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Posts posted by NikentDisker

  1. You seem interesting. Both of you. Welcome to the site!

    Thank you kindly. I asure you we have had fun in the short time here.

    [colour=#006400]HEY LOOK! They mentioned both of us! WOOOO![/colour]

    Calm down.

    [colour=#006400]Dude they either mention you or just ignore mentioning Imma be happy.[/colour]

  2. Hello! Howdy! Greetings! Salutations! Good day! Bonjour! Hola! Guten tag! Ni hao! Konichiwa! Welcome! How are you?

    Boop! Beware the explosions.

    [colour=#006400]BRING IT![/colour]

  3. Even screamo?

    Haven't listened too a lot of screamo honestly.

    I am willing to give it a try though.

    [colour=#006400]Why would anyone want to listen to someone screaming their balls off?[/colour]

    Quiet you.

  4. To be honest, if I liked that sort of music, Eminem is quite good. I don't like rap though so...

    <<< My favourite band.

    Cool cool. I can't say I have a fovorite band as I grew up on completely diferant music than most of what I listen too now. But yea as I said I listen to most all music.

    Minus rap/hip hop and country.

    • Like 1
  5. I live in a heavily wooded area, so by playing Slender makes me afraid of my own house at night. yeah its dumb but its cause of my irrational fear of the dark.

    A fear of the dark is not stupid. It is a deeply geneticly based survival instinct. Humans are not good at seeing in the night so we gather together and don't go out so predators can't get us. Then we grabbed technology and now a fear of the dark is considered stupid.

    In reality we are not afraid of the dark. We fear what it contains. We fear the fact is we cannot see when in it.

    We fear not seeing the predator coming for us.

  6. Welcome to Canterlot :D

    Call me Cat!

    What sort of music do ya like?

    I like soo many diferant styles my friends question if I am bi-polar.

    Basicly I don't like bad music.

    [colour=#006400]*Cough* Eminem and other bad rappers *cough*[/colour]

    Shut up.


  7. Welcome! "OoC" means "out of character," a place where we are not in character. When playing in roleplay areas, we are strictly in character.

    Ye soone already told me.

    [colour=#006400]It sees boring and pointless.[/colour]

  8. Wow I feel popular.

    1st. I was brought here by Pen Stroke's Winter bells.

    2nd. Thank you for answering my few questions and making me feel welcome!

    3rd. I really like number lists.


    Oh and CaderynFireWing The reason I asked for someone to help with vectors is I don't have alot of images. I will put one up somewhere or get one to you if you are willing to do any for me.

    • Like 1
  9. [colour=#006400]I am Disker the one too ask for if you wana RP.[/colour]

    [colour=#006400]For serious stuff ask for Nikent he is a big serious person. Except on Saturday of course![/colour]

    [colour=#006400]Also neither of us has any Idea what OOC means.[/colour]

  10. About Myself: I miss the older more kind fandom and was hoping I could find remnants here.

    How I found Canterlot.com: Through a fanfiction.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I first used it as an anti-depressant. Now I watch because it is awesome!

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack
    In all honesty I never thought I would ever join onto a site like this. I have a friends who is in a politics based one and trying to even read through it was a headache. Desperate times call for desperate measures I guess.

    Also is anyone good with creating vectors? I could use some help in aquiring some for my OC.

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