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Posts posted by blackwolf1945

  1. Um, hello... Could you please do Fly By? It'd be nice to see what a good artist can do with her.

    I would be really, really grateful if you could render my pony Grim Pallet. I realize the colors aren't exact, but she's still technically in Beta, something could change. Artist's Licence is absolutely permitted, and you have my utmost gratitude and patience if you can do this.

    woah :-o , hadn't been on here for a while, apologies i'll add them to my list 'o requests, i am now aslso doing 8 bit animated ponies (in a trotcylce) i'll get to them as soon as i can, sorry for the delay :sleep:

  2. forgot to post it earlier:


    Sorry for those who asked for stuffs. I've been busy doing other brony things. If you still want something done, just remind me and I'll get to it when I can. I'll probably make a to do list on the original post for reference.

    Check out my latest sig tributing the new season 2 premiere coming September 17th!


    Thank you very much :)

  3. Well, for a character like this, you'd only be able to use her in the Crossovers. The regular World of Equestria RP section takes place in the same universe and time as the show. So, since Vinyl Scratch and Rainbow Dash have not actually had a child in show, this particular character couldn't be used there.

    But, there are a few 'loopholes'. For example, there's nothing to say you can't make a rainbow haired Pegasus who likes making music. You can make a similar character, but you can't make a character that is a child to any of the ponies in the show.

    In the Equestria Crossovers RP, pretty much any character goes. Robot, Alicorn, monsterâ€â€whatever, doesn't even have to be a pony! If you wanted to use this exact character, you could there.

    The World of Equestria RP is mainly for OCs that would fit into the show. Of course, you are allowed to play cast characters as well, but prior relationships to cast characters isn't really allowed. But, through Roleplay, you can BUILD a relationship with a cast character. You just can't say your character is bffls with all the main cast on your application, etc.

    Check out the Canterlot RP Rules & Guidelines before posting in the Applications section. That should tell you what you need to know. Any other questions, comments, concerns, etc., you can comment here or PM one of the staff.

    Thank you very much :lol: I'll have a bit of a think on the matter and post my decision here :)

  4. I can see a picture of her, paintbrush and poet hat on, flying through the sky painting the sunset xD

    Thank you :lol:

    I've had a few comments from people about being able to image her in different situations so once I free up my schedule (I'm going through some requests at the moment) I'll hopefully draw more of her :)

    Definetly! we've got a gallery that you can stick them in too; Hopefully at some point i'll be able to get back into drawing as well :lol: things have just been so busy!

    Thanks, I'll probably set up a second gallery here (I already have my drawings on deviant art), I've been quite busy at the moment aswell (because my parents keep dragging me outside because it's the school holidays) but you must be really busy what with being an admin running this site and the dream foal contest going on at the moment. Hope you manage to find time to do some more drawing, oh and a quick question, to put her in for RP would I just need to put her bio in a accordingly named post over in the RP applications?

  5. I can see a picture of her, paintbrush and poet hat on, flying through the sky painting the sunset xD

    Thank you :D

    I've had a few comments from people about being able to image her in different situations so once I free up my schedule (I'm going through some requests at the moment) I'll hopefully draw more of her :)

  6. Hey!

    If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash:

    You'll need to make at least 3 posts in the Introductions before you can post on other parts of the board.

    Did you hear about the contest from a DeviantArt group?

    Welcome to Canterlot!

    Yeah, i ended up here after seeing the contest on Bronies on DeviantArt, as for the 3 post rule, is that 3 topics or just 3 posts (like this including new topics)? And thank you all for your warm welcome ;)

  7. rainbow_scratch_in_colour_by_blackwolf1945-d44yzc9.jpg

    Parents: Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch (aka DJ PON-3)

    Name: Rainbow Scratch

    Sex: Filly

    Age: A month older than Scootaloo

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Colour: Light Blue, much like Rainbow Dash's

    Mane/Tail/Markings Colour & Style: Rainbow coloured similar to Rainbow Dash's with a hybrid style between Rainbow Dash's and Vinyl Scratch's, she doesn't really pay much attention to her mane, sure she washes and brushes it but she doesn't go out of her way to do anything fancy to it.

    Eye Colour: Deep purple however she normally wears her glasses to try and look like one of her mothers, Vinyl Scratch but she claims it's to protect her eyes while flying.

    Cutie Mark:A pencil with a rainbow trail, this represents her talent for art, she enjoys making colourful painting or murals or any form of art, she found this out one day when she spilt some of Ponet’s (the pony whose painting is ruined by Apple Bloom in the episode Call of the Cutie) paint and upon seeing the pattern that it made upon the bumpy ground, spread it around to make more patterns, she later went home and after some telling off, started to experiment with different art forms, the next morning she awoke and found her new cutie mark while checking for any paint that she hadn't washed off.

    Motivation: She loves creating paintings and having flying lessons from one of her mothers, Rainbow Dash and she one day hopes that one day she will move to Canterlot and become a weather pony so she can paint the very skies themselves with rainbows. But most of all she just wants to make her mothers proud and hear her name across all of Equestria.

    Likes: Spending time with her mothers, regardless of what that time is spent doing, preferably it’s spent taking flying lessons from Rainbow Dash or Sitting behind the turntables with Vinyl Scratch but she’ll settle for cleaning up around the house if it means she gets to spend quality time with her mothers, she also enjoys making art of any form, flying and taking time to relax and think about things. She likes her glasses, colourful things and looking out over the rolling hills of Equestria.

    Dislikes: Rainbow Scratch dislikes having nothing to do on those long boring days, cleaning up after her artistic experiments, when her mothers are too busy to spend time with her. Most of all Rainbow Scratch dislikes being left alone because even though she understands everypony needs some time to themselves she loves, if not craves the company of others, even if she won’t say it out loud she couldn't go a day without someone to talk too.

    Character Summary: Her mothers are DJ PON-3 (aka Vinyl Scratch) and Rainbow Dash, she always likes to be seen as the “cool†pony of the situation, the one with everything under control, even if this is not the case she simply dons her glasses to hide the beautiful eyes that convey her emotions like the sky conveys the weather. In times of panic she also tries to calm the other ponies down, she loves how doing so makes her feel not only in control of the situation but also the other ponies, making her the unofficial boss, this leaves the other ponies with the impression of her being a calm, controlled, organised filly, however she is more often than not, the opposite. Whilst she tries to maintain this calm organized view of her she is still a very fun loving filly, she loves a good party, she attends every major (and most minor) events across Equestria, normally claiming that it’s to help Vinyl Scratch, she loves to get involved in activities around town as well, she enjoys spending fun time with her friends as much, if not more than keeping the calm visage which can result in it getting forgotten completely as she gets into a party mood to rival Pinkie Pie’s. She only likes to be alone when she chooses, if she is left alone for some reason she gets extremely bored and finds new ways to have fun (such as accidently knocking over a jar of jam whilst bounding from one side of the kitchen to the other) which normally results in a telling off from her mothers, however her mothers always end a telling off with a smile and advice, rather than a frown and some rules. She adores her mothers more than anything in the world, she wants to be as awesome, liked and well known as Rainbow Dash yet have the sleek, calm coolness of Vinyl Scratch, as a result of this she is often wearing her glasses (she brought them because they look just like Vinyl Scratch’s) or attempting some of Rainbow Dash’s tricks, which normally results in an accident. She dreams to one day move to Canterlot and become a weather pony, she would paint the skies with rainbows whilst doing swirls, flips and other tricks. She would love to hear the crowd cheer her name but she aspires to make her mothers proud because even though they will always say that they are, her ambition is to see their pride in their smiles as they watch her loop through the sky. When she isn’t out taking flying lessons from Rainbow Dash, listening to music with Vinyl Scratch or following the two around she can often be found making art in one way or another, from sketching the fields beyond her window in pencil markings to spreading pasta (sauce included) around on some paper to create imaginary creatures. Sometimes when things are just getting to busy in Equestria she wonders to a hill to gaze into the distance, she uses this time to decide on future plans or to make difficult decisions, this is the only time she likes to be alone, this is the only time she has to be alone.

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