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Posts posted by DamianMane

  1. Copper simply watched what was going on in the tea shop, finding it a bit difficult to keep up. In between the dapper pony's atmosphere-jarring speech on investment and improvement, to the retort from the proprietor whom Copper had assumed to be a very delicate soul, yet he was clearly mistaken. Truth be told, he was unsure who to side with in this argument. On the one hand, Elderflower had a very valid point that the tea shop had a tranquil atmosphere that deserves to be preserved, he had to admit that he couldn't quite agree with Elderflower's and Peace Keeper's anti-change stance. Copper was an inventor. It was his job to change things, to change the lives of ponies, to change the way they did things.

    But, Copper had to admit he liked the tea house. He liked the atmosphere, the service, and by Celestia he liked the tea (Which he realised, with soul crushing despair, he had failed to finish his cup of in the drama unfolding around him and had hence gone cold.) So he realised for now he would have to side with the wispy mare.

    [colour=#8b4513]"Good sir,"[/colour] he said, addressing the suited stallion, [colour=#8b4513]"I'm afraid I'll have to side with the management here. I obviously cannot speak on behalf of this establishment but I would advise you take business propositions to more entrepreneurial shops."[/colour]

    Copper concluded his point while hoping that he would not offend said management with his input.

  2. Copper watched the wispy mare turn and dart around the shop, who was looking rather flustered after all of it. And who wouldn't be, with four customers to cater for all on their own?

    [colour=#8B4513]"Oh, I'm Copper. Copper Mechgear. So tell me Miss Elderflower, doesn't it get a tad difficult running this wonderful little shop of yours with nopony else working here?" [/colour]Copper asked, hoping the mare wouldn't be offended by his suggestion that he hoped she would pick up on.

    However, this was not the only thing on Copper's mind. In his peripheral vision he was paying a lot of attention to the other ponies around him. Partially to the mailpony, Care Package, and the stallion who had introduced himself as Peace Keeper. But mostly Copper was keeping an eye on the pony in the corner, the one in the suit. He appeared to have been surveying the shop and those in it. Or perhaps Copper was overcomplicating things and the stallion was just gazing around absent mindedly. Copper turned his attention back to Elderflower and awaited an answer to his question.

  3. As he contentedly sipped his tea, Copper looked around the tea shop and the ponies inside, including the young stallion who had just entered, who the mail pony, Care, was now chatting to. How friendly everyone seemed to be here! Well, with the exception of the stallion in the suit who had glared at him a moment ago. Even then though, Copper had simply smiled back. Always be polite, a principle Copper always tried to stand by.

    Copper's thoughts drifted from the suited stallion to the quaint little shop's proprietor, who seemed to be trying her hardest to see to everypony all on her own. How easier for her it would be to have an extra pair of hooves around the place... A pair of hooves that might be given a few bits for helping out... Bits that Copper couldn't make while he was away from his workshop. Copper looked back up at the mare. A part time job while he was here certainly would be useful, but he didn't want to be too up-front about it. He decided to try and work it into the conversation.

    [colour=#8b4513]"So nopony else works here then, miss Elderflower? Bar your charming little helper there, of course," [/colour]Copper said, motioning at Blue while smiling warmly.

  4. [colour=#FFA07A]“Good day, sir. [/colour][colour=#FFA07A]I hope you’ve been having a lovely day. Has anything on the menu caught you eye? Keep in mind that any tea on the menu can be served cold if you would like.”[/colour]

    [colour=#8b4513]"Thanks, but I think I'll have a warm chamomile please. Ah, no milk or sugars either, please. Oh, and a shortbread if you don't mind." [/colour]Copper smiled up at the mare who had introduced herself as the owner. That intrigued Copper, as he assumed she had simply been a waitress. But looking around, he couldn't see anypony else who looked like they worked here, implying it was her alone.

    [colour=#8b4513]"So, miss Elderflower, do you run this place entirely by yourself then?"[/colour]

  5. [colour=#8b4513]"Ah, excuse me sir," [/colour][colour=#000000]Copper mumbled as he briskly walked into the tea shop, nearly colliding with a dapper gentlepony as he did. After seeing the stallions suit, Copper couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of his grimy old jumpsuit. He sat down at a table, humming softly. He wasn't sure why he was humming, but everypony else seemed to be and for all Copper knew it was mandatory to hum in a Canterlot tea shop. He was new to the city after all. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He sat down at a table and picked up a menu. Genmaicha Green? Masala Chai? Pu'erh? Copper had never known there where so many different types of tea. Well, he knew his Earl Grey from his chamomile from his green tea, but he was beginning to think that some of the teas on the menu where made up. He opted for a calming chamomile, which was exactly what he needed. He was exhausted from having packed, travelled, gotten lost twice and unpacked at his cousin's house where he was staying for the next month or so. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]As he was waiting to be served, he looked around the shop and couldn't help thinking how he'd improve it; a ceiling mounted pulley system for serving customers without having to leave the kitchen area, or perhaps pipes on every table in which one put their order in on a piece of paper and used a bellows to propel it to the waiters, or even... Copper sat toying with his thoughts, almost entirely forgetting that he was in fact waiting to be served. Almost. He really needed a cuppa.[/colour]

  6. Well how about this: Copper is staying with some relatives in Canter lot (Possibly due to not wanting to hang around Trottingham for a while due to a rather troubling situation with the Trottingham Royal Guard and a young dragon) and ends up enjoying some tea at Elderflower's shop and notices she's doing all the work herself. Being the helpful and polite soul he is, he offers to help (And it may also have something to do with the fact that he won't be able to make any money while he's away from his workshop)

  7. Now, as I understand it you can be in multiple RPs in different areas at the same time, but I was wondering about how a character's experiences cross over from one RP to the next. As in, if you meet a character in one RP you met in a previous one, do you know them or do you start anew? Or if something happens to a character that changes the way they feel about something in one RP, do you take that into account in future RPs or revert back to your character's app? (I apologize in advance if there is already a thread or a guide about this but at times I still find it tricky "navigating" the site.)

  8. Hi there!

    I've always considered my OC Copper to be a big tea fan (What else could possibly drive somepony to make a device for making tea remotely?), although I don't think I've ever mentioned it.

    It would certainly be interesting to have Copper working in a tea-shop. Although he'd probably make a wealth of devices to aid his work which might clash with Elderflower's idea of the tea-shop being a place of serenity. Would be interesting to see that play out.

    If he did go there it would only have to be a part time thing though. He certainly wouldn't permanently leave his workshop but I can see him getting a temporary job.

    So, want to give it a try?

  9. For a brief moment, Copper remained absolutely still. Then, he cried out [colour=#8B4513]"The guard, thank Celestia! Let me get the door!" [/colour]However, as he said this, he frantically motioned at the door on the right side of the room, mouthing the words "Go in there" to Huscarl. He then opened the front door, desperately saying to the guards [colour=#8b4513]"Help me! There's a dragon in here! It's in there!"[/colour] He said, manically gesturing at the door on the left side of the room.

  10. Copper had to admit, Huscarl had a point. Not many ponies would be very accepting of a dragon wandering around in their town. But he couldn't help but wonder why a large imposing dragon had to run away from a crowd of ponies. And the last thing Huscarl said intrigued him.

    [colour=#8B4513]"Not always like this? Do elaborate, please." [/colour]He said, and then after a short pause ever-so-slightly smugly adding [colour=#8B4513]"I'll put on some tea while you tell me," [/colour]As he pulled on the various ropes which ran into a pipe running along the wall.

  11. [colour=#8B4513]"Well, have you ever considered actually trying to talk to these 'welcoming parties' rather than run away? And perhaps actually borrowing books from the library rather than 'borrowing' them?"[/colour]Copper suggested.[colour=#8B4513]"I'm sure if you went out there and just explained your situation to everypony I'm sure they would understand. Well, some of them at least."[/colour]

  12. A wave of relief rushed over Copper. The dragon seemed to be acting politely, at least for the time being.

    [colour=#8B4513]"What, this?" [/colour]Copper replied, indicating at the contraption sitting in the middle of the room. It appeared to be a large frame attached to the top of a stove, with some water, a small bag, and a teapot suspended from it. [colour=#8b4513]"Why, this is the prototype for my latest invention: The Pull-the-handles-to-make-the-bits-move-to-make-your-tea-in-a-room-that-isn't-the-room-you-would-usually-make-your-tea-in device: Modular Edition. I say modular because the last version I made was one piece, which worked perfectly in my house, but wasn't much use to anyone who didn't live in a house shaped exactly like mine. So this new version has this, the base module, which attaches to the top of your stove, and then the strings now run through wall mounted brackets. it works like this you see; You start by pulling on this thicker, dark, rope which turns on the stove, then you feed some slack into this orange rope to lower the teapot, this blue rope to pour water into it and this green rope to drop the tea leaves in[/colour][colour=#8B4513]" [/colour]Copper finished, feeling rather pleased with himself, as he always did when he explained his inventions to others. [colour=#8b4513]"Any questions, mister, uum, uuh... Come to think of it I don't think I got your name. I'm Copper, by the way. Copper Mechgear, professional inventor and tinkerer. And you are...?[/colour][colour=#8B4513]"[/colour]

  13. Copper looked at the dragon, slightly taken aback by his teeth, glinting in the light. [colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"Yes, I need you to help me"[/colour] Copper wasn't quite sure what to make of that. Nevertheless, Copper remained (as best he could) calm and collected.

    [colour=#8b4513]"Well, what ,ah, what is it you need help with?" [/colour]He said, hoping the dragon's smile was earnest, rather than malicious.

  14. Copper rubbed his eyes blearily. The commotion from outside had woken him from his morning lie-in. He often stayed in bed until the late hours of the morning, as he had never been fond of waking up early. And besides, his job didn't have fixed hours so why should he wake up early?

    However, this lie-in had been interrupted by the noise coming from outside. It sounded to Copper like an angry mob stampeding down the road. He was about to see what it was when he heard the front door slam. What could that be? Burglars? Jealous rivals come to steal his work? Copper didn't actually know anypony he might consider a rival, as he was yet to meet anypony who shared his line of work. But that was besides the point! He had an intruder in the house! But come to think of it someone trying to steal something probably wouldn't slam the door. No, whoever was there probably had no ill intentions. Copper hopped out of bed and walked up to the door of the workshop. The layout of his home suited him, just three rooms all on the same floor. His bedroom, his workshop, and a sitting room for reading and entertaining guests. He opened the door to his workshop. Everything was in place; all his tools on the desk, the finished contraptions on the left side of the room, sketches on the right wall, large imposing dragon standing by the door, his current project in the centre, the- wait. Large... Large imposing dragon... at the door?

    Copper felt a mixture of emotions: Fear, anxiety, worry, a bit more fear... but part of him, albeit a small part, was intrigued. Why was a dragon in his workshop? He seemed a reasonably well behaved dragon as he wasn't smashing everything to bits, or stealing anything. And Copper was so intrigued, that he simply had to say:

    "Good morning, er, sir. Can I, ah, can I help you?"

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