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Posts posted by DamianMane

  1. Wisp, this is my current idea for how the threads will be laid out:

    1. Intro thread: Everypony meets up etc.
    2. The party leaves Canterlot and heads to location A. When the party reaches A, they relax, unwind, explore, and so on. After a while everyone retires to wherever they're staying for the night.
    3. Party leaves A and continues the journey until they reach B. Upon reaching B, they relax, unwind, I think you get the picture :)

    It's really all subject to change depending on where people want the focus of this RP. For instance, at one point I was thinking of having it that the group has limited rations and equipment as they travel from place to place. It really depends on what you guys want to experience in this RP, so I guess we'll hash that one out when we have a better idea of who'll be in this.

  2. My basic idea for how everyone should meet up was something along the lines of Auri having flyers put up around Equestria asking ponies to join his expedition/journey. They meetup would probably take place in or near his shop in Canterlot.

    As for locations, I like SilverWisp's idea of planning some of the locations actually in the RP. Some places I wanted to visit are as follows though:

    • Stalliongrad
    • Appleloosa
    • Manehattan
    • Crystal Empire

    And thank you Jane for offering up some characters to be in the areas they group visits! Personally, I think going up to Cloudsdale with Chibsy sounds like good fun. Depends what everyone else thinks though.

  3. Interesting OC you've got there! I need to get my new OC Auri in some threads, so we could always try working something out with him. I guess it would hinge on which of El's OCs ends up being involved.

    Aureate's app can be read here:

    As a side note, is it possible Mercurial Sun has any interest making a trip around Equestria? ( )

  4. This thread has begun! The group is currently in: Canterlot

    But you can still be present in: Ponyville, Dodge Junction, Stalliongrad, The Crystal Empire and Germaney.

    Have you got an OC who's a wanderer, adventurer, explorer? at all? If yes, this thread might need you! So please take a minute or two to read this post.

    Allow me to explain, or rather, take a look at the original post.

    Original Post

    Have you got an OC who's a wanderer, adventurer, explorer, or somepony who just enjoys travelling? Yes? Then would you kindly take a few minutes out of your day to read this post?

    So my cartographer OC Aureate Compass was recently approved, and I had a rather interesting idea for an RP. Being a cartographer, Auri obviously has to travel around. But why go on his own? In short, here's the gist of it:

    A small party is gathered, comprising of around 6 ponies (or whichever race, as the case may be)

    There's an IC "meet up" thread where everyone gets to know each other and preparations for the journey are made.

    Then, over multiple threads, the party travels across the land, visiting some major locations.

    Eventually to trip comes full circle, and everypony parts ways.

    There are different ways this could play out. On the one hand, the threads could detail the journeys between locations, and focus on the dynamics of the characters when they have to work together, potentially very far away from any form of town or city.

    Alternatively the threads could simply focus on the towns and cities visited along the way, and what everypony gets up to while they're there. And then there's always the option of a mixture of the two.

    So if you're interested, it'd really make my day if you could leave a reply telling me who you'd like to send along on this trip. Also, having never done anything big like this before, any organisational help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated .

    Oh, and you can read Aureate's app here: http://www.canterlot...ureate-compass/

    Now, the bad news is the group of travellers in question has been chosen. The good news however, is that more ponies are still needed for this thread, and you may even have a chance to join the traveller's group!

    Y'see, we need ponies for the group to meet and interact with in each location (So it's a reasonably run-of-the-mill slice of life RP from the local's perspective). Also, a handful of ponies may be "picked up" along the way, joining the group in their travels.

    So if you're interested, please reply with something along the lines of this:

    OC's name:


    A short summary or a link to their app would be nice!

    Whether they'll be picked up by the group of not.

  5. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Aureate Compass (Goes by Auri for short)

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Unicorn

    Eye colour: Hazel (Disregard how his eyes look in the picture, that was just carelessness on my part :razz: )

    Coat: Auri's coat is a creamy yellow. Although he is usually not wearing anything, in colder places he will take a faded, greyish cloak to keep himself warm.

    Mane/Tail: Appropriately, his mane and tail are aureate. Meaning, a goldy-yellow colour. As for style, his rather long hair is swept back along his head. His tail simply hangs straight down. He keeps is quite short so it doesn't get in his way when walking or climbing.

    Physique: A tad taller than most ponies, he is noticeably quite fit and in shape, but certainly not a hulking, musclebound individual.

    Residence: Auri lives in a modest dwelling in Canterlot. All his rooms are on the first floor however, as he converted the ground floor into a shop to sell his maps from.

    Occupation: Auri makes his living as a cartographer. Occasionally he is officially commissioned to make maps, but mostly he will set out, make a map of an area, and sell it out of his shop, "Golden Cartography: Maps and More"

    Cutie Mark: A map with a quill drawing on it. (As in, the quill is drawing on the map, not the map has a drawing of a quill on it.)

    'Twas a time when Auri was on a day out with his parents, his aunt, uncle, and his cousin at the lake. The adults were relaxing at the lakeside, while the two young colts played and explored. Auri, the more adventurous of the two, dared to wander further and further from everypony else. Before long, he realised that he was unsure where he was, how he had got there, or the way back. Instead of panicking, Auri picked up a large leaf and a pointed stick. Using the stick to mark the leaf, he noted the position of landmarks around him. Using this to get a bearing of where he was, he determined which way was the way back and strode forward. Upon returning to his hysterical parents, his cousin pointed in shock at Auri's flank. Upon it, Auri's cutie mark had appeared there! Ever since that day, Auri was obsessed with maps and mapmaking.

    History: Originally from Trottingham, Auri lived there with his parents until he was a young stallion, when he moved to Canterlot. Life in the seaside resort was an easygoing and carefree childhood, and Auri was always making friends. His best friend back then was probably his cousin, Copper Mechgear, whom Auri has stayed in touch with over the years. They met when they were quite young, foals both of them, meeting when their respective parents decided to get together. It was only one day when Auri saved Copper from a potentially very nasty fall when they were off "exploring" that they really bonded. Copper was left with a fierce fear of heights, but they remained friends ever since.

    It was a few years after Aureate was finished with his education that he moved to Canterlot. He had tried setting up a map shop in Trottingham, but to no avail. It turns out that ponies in a tourist resort town are usually only interested in maps of the surrounding area. And besides, the Trottingham area wasn't exactly to Auri's taste. Plains and lakes and not much else. Canterlot fascinated Auri; A city clinging to the mountains. That was his sort of place. The city also seemed like a good place to start a business, which it was. Auri's new shop was reasonably successful. It wasn't exactly making a great deal of bits, but it makes enough to comfortably support Aureate's lifestyle.

    Character Summary: Auri is an amiable, hardworking stallion who will always stick by his friends. Metaphorically, that is, as he has a habit of wandering off to places. In fact, he has a rather strong wanderlust and loves seeing new places. He is at his best outside, and grows restless if indoors for too long.

    As well as new places, Aureate loves meeting new people. He may not show it however, as he does not like being to forward with people he barely knows, and will usually act quite the restrained gentlepony when talking to new people. Once he gets to know somepony he will slowly drop this, showing his feelings openly.

    When not out hiking or mapmaking, Auri enjoys sketching and drawing. He is quite good at this as he does a lot of drawing in his work. It's not uncommon to see him sitting at a bench or table, faithfully drawing the scenery around him.

    Something Auri hates is when ponies take his work, or any work for that matter, for granted. When ponies don't appreciate the fact that some pony had to devote time and effort into doing something, it really grinds his gears. This is why he respects anypony who works hard to do something. On the flip side of that, he never likes anyone who only halfheartedly does something.

    Because of all the walking, hiking and climbing necessary to his work, Auri is in good shape and likes to keep it that way. If not planning to leave to some faraway place to map it, he'll keep fit by jogging around the city (Or whatever the pony equivalent of jogging is).

    Although he is rather intelligent, extremely complex and convoluted problems are simply beyond Auri. He excels at most physical feats though.

    Lastly, Auri is not a stallion of many goals or ambitions. Simply, he wishes to better record the lay of the land of the world he lives in, and to lead an enjoyable life.

    A general idea of what Aureate looks like.


  6. Copper pondered what Foalfellow said for a while. At face value investment seemed like a generally good thing. More money would allow Elderflower to afford more ingredients, cups, plates, and salary for a new employee... But a thought had occurred to Copper. Foalfellow's suit appeared a bit worse for wear, but surely somepony with the bits to be offering investment to establishments would be the sort to have a clean looking suit. But, then again... Copper's thoughts trailed off until it brought him to ask, blissfully unaware of the fact that the question he was asking might be consider rather rude and invasive,

    [colour=#8b4513]"Pray tell, Mr Foalfellow how it is you have the funds to invest in this shop?" [/colour]Copper asked this in a purely inquisitive voice, completely forgetting that Foalfellow had in fact asked him and all the other stallions in the room a question.

  7. Dear Princess Celestia,

    Today I learnt that when making a catapult you should really make sure it doesn't fall to pieces when pulled back. It does not end well.

    I also learnt that when trying to build something that prevents eggs cracking when dropped from 5 metres up, always consider how eggs will change the centre of mass and possibly result in the whole thing tipping upside down, resulting in a rather messy floor.

    Your ever faithful student,

    Mr. Sir Dr. Damian Mane, Esquire.

  8. [colour=#8b4513]"The phrase you're looking for, Peace," [/colour]Copper said in his cheery tone of voice when he saw the stallion pause, [colour=#8b4513]"Is chain shop. I do believe that's what this stallion is suggesting. As you put it Peace, another Elder Tree Teahouse, perhaps several." [/colour]Copper's tone had shifted from his initial cheeriness to a feeling of uncertainty, showing he was rather dubious of the idea. As Elderflower had said, atmosphere was sold here as much as anything else. An atmosphere that was in part created by the serene surroundings but also due to the gentleness and politeness of the mare herself, Copper noticed. This made him find it difficult to get into the idea of the teahouse being a chain shop. He didn't think any other would, or even could, be quite the same as this one without Elderflower herself. That said however, Copper certainly wouldn't mind a cuppa as good as the one he'd had here closer to home. Before voicing any of his thoughts though, he decided to see how the proprietor would react to the suited stallion's speech.

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