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Everything posted by Derpyy

  1. ----EDIT----- Light also noticed that the other pony that was with them appeared to be talking to himself. He had no idea why or what he was saying. He watched him crumple up a piece of paper.
  2. Light listened to what Dawn had to say. She said it was Alicorn Amulet. All of a sudden he remembered the picture Celestia gave him. He started to worry. He couldn't believe he had found it so quickly. He looked over at Time and watched as he and Dawn talked. He kept looking at the Amulet. He heard Dawn say something about Nightmare Moon but he was to busy looking at the Amulet.
  3. Light kept running and he heard voices behind him. He turned around to look and Pawn and Time were following him. He heard Pawn say something about how this wasn't according to plan..but Light had no idea of any "plan" so he kept running. The whole time he was running he kept thinking about how he messes up and all this other stuff. He couldn't believe he did. He finally reached Ponyville and the Carousel Boutique was near. He actually saw Rarity open the door for him as he came running. He ran in the door and skidded to a halt. He had forgotten about Pawn and Time behind him. He looked at Rarity, who asked him if everything was alright, and he said while gasping for air, "Rarity...I..Hearts and Hooves..Rainbow..". He then stopped talking and kept taking in air so he could talk normally. He felt a little better and looked at Rarity. "The dance. Am I too late for it? What about Dash?". He was beginning to get worried now.
  4. Light looked at the amulet curiously. "The Alicorn amulet? I've never heard of such a thing. Strangest amulet I've seen.". Just then it hit Light that this must be the amulet Celestia was talking about. How else could Dawn have such magic.
  5. Light had a look of sadness as Time's words hit him. Time said time for the dance was over. Light held his head down and looked over to him. "There's no way...how. Yes I do have a special mare friend. We were supposed to dance together. I never even got a tux from Rarity.". His voice trailed off as he heard Pawn say Hearts and Hooves Day was a dumb holiday. Light looked at him sadly. "Well I wouldn't say it's dumb. Especially if you have a somepony.". Light spaced out for a split second and then shouted, "Rarity!!". He then took off towards Rarity's shop.
  6. Light stepped back and then stepped towards Dawn. "That amulet...what is it? Where did you get it?"
  7. Light looked around frantically and looked back at Time and Pawn. "Thursday?? It's Hearts and Hooves Day!" He then started to moved around all panicked like. He looked at Pawn and Time and said, "I may have to leave you two in a bit."
  8. Light listened to Time say that he grew up in Canterlot. He said a lot of ums and what nots so Light was a little skeptical about that. He heard the other pony say something about getting something to drink. He looked at the two ponies and said, "Well if you two ponies will be alright with me coming along. I'll come too. I just hope I can stay my right gender for more than two hours." He glared over at Dawn and looked back at Time
  9. Light stopped talking to the mare and looked over at Time. "I hate to say it. But I don't think I have ever seen you before. Have you lived in Ponyville all your life?" While Light was talking he was thinking about the amulet the "Dawn" mare was wearing when she used her magic. He wished he had that letter Celestia wrote him.
  10. Light stepped back a bit when Pawn started yelling. He rolled his eyes a bit but he completely understood Pawn's reasoning. Light hated random clouds as well. Especially when they weren't needed. "I [colour=#0000ff]agree with Pawn. It is quite annoying when the cloud schedule is messed up. But hey, Rainbow Dash and the other pegasus ponies should take care of it in a bit. [/colour]"Light smiled and looked at Time and Pawn. He then looked over in they sky and thought for a bit. He then looked over at both Pawn and Time and said quickly, "[colour=#0000ff]Um..hey what day is it?"[/colour] -Rainbow- Rainbow kept on smashing clouds and clearing up the sky. She knew it was getting later but she still had time. She went on and smashed a nearby cloud. "[colour=#00ffff]Ha! Take that!" [/colour]She said with a smile when she destroyed the cloud. She looked down and stopped moving for a second. She could have sworn she heard a pony scream. But she shook it off and continued to get rid of clouds.
  11. Light stopped and continued to think. "Nightmare Moon took..over you?" He put his hoof up to his chin and thought. He looked at the other ponies around him and said, "And can you tell me how it is possible for her to take over you?"
  12. Well I was just letting you know that if you wanted to join you could
  13. Light came over to the two ponies once they were done introducing each other. Light smiled at both of them and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Well to be honest Pawn, I no longer fear this forest. It is actually quite peaceful."[/colour] He looked back at Time and then looked back at Pawn. "[colour=#0000ff]Well now that you two know each other. What do we do now?" [/colour]Light smiled at both of them and then looked at the trees again. He hated how they looked actually. He preferred the trees in Ponyville. -Rarity and Rainbow- (ignore the Rainbow post part about destroying clouds. that will happen now lol) As Rainbow was leaving to take care of the clouds she heard Rarity's voice very faintly saying that the dress would be ready by tonight for the dance. She then realized that the dance was tonight. She panicked a bit and continued flying higher. She wondered who all would be at the dance tonight. She realized when she left Rarity almost said what sounded like Light. She panicked because that must mean Rarity knows about her and Light. She started to worry but kept it inside of her by taking it out on the clouds in the sky. She was destroying clouds left and right.
  14. -Pawn, Light and Time- Light looked around as Pawn was introducing himself to Time. He looked around in the forest and checked out everything. He looked back at Pawn and Time and waited for Time to shake Pawn's hoof. Light walked around a bit and looked at everything in the forest. 'I honestly don't know is what is so bad about this forest. It is actually quite peaceful.' He walked back up to Pawn and Time. -Rarity and Rainbow- Rainbow looked down at the dress and she assumed it was almost done. She heard Rarity say something about flying around. She sat up and looked outside. She noticed the clouds in the sky. She looked back at Rarity and smiled. "[colour=#00ffff]Well I guess those clouds do need to be taken care of. Just let me know when the dress will be ready and whatever else I have to do. Because the dance is tonigh[/colour](It is tonight right? Or are we waiting till tomorrow?) She smiled and then took off towards the clouds in the sky. "[colour=#00ffff]Alright you clouds. Time to go." [/colour]She then started to destroy the clouds.
  15. (Light is a stallion now lol) Light wathced as the mare turned him back into a stallion. He was so relieved to be back to his old self. He felt his mane and it was like it originally was. He looked at the mare again and said, "Well that was unpleasant. But thank you for returning me to my stallion state." He smiled at her and noticed the amulet she had on. He memorized how it looked and he also noticed that this, Time,had an artifact as well. He didn't focus on it though because he was sent to investigate the amulet.
  16. Light watched at the pony turned himself back into a stallion. He calmly walked over to him and quietly said, "Hey um..could you like..change me back as well? I kind of don't want to be a mare anymore." He looked over at the mare that zapped him with magic. He was scared for what could happen to him.
  17. Light heard her yell and he felt weird. Maybe it was because he was a mare now but he didn't feel like yelling back. He just there and nodded. He thought that maybe he would be able to find a book or something. He looked over at the mare and noticed her eyes were glowing white.
  18. (haha I loved that part in the episode XD) Light looked at the unicorn that was turned into a mare. He couldn't help but laugh at bit but he stopped laughing. He looked at the used to be stallion and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Well well well. Look what happened."[/colour] He smiled a bit and then thought. 'Maybe I can write a quick letter to Celsetia and ask her to turn back into a Stallion. She has to know. I feel like this mare won't turn me back.' He felt like trying one more time. [colour=#0000ff]"Hey! Turn me back into a stallion!"[/colour]
  19. Light waited for the zap to clear and he felt different. He looked down at himself and noticed his mane was longer that usual. He looked at the mare and said, "[colour=#0000ff]You just made my--"[/colour] Light stopped talking and shut his mouth. He looked down at himself and noticed he had a smaller from and screamed. She turned him into a mare. He looked at her and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Well if you want to get technical yes I did mean magic like this. Could you please turn me back into a stallion?" [/colour]He looked down at himself and felt so awkward.
  20. Light was getting tired of being suspended in the air. He watched as the other ponies talked to each other. He started to look around Ponyville and he looked back at the ponies. Bu then the mare let him down. He heard the mare speak up and start talking. She said that Celestia was her aunt. He got a shocked look on his face but wiped it off. "[colour=#0000ff]I wouldn't say check out. I am not looking to take the power source. I am here to investigate." [/colour]He stopped talking and looked at the three ponies. [colour=#0000ff]"That was quite an impressive levitation trick you used on me. I'm quite afraid of what other magic you might be able to do."[/colour]
  21. Light smiled at Lovinity when she said that she had never done anything romantic. He took her and they started dancing. He showed her a few dance tips. But while they were dancing he noticed that she looked like she was thinking. He looked at her in the eyes and said, "[colour=#0000ff]Something on your mind?" [/colour] He had a concerned look on his face.
  22. Before Light could say anything he saw the mare that was with the other two ponies. All of a sudden he was lifted into the air. He couldn't move. He felt like screaming at the pony to let him down but he didn't. He started to panic when the mare said that he was sent by Celestia. Or he assumed she was talking about Celestia. "[colour=#0000ff]Your aunt? Who is your aunt?" [/colour]He started to squirm around, but he could not go anywhere. He felt like trying to use his magic to help him but he didn't Another pony asked him why he came from Canterlot. "[colour=#0000ff]Well I am just visiting really. Nice to see some friendly ponies here in Ponyville." [/colour]​Light smiled sarcastically at the two other ponies and hoped they got his sarcasm.
  23. Light was unpacking his things still when he heard a slight boom sound. He perked his ears up and looked outside. He saw a Pegasus come flying in a high speeds and land. The Pegasus had a pony on her back. She let him off and then both were in Ponyville. Light thought it was pretty odd. He had no idea what the boom was but he forgot about it. He found the letter Celestia wrote him and he tucked it away in a cabinet. He then opened his door and proceeded to trot towards the ponies that landed.
  24. ((sorry about no text colour again..I'm on my phone XD))
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