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Posts posted by MeinosKaen

  1. [colour=#800000]-???-[/colour]

    [colour=#800000]"Hmmm, this is delicious! Are these home-made?"[/colour]

    "Hehehe, yes, but, we don't make them in the shop. The local source of bakery goods is Sugarcube Corner." The waitress answered, amused. "If you need anything else, just let me know."

    [colour=#800000]"Will do!"[/colour] He answered, before digging into the pastry again and washing it down with more coffee. A bakery shop? That was his next stop-Well, after seeing the house he was going to live in. He had only seen it in photo, but he was kind of desperate at the moment. He had to get out of there, before... [colour=#800000]"I'll show them. I'll show them that I-WAH!"[/colour] The hoof-bang on the table was too hard, since the leftover pastry suddenly jumped, heading for another table of ponies for the landing, under his horrified gaze...

  2. [colour=#800000]-???-[/colour]

    He slowly, very slowly made his way off the train. He snapped his head to the right. Clear. Then to the left. Clear. Upwards. Clear. He allowed himself to sigh in relief. They hadn't followed him there. He was safe. He was-


    [colour=#800000]"WAAAAAH!"[/colour] He jumped in the air and landed a few meters away, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest and his glasses on his mane. What he found, though, was only a group of very annoyed ponies. He blinked and then understood. [colour=#800000]"O-Oh! I was blocking the exit! Ah! Ahahah! Sorry!"[/colour]

    "Sorry, he says." The ponies mumble other threats as they descended the train, the blue earth pony laughing sheepishly all the while.

    [colour=#800000]'Great first impression. You're a real pro at fitting in, huh?'[/colour] He sighed, retrieving his glasses and adjust his saddlebags before heading for the city proper. It was a small town, but bursting with life and ponies of all kinds, colours and ages. And they seemed all happy. He smiled. This would be a good place where to start again. [colour=#800000]'Okay. If I remember correctly, the house should be...'[/colour] A thunder roared. But, since it was a clear spring afternoon... [colour=#800000]"... I should probably get something to eat first, huh?"[/colour] He told himself, blushing as he sniffed around. His nostrils caught the strong aroma of coffee. [colour=#800000]"Hmm... Strong aroma, but unfamiliar. A custom blend... Sold!"[/colour] With a grin, he headed for the coffee shop, following the aroma. He arrived there still sniffing at the air.

    "Uhm, sir? Are you alright?" The waitress asked him, clearly puzzled by his behaviour.

    [colour=#800000]"Hmmm, I will be when I can get a cup of this delicious coffee."[/colour] He answered with a grin.[colour=#800000] "Mind getting me a pastry with that, too?"[/colour]

    "Oh! S-Sure!" She quickly recovered, and guided him to a table. He inwardly smiled. Indeed, a good place. Plenty of inspiration.

  3. Ahahah, I already have an account on Fimfiction and-*gets a private message on FFtion* ... Season 3 Finale synopsis? *checks* ... *sighs* I'm so GLAD I'm a fanfiction writer. Not to say that it will be bad, but... I don't know. It just feels 'meh'. It doesn't even hints at a villain.

  4. Hello, thar. Meinos Kaen here!

    Happy to finally find a Brony forums. Equestria Daily and Fimfiction are fun to be on, but I missed the forum format. Feels more like a community, you know?

    I guess I should polish my RPing skills if I want to really fit in, but, anyway, nice to meet you all!

    Meinos (Or should I be Maneos, now?) Kaen out!

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