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Posts posted by CadeyrnFireWing

  1. 1. That is cool

    2. You are very much welcome

    3. Number lists are cool :)

    Sure, I can do it for you, I've nearly finished the one I'm working on for Kaibunny94 and will be able to start on yours once I've gotten back from the hardware store for a garden fork, and the hobby shop for some more warhammer spray paint :)

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  2. Hi y'all, this is my sad and pathetic attempts at "art"..

    My OC: Cadeyrn FireWing (without his Cutiemark and Saber)


    My OC: Caderyn FireWing (with his Cutiemark but without his Saber)


    MY OC: Cadeyrn FireWing (with his Cutiemark and Saber)


    My Signature for the site:


    and My Avatar for the site:


    Note: i use Th Hubworld's Pony Creator as a base, then vector over it on Inkscape, (i.e use own colours, shapes etc), then add things such as props/cutie marks as wanted

    I also have a DA account: http://caderynfirewing.deviantart.com/

    Note: I do do requests, but please not too technical or hard thanks

  3. You're welcome mate :), with OC's I'll need a refference (a pic would be good), just so you know, I use the Hubworld's pony creator as a base, vector over it on inkscape (i.e using own colours etc), then add things like props and cutie marks wanted

  4. Hello Kaibunny, welcome to Canterlot.com! Everyone here is super nice and friendly, so we hope you enjoy your stay with us! Also, if you are looking for a free vector for RP or other purposes, I am willing to try my hand at it :)

  5. Hey mate, welcome to this site. You're lucky you've joined this one and not a few others I've been on, Everyone here is super-nice and friendly :) Also, I can try my hand at vectoring for you, I just need references (such as colours, shape, cutie mark etc) A pic of your oc would be good, oh and ooc means out of character

  6. I'll say this straight up, I do not believe in ghosts or the like, and I believe that everything that happened can be explained either environmentally or psychologically.

    For instance... #1... It could have been a loose pipe, or it could have been something else that was banging that gave the illusion of foot steps.

    #2 Sightings can be many things, infrasound creating moving objects, and distorting your perception of reality. There are also psychological factors that often make you think something is there when it isn't. This becomes even worse if the notion to believe in ghosts is already there. Your mind will insert the image of a person.

    #3 see #2... Just because no one is in the room and nothing *visibly* fell does not mean that something else could have caused a loud noise.

    #4 see #2...

    #5 see #2...

    A lot of ghost myths have to do with things that are occurring naturally in the environment, whether it be electromagnetic fields, something generating infrasound, among other things. The rest is all psychological in how your brain chooses to interpret it. For instance... I, when I was younger, thought my room was haunted because I woke up and couldn't move. That scared the living hay out of me. 6 months later I learned of "sleep paralysis" and there went my ghost theory, because that made more sense. And yes, I did think I saw someone at the foot of my bed when it happened because I wanted to. In the end, I believe in the simplest explanations. Ghosts are anything but simple.

    I reflect what starswirl has said, there was once a time where I DID believe in ghosts and the such, but then I grew up and saw just how foolish it was to believe in such follies. Now, for a question. Are or have you (or anyone else in your family or your circle of friends) been involved in practices such as fooling around with either Tarot Cards or an Ouija Board? If so, then what you may have is DEMONS... Otherwise, than it is mostly something along the lines as what Starswirl has said.. Psychological... Now, you may think that Tarot Cards and Ouija Boards are just fun. How-ever, they are completely the opposite. Here are some examples of what has happened to people I've known who have used Ouija Boards.

    Example 1: An old friend of mine, who happens to have been a practicing Pagan since a very young age (and she is now in her late 40s or 50s). She had once used an Ouija Board with a bunch of her friends, but something really, and I mean REALLY spooked them, the destroyed the board and smashed the glass, then buried the glass under a tree in a nearby park, the next day, a 10 year old boy was climbing that very tree and fell off it, broke his neck and died...

    Example 2: A girl I once knew used one with her friends at her old house, and lets just say that Demons have been "haunting" the house ever since.

    Now, I admit, there were times I myself had felt the inclination to use an Ouija Board, how-ever, I went straight to a very close friend of mine (all though now we have been out of touch for ages), and asked his advice/opinion on it, and he always gave the same answer... NO! Do not even go near one! And I've always heeded that answer, and I have had no real problems.

    So make of it what you will... But more often than not, it is mostly psychological or just something wrong with the house, and if you or someone you know have used such follies as the aforementioned, then sorry, you (or they) are fools! You may jsut have Demons in your house.

    P.S it could also just be your ears and eyes playing tricks on you. When I was younger, I used to hear someone calling my name constantly, These days, it isn't as bad.

    P.P.S Are you on any sort of drugs? If so, it could be that as-well... And it doesn't have to be illegal drugs, sometimes prescribed drugs can do that too.


    Hi, thanks, though I generally do not talk to people who don't know how to spell and use correct grammar and who use all capital letters... It's as bad, perhaps worse than l33t/chat speak....

    This is one rule I try to follow, "If you wouldn't talk like that in real life, why do it online?" Meaning, say, if you were to write an essay or do your homework in all capital letters and using atrocious spelling and grammar, I think not. So why do it online? It is, to me at least, infuriating to no end, extremely difficult to read and to understand, and it is also extremely annoying! (This goes for overusing character such as the question mark or the exclamation mark, one would be sufficient enough). Now, I can understand were you Dyslexic (as my wife is Dyslexic), but what I see here is deliberate misspelling and grammatical errors... So yeah

  8. Well then I stand corrected, sorry for that. Well some advice then, if you want to stop swearing, it's best to start using ordinary day words that sound similar (or some made up ones) to replace the swear words (buck or duck for f**k, fitch or witch for b**ch, etc...) It has helped me, I still swear on the occasion, but only when I am really upset, angry or annoyed...

  9. Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Somerled FireMane

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eyes: His eyes are light blue, some have said that they are very deep and soulful and that they remind them of the ocean when it is calm

    Coat: His coat is of a pale cream colour, there really isn’t much to note about it, though he does tend to hide most of it by wearing his favorite grey and black sweater.

    Mane/Tail: Even though he does not put much stock in appearance, he always keeps his coat, mane and tail well groomed, both his mane and tail are of a light auburn colour with hints of a darker brown mixed in

    Physique: He is of a medium build, not too thin and stocky and not too fat and muscly. All though he may not look it, he does keep fit by taking daily walks and sometimes the occasional canter.

    Residence: He has resided in Ponyville most of his life, how-ever he does have the ambition to go to either Manehatten or Canterlot to make it big, so he wonders a lot.

    Occupation: Officially - He has no real occupation, save for doing odd jobs around Ponyville for other ponies, be it foal sitting, mending a fence or building a new house, he is quite happy to help others, without asking for anything in return. UN-officially – He is a bass guitar player and writes lyrics

    Cutie Mark: His Cutie Mark is a Bass Clef with some music lines over the top of it. Even though he didn’t quite know exactly what his Cutie Mark would be, from a very early age, he knew that it would have something to do with music, as he has always been very musically minded. He owed this to his parents always taking him to musicals, classical music concerts and the opera. One day, when he was still a very young colt, his parents were talking to the acoustic bassist for the Canterlot Opera House, and noticing that Somerled was eying his bass guitar with interest, the Bassist offered to teach him a little of the bass, he accepted the offer with enthusiasm and gratitude. Discovering soon after that he had a real knack for playing the bass guitar, but it wasn't until his parents bought him his first bass guitar that he realized how much music really meant to him, a year of practicing every day later, his school band had their first concert, now at this age Somerled was actually very terrified at performing onstage in front of other ponies, but his teacher, parents and friends had faith in him, noticing that Somerled was very much musically minded, his teacher tasked him to write a song for the band to play, so as to keep his mind off the stage fright,. it was after he wrote his very first song (which was the one the band played) that his Cutie Mark appeared. Since then, he practices his playing skills every day, when he became a full grown stallion, he dyed some music lines over the top of his Cutie Mark to symbolize his passion for writing music as-well.


    • He was born in Ponyville and has lived there most of his life,once he became a stallion, he started wondering around around, when he left home, hoping to someday make it into a band either in Canterlot or Manehatten.
    • Life for him wasn’t easy, yet it wasn’t tough either. His parents had brought him up, teaching him that nothing worthwhile or worth having is ever brought to you on a silver platter, and that he had to work to earn his keep and even though his family was considered to be upper-class, that everypony was equal, no matter the species, colour, occupation or class.
    • His parents are the FireMane's, named after the colour of their manes and tails, which many ponies have remarked reminds then of fire. They are working upper-class, preferring hard manual labour to earn what they have, than to sit around have nothing to do. They are upper-class because of their wealth, how-ever they do not go around showboating it off, though they do not hide it, they are open about their wealth, but are also always willing to help out a pony who is out of his or her luck and needs a little extra money, no matter the reason, without asking for anything in return. – He loves his parents unconditionally, always has and always will, and his parents return that unconditional love.
    • Somerled is an only child, though he has gained many “brothers” and “sisters” in his travels.
    • His life is full of meaning, which most of it he writes into lyrics and possibly sometimes music. He wonders around Equestria, meeting many new ponies and making new friends along the way. He has played in many local bands in Ponyville, but hasn’t stayed in any of them, due to his want for adventure and to make it big in either Canterlot or Manehatten.
    • He got to where he is now by hard work and diligence. He has always strived to be the best that he can be, and that sole desire has made him into the stallion that he is now. A hard-working, honest, friendly and helpful pony.
    • From here, he hopes to travel to either Manehatten or Canterlot (whichever one takes his fancy first), to start up a band and then to make it big (all-though for him, it wouldn’t be about the fame or the fortune (for he already has quite a lot of fortune), it would be about entertaining ponies of all ages across all of Equestria.

    Character Summary:

    • His talents include, but are not limited to: playing the bass guitar (which he excels at) and writing lyrics (and sometimes music). His other “talents” are helping other ponies out, whether it is foalsitting, mending a fence, building a house or even lending a few dollars to a down and out pony.
    • His biggest dream and goal is to travel to Manehatten or Canterlot (as specified above), to start up a band, and then to tour all of Equestria entertaining ponies of all ages.
    • He has always had a love for music and acting, as from a very early age, his parents have taken him to touring acting troupes, the Canterlot Opera, and to Musicals performed by the school. The only things that he loves more than music and acting are his family, his friends and animals.
    • Apart from helping others, his hobbies are playing the bass guitar and writing music, and taking walks in the forest.
    • In general he is a very open-minded, happy-go-lucky, easy-going and kind hearted pony. He is always happy to make new friends and is always willing to lend a hand.
    • He isn’t so good at backing down from arguments, and once he gets an idea into his head, it is very hard for him to get it out of it. He also has trouble finding a mate, but that one doesn’t matter so much to him, as his travels and his hobbies keep him quite occupied.
    • His only fears is that he will one day let his parents down as he loves them dearly, and wants very much to make them proud of him and think well of him (though this fear is rather irrational and unfounded, he still worries about it)

    So yeah, that’s pretty much it, sorry for the repetition but I couldn’t think of any other way to describe what was needed.


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  10. Thanks everyone, y'all seem very nice :) Yeah, I've been playing on and off for about 12 years now. Styles I like to play are: Rock, some Metal, Swing/Jazz and some Punk. Oh and I also do Digital Art (Vectors), here are some examples (my Pony btw)

    My Pony Cadeyrn FireWing without his Cutie Mark:


    Caderyn FireWing with his Cutie Mark:


    Caderyn FireWing with his Cutie Mark and his Saber:


    Hope you guys/gals like :)

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  11. Well hi everyone, I'm not really good at filling these sort of things out, so I'll go with what I know. My name is Cadeyrn FireWing (obviously not my real name - as I only give that out to those I know and trust well), I am a 25 year old stay-at-home father of two (one is my wife's from a previous relationship and the other is mine), I live in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia and I am also a pensioner (I do not work as it is beyond my means, due to my disability, which I will get to talk to you about next). I have a certain mental/intellectual/social disability which is known as Aspergers Syndrome, now for those who do not know what it is, it is (or was) a form of Autism, which means I do not do well around people in real life. It holds me back from having friends in real life, as it does somewhat over the ineternet as well. I tend to be rather opinionated, and stand firm in my convictions/beliefs. Also, there will be times that I may do or say something that may be deemed inappropriate or kind, when that does happen, please bear in mind that it is due to my disability, whenever I get upset, angry or just plain annoyed, I tend to do/say things wihtout thinking things through thoroughly enough, which can tend to get me into trouble. I love to make new friends (whenever possible), though due to my disability I do find it rather difficult to do so, and then even when I do make friends, it is even moreso difficult for me to keep them. If I were to write anything more about myself, it would take up all of the page, so I'm gonna leave it here. If there are any questions you would like to ask, please feel free to ask them (but please, please, please only ask decent and tasteful questions), I am usually a friendly and outgoing person once you get to know me, so if you want to drop in and say hi, please feel free to :)


    Cadeyrn Firewing

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