when all that red dust come up from Tasmania and covered Sydney with it, then there was that stupid guy on the radio etc... the bible also says "Beware the False Prophets"

  10. I'd say the censorship is quite good, yes a little inconvenient but otherwise good. You'd be quite disgusted with how vulgar some people who deem themselves as Bronies can be. I was actually on one forum not too long ago, where they banned all talk of religion/faith yet they allowed constant use of cussing and vulgarity...Which is more hurtful and obscene I ask you? I try my best not to swear, not just online but in real life as-well, like i say "If you wouldn't talk like that in real life (especially to your family and friends), then why do it online?"

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