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Posts posted by DamianMane

  1. Mustang: Sounds great, you could go make an introduction post in the thread whenever.

    BbqdPizza: While the thread has been started, people are free to join in in the other locations we will be visiting. So you can just join along the way if your app isn't accepted in time to join the group at the start.

    Quill: That's fine, I'm sure we can all wait until Friday.

  2. Tacobob: I was under the impression Fire Walker was in the starting group, yes.

    Mustang: He could be in the starting group if you like, this does mean we don't have a host for Dodge Junction now, but Jane did say that Cherry Berry might travel down with them, so we can rely on that if we don't find a another host. And then there's that "little thing" that's getting finalised you say.

  3. Thread is up! So, everypony who's in the original group should come here and introduce themselves, then Auri will explain the plan and give everyone a chance to get to know each other. This thread should be reasonably short, just a formality to get us started!

    As for when we do get to other places, I was hoping that the "host" for each location could start off the thread. They can either be expecting the party, or simply in the area to give the setting and all that. Y'know, if all you host characters are okay with doing that, thanks!

  4. The sun rises defiantly over the mountains, it's rays landing on the city, casting the spires of the buildings in brilliant light. Morning in Canterlot. For some, the day would be spent wandering the city; watching shows; going to galleries; dining at cafés. Such was life in the high class city. For most.

    But for the sole resident of the flat above the cartography shop, a different day was planned. Today was the day Aureate Compass began his latest journey of map making. But this time, he would not be alone: He had posters put up all over Equestria, inviting others to join him. Certain hikes around the country could be dangerous if alone, after all. Well to be fair most of the journey was actually via train, but hey, trains can also be dangerous.

    Aureate got out of be and headed downstairs. He hoped that somepony would have actually read the leaflet and bothered to come otherwise it was going to be an awfully dull journey. He waited in the main room of the shop, behind the counter. The front wall of the shop was mostly large windows so he would see anyone coming in, and it gave him a good light so he could draw maps and sketch. He decided to draw his surroundings, as he often did, while waiting for people to arrive: shelves filled with maps on either side of him; the front door leading out to the street and a few chairs that he had fetched for the party that he hoped- no, that he was sure would shortly arrive. And so Auri sketched, and waited, and sketched, and waited.

  5. Okay! Final run through:

    Places we're visitng:

    1) Ponyville, and meeting Cherry Berry

    2) Dodge Junction. I was thinking maybe Mustang might be there? You said lower heartland, and dodge junction is about as low as you'll get in the heartland. We can change that of it won't work though, Mustang!

    3) Head north to Stalliongrad and meet Flying Brick.

    4) Crystal Empire ( :Pinkie: :):Pinkie:) , see Bright Calcite.

    5) Germaney and meet... Okay hopefully we'll have a host by then!

    And then it's head home!

    I'm gonna put the meetup thread (And the last "Goodbye" thread if we have one) in private RP as we don't really need anyone joining them. I wasn't gonna have a strict posting order, but just try to make sure everybody gets a word in when they ought to , guys and gals. I'll post a link when I've written it.

    So, this is my first big thing finally starting up. To quote the respectable Pinkameena Diane Pie "I'm so nervousited!".

  6. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Griff

    Sex: Male

    Age: Griff is in young adulthood.

    Species: Diamond Dog

    Eye colour: Turquoise

    Coat: Griff's fur is very dark grey, bordering on black. Similarly to most Diamond Dogs, Griff is always clad in a vest and a collar. His vest is forest green and hangs quite loosely down to the top of his hind legs when he is standing. His collar is a light grey and is studded with small gems matching his eye colour, with a larger, purple gem hanging from it like a pendant.

    Physique: Griff is neither particularly tall or bulky, amounting to about the same height as a pony when on all fours. He has long front legs, but their slender frame makes them more suited for running than digging.

    His head resembles that of a border terrier with larger, floppier ears.

    Residence: Griff resides in the Diamond Dog camp just south of Ponyville.

    Occupation: Just the same as all Diamond Dogs, Griff mines for gems in the tunnels of his camp. He isn't very skilled in the actual mining of the gems, but he is adept in locating gems.

    History: The runt of his litter, Griff had always been "the small one", and "the weak one". The only thing he was really good at was running. Usually running away from things.

    Because he was so weak, he knew he would be an awful miner, he just knew it. This is why he tried for so long to avoid being sent to work down I the tunnels, constantly pleading not to go, much to the annoyance of most other dogs in the settlement. Eventually though, he had to give in. And as it turns, after all that time of everyone calling him weak, after all that time of thinking he would be a rubbish miner... ... he really, really was. But he soon discovered he had a penchant for locating gems. Simply by studying the veins of gems and the way they ran through the rock, it seemed simple to him to see where another patch would be. This very useful ability bought him acceptance from the rest of the pack, respect, even. He still stayed "the small one" though, but you can't have everything.

    Character Summary: Griff likes to consider himself smarter than most other Diamond Dogs. While that is true to a certain extent, he isn't really as smart as he says he is, as he is prone to making poor decisions.

    He spends a lot of his time wandering the tunnels, alone, learning every nook and cranny. He s not alone because he dislikes company though, in fact he rather enjoys being around other Diamond Dogs. He just simply finds it easier to concentrate on his own.

    Although he likes company, it isn't uncommon for company to not like him. This is mostly when said company is some of the gruffer, stricter kinds of Diamond Dog, as Griff is not exactly a model Dog in their eyes. He's small, not a hard worker, and has a tendency to "chicken out" from a situation if he gets to scared or worried.

  7. I like the idea of having a martial artist in the group in case things go pear-shaped (Not that they will, if we so chose, but it's good to be prepared)

    The idea for picking people up was that Auri had posters and flyers put up all over with locations listed. Then, ponies who where interested could meet up with them at those locations. We'll have to sort it out when a few others are on board for this.

  8. One of the reasons Copper enjoyed coming to Three Lakes was the vibrant and talkative atmosphere that was present whenever he went, and this time appeared to be no exception. He had simply observed the hubbub around him for a moment or two, enthralled by the tibbits conversations floating about the room.

    "Well, good afternoon Copper! 'ow are ye doin' this afternoon, then? 'Aven't see ye 'round much lately. Essie 'ere is workin' splendidly thanks to you!"

    [colour=#8b4513]"Oh, I'm doing rather well, thanks . And you're quite right, I haven't been out and about town for a while," [/colour]he replied in his usual cheery manner.[colour=#8b4513] "Been in my workshop these past few days, making progress with my latest brainchild: the "Allows-you-to-chop-and-peel-your-vegetables-by-pedalling-the-pedals-and-pulling-the-levers" device!" [/colour]Copper announced this with a tone of pride, although he couldn't help but feel miffed that the name was a bit of a mouthful. He never had been very good at naming his inventions.

    His train of thought about names was promptly derailed, however, upon the arrival of Barley. Sorry, no, the sheriff as he said he was. Copper had never been entirely sure about that title, as he wasn't really sure if Trottingham even had an official sheriff. Oh well, each to his own.

    Now, Copper was not one to simply sit in silence in a place as lively as the Three Lakes, so he decided to strike up a conversation with somepony in the café. The barista was likely to be needing to speak with the sheriff, and the Dr Heart, Stormwing and the mare who had introduced herself as Lotus Blossom seemed otherwise engaged with each other. Copper decided to approach the brown mare with the coffee.

    [colour=#8b4513]"So you said you're a jazz singer, ah, Riff Run, was it? Oh, you don't mind if I take a seat do you?"[/colour]

  9. Good to hear that Mustang! Would you mind linking an app or something? And what sort of role your character will play? Thanks!

    Derpyy and Silver, it's good to hear that you're ready! Unfortunately, we won't be able to start this just yet. We still need locals for the areas, and not everyone has voted yet. That said, we could always start the IC meet up thread.

  10. Okay, voting is open! Thanks for that, Jane.

    Anyhoo, we're in agreement that the original group is large enough as is, right? (Though I suppose it's a bit smaller now that TemplarFrost's been banned :-| ) I'm going to edit the original post so people can "apply" to be in the RP. Not that anyone will be turned down (Until it gets large enough at least), but just have it a bit more structured while we're sorting this out.

  11. After studying the maps I've got this rough idea for the journey. This can be changed if anyone wants to see anywhere else.

    • Start in Canterlot, take the train to Ponyville.
    • Then we continue on the train, going trough Dodge Junction, Phillydelphia, Manehattan, Baltimore and Hoofington.
    • Head through Itaily and Germaney? Could be interesting.
    • Keep north Until we reach Stalliongrad, then take the train down to Trottingham and back to Canterlot.

    That's the less adventurous route anyhow. Alternatively we could go through Roughrider Ridge at some point and maybe encounter some Diamond Dogs along the way?

    And obviously I want to visit The Crystal Empire at some point, but it wasn't on the map so I wasn't sure when we'd visit it.

  12. Unfortunately, SilverWisp is right on the money in that we'll have to wait for everyone's apps to be approved.

    But I do like the idea of having the original group that picks up a few more along the way.

    In the meantime, I had an idea for the RP. What if they group has a limited amount of rations? That way there would always be something going on in the journeys in between locations, as we'd all have to monitor how much everyone eats, uses first aid, etc. Or would that just overcomplicate things?

  13. ((My, I've never been described as ever-awesome before))

    The door swung open as an orange stallion trotted in, clad in grubby engineer's overalls. Copper had, at least, put on a (slightly battered) crimson waistcoat, in an effort to not look entirely unkempt.

    However, he had more on his mind than just his appearance. Namely, that he desperately needed a cuppa.As he walked in to the café, he was delighted to see several other ponies inside.Many of which were new faces, but was that much of a surprise when one lived in a thriving tourist resort? He greeted the café's customers with a cheery [colour=#8b4513]"Good afternoon, everypony!" [/colour]before heading to the counter.

    [colour=#8b4513]"Hello!" [/colour]He greeted the barista warmly, whilst studying the menu. [colour=#8b4513]"I'll take an English Breakfast tea, and a blueberry muffin if you don't mind."[/colour]

    He rummaged through his pockets, finally producing some bit and leaving them on the counter. He then proceeded to sit himself at one of the window tables, and then, motioning at the blue mare, the dapper looking stallion, and the brown mare at the counter, asked,

    [colour=#8b4513]"Are you lot just passing through here then? Can't say that I've seen any of you around before."[/colour]

  14. This any better? I mostly just tidied up the plan, but I did try to be a bit creative with the fireplace - one fireplace that goes through the wall. One side in the kitchen is for baking etc. and the other side just lets the heat out to warm the room. I could move it to the bottom left corner if you like, but I wasn't sure what to do with the table that was in that corner.


    I can change anything you don't like about it though :)

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