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Posts posted by Derpyy

  1. Arc agreed with..Deus completely. His life would never be the same and neither would any ponies. All of Equestria would never be the same. He was going to have to get used to this new world.

    Just then Arc noticed that Flashbomb started to wake up and stir a little. He noticed that the Overseer saw it as well. He prepared himself to jump up and help but the Overseer remained seated.

    Arc stayed put as well. [colour=#daa520]"Deus huh? Wow that feels strange."[/colour] He laughed a bit. [colour=#daa520]"I really hope he is ok. I mean I hate to keep bringing him up..but I just hope so." [/colour]Arc wasn't going to be the first to say he hadn't save a lot of ponies in his days as a medic. He had save his fair share..but not it seemed that every life was even more precious than it had been.

  2. hyicbXI.png

    Care flew down to Ponyville. He had no idea what he was delivering but his boss told him it was very..very important! So Care would no accept failure! As he flew down the teal pegasus landed on the soft ground and felt his mailbag fall to his side. He looked down at the bag and folded his wings in a bit. He pulled out his first letter. [colour=#800000]"To Krosis. From. Oh wait don't read that. To personal."[/colour] He chuckled a bit and checked the address. He examined nearby mailboxes and checked their numbers. The house was very close!

    Care moved on a bit checking the letter and the houses every so often. He then finally found the matching house. He saw a pony sitting in a chair on his front porch. He figured it was Krosis.

    He trotted up to Krosis with a smile on his face. [colour=#800000]"Good day! I have a letter...for..Krosis.[/colour]" He pulled out the letter and held it out to the pony to see if he was Krosis or not.

  3. Arc was sitting next to the Overseer and he was watching Flashbomb. He had no idea how long it would take him to wake up..but he was anxious to see him wake. The Overseer said that he had only seen 4 bionic limbs in play before...does this mean that Arc is the fourth? Or Fifth? Pony to apply a bionic limb to another pony in all of Equestria? It made him happy when he thought about that.

    As they sat their Arc realized that nothing would really be the same. Arc looked at the Overseer. [colour=#daa520]"I'm just sad that we couldn't be there to save more of them you know?" [/colour]Arc looked down at the floor.[colour=#daa520] "What are we going to do Overseer? Like when the fighting is all over?" [/colour]

  4. Arc smiled at the new limb. He took it and levitated it over near the table where Flashbomb was. He figured he would need it close and all. Arc looked over at the Overseer. "Well guess it's time to start." He chuckled nervously and then took a deep breath and levitated a saw and a few other tools over to him. He picked up a cutting tool and sighed. He knew that Flashbomb was out so the pain would be subsided for him. Well...he was sure that Flashbomb was already in a tragic amount of pain so if he did wake up and he did feel him cutting the leg then it would feel like a paper cut compared to his other wounds. But then again..paper cuts hurt like hay.

    Arc took the cutting tool and moved it closer to Flash's foreleg. He gauged the right area he would need to cut and connect the bionic leg. He would still need a muscle or two..maybe.

    He then moved to tool down to the leg and proceeded to cut. The leg itself was in horrible shape and the blood loss was rather low. Arc figured this pony had already lost a large amount of blood. Oh well..less of a mess for them to clean up.

    Just then Arc finished cutting. He figured he should be grossed out by this but he needed to save a life. Arc removed the old leg and saw a few things he need to connect. He then levitated over the bionic leg and gave the Overseer a quick glance. He then moved leg so it was facing the right way and placed it down so he could see it properly. He placed it next to Flash's mutilated body and judged where he thought the leg would go. The leg was a perfect fit!

    Arc turned to the Overseer and said, [colour=#daa520]"You said this thing runs off of magic correct? Well to get it to work?"[/colour] He just assumed he was correct. So Arc proceeded to connect the leg with Flashbomb. It was a messy process but eventually he got it on there and he got it secured. He just hoped that it wouldn't fall off anytime soon. He was sure it was secure though.

    So then Arc charged up a small charging spell and zapped the leg with it. The leg sparked a bit and Arc looked away and covered his eyes. Arc looked over to the Overseer and smiled.[colour=#daa520] "Welp! I hope that works! We won't know until he wakes up...well if he wakes up."[/colour] Arc kept his half smile on the Overseer. He was proud of what he did...he just hoped what he did was the right thing to do.

  5. Arc glanced around the place again. He just wanted to check his surroundings. Though he had done this several times he felt that it calmed him down. But now he was beginning to get impatient. He was not about to talk back to his superior but he was afraid for Flashbomb's life now. Arc looked back to the Overseer and spoke to him in a hurried tone. "Well go build one sir! I believe I can perform the operation but I want to bionic limb as well! Hurry!". He gave an eager smile to the Overseer.

  6. Arc glanced over at the Heart monitor. It..stabilized? Arc couldn't believe it actually worked. He looked up at the Overseer. He figured he could either be all snooty about what he just did and act like he knew that would happen all along..or he could just be normal and just act amazed. He decided to just act normal. But he would keep the not knowing what would have happened bit to himself.

    Arc then stared down at Flash's foreleg. It was a mess. It was quite gross to look at really. But out of Arc's disgust he got an idea. He figured the overseer would tell him the idea was stupid and say it would never work. Arc started to do a few calculations in his head. He then turned to the Overseer and said, [colour=#daa520]"What if we got rid of his current foreleg and replaced it with a new one? A bionic one. That way he could you know..still have a leg." [/colour]Arc looked over Flash. He was sure the operation would work if they tried. [colour=#daa520]"I figured I could cast a spell and keep it up while I performed the operation. You know to keep him from bleeding out and such. I'm sure we have a bionic leg around here. Somewhere. I hope." [/colour]He gave the Overseer a nervous chuckle and a half smile followed along.

  7. Arc smiled at Flashbomb. [colour=#daa520]"They did call a full recall...but I wanted to stay. Nopony left behind you know." [/colour]He actually had no idea if Flashbomb could hear him. But if he did then he hoped his words helped. Arc turned to the Overseer who pretty much told him he had two choices. Either perform surgery or let Flash die. Arc didn't want him to die...but he had never even met this pony before. But he couldn't let him die. Arc closed his eyes and shook his head a bit. He started to mumble under his breath, "Why me" a few times. Then he stopped and came back.

    Arc moved closer to the Overseer and took the Serum. He levitated it out in front of him. He had a determined look on his face. He stared at the Overseer and said, [colour=#daa520]"Nopony left behind."[/colour] He then trotted over to Flashbomb and stared at him. He was still in horrible shape. Why couldn't he just regenerate? Oh well. Arc took a deep breath and then slowly brought the serum down to Flashbomb for him to take it.

    He then pretty much forced the serum into Flashbomb and watched him drift off. He knew that if he took to much or to little then the repercussions would be horrible. And by that he means Flashbomb would die...just like the Overseer said. Arc actually was a bit nervous. He just hoped that he wouldn't kill him.

  8. Charming nodded along with what Rarity was saying. Spending time with family and friends was important. Charming always made sure to invite his family members and his close friends to his gatherings. Though some didn't come, others did. He just figured that they were missing out on his gatherings. [colour=#0000ff]"Most holidays in Canterlot are spectacular. They are always fun." [/colour]He stretched a bit. He had to admit, though he had never really done this whole spa treatment before. It was very relaxing. "[colour=#0000ff]I will have to speak highly of this place back in Canterlot." [/colour]He was really speaking to himself at this point but he didn't care.

    Lotus moved on and started to give Rarity her hooficure. She had sprawled her hooves out for her. So she was a bit grateful. She kept quiet as she got the small brush out and started to brush each of Rarity's hooves. She always hated this part of the treatments but she knew she had to do it. She was just glad that Rarity was a pony of cleanliness. So her hooves weren't bad.

    She finished up two hooves and then kept moving on. She almost dropped her brush when she heard Charming say he would speak highly of her and her sister's place back in Canterlot. She started imagine what would happen if she got some more business. Especially from Canterlot ponies. She kept working though.

    Aloe nodded to what the ponies said. Aloe decided to give the Silvercake pony the hooficure she wanted first. She was only one pony after all. She brought over a few supplies and laid them on the table next to the seat. She looked over at Snake Eyes. "[colour=#800080]I am going to do the hooficure first you see." [/colour]She gave her a half smile. [colour=#800080]"For I am only one pony."[/colour] She looked away and then started to work on Silvercake's hooves.

  9. "Ponyville is much the same my dear Charming. Life goes on as usual, though we do have Hearths Warming eve coming up soon which is always quite lovely this time of year."

    Charming moved a bit in his seat. While trying to find a comfortable spot he started to think about Hearths Warming eve. Should he plan a gathering for it? Or should he not? If he did he already had some great ideas on how the gathering should look and who should be attending. And if he didn't he already had a few ideas for other social gatherings. Oh how Charming loved his job.

    [colour=#0000ff]"Hearths Warming eve? Hmm. Seems like a fun time really. I know I've celebrated my fair share of holidays in Canterlot. Quite amazing all of them."[/colour] He then laid his head back and finally found a comfortable spot to rest.

    [colour=#8B4513] [/colour]"Hmn, for a pony like yerself I have no doubt that you'll meet th' princesses some day. After all y' live in Canterlot. Can't be too hard to see em now can it?"

    Charming laid on the seat. He was already extremely comfortable so what Alexander said was just helping him relax. [colour=#0000ff]"Well thank you my friend. But I have to say, even with living in Canterlot things for our dear Princesses can be quite busy. They wouldn't have time to attend really. Not saying they wouldn't though. But I know there is a [/colour][colour=#0000ff]possibility[/colour][colour=#0000ff] of the right day at the right time." [/colour]He relaxed himself a bit as he thought about that "Right day at the right time." He wondered if if would ever really happen.

    As Lotus continued to put the mask on Alexander she was able to calm her nerves. Sure he looked scary at first but after a few seconds of looking him over she realized he wasn't that bad. What he said made her giggle a bit but that didn't stop her from working. She continued to put the mask on Alexander.

    She still had that small mental image of this stallion jumping up and running out and breaking a few things in the process. But he hadn't done it yet.

    Once Lotus finished up Alexander's mask she looked over at Rarity and Charming. She realized she was finished and it was time to move on to another part of the process. The Hooficure.

    Lotus trotted away and got a few things she would need for this part. She placed them on a small table and brought them over to the three. She decided that she would start the same order she did last time. So Lotus trotted up to Rarity. [colour=#ee82ee]"Miss Rarity. It is time for your Hooficure."[/colour] She waited for what Rarity would say just in case she actually wanted to change the order of treatments. If she did it would actually make her angry.

    Aloe stood next to the two mares. She gave quick glances over to her sister who was now on the hooficures. Aloe realized that she was a bit behind. [colour=#800080]"Um..what would you two like today? Hooficures? Massages? Tell me." [/colour]She gave both of the mares a warm smile and hoped they would pick something. Aloe had to admit...the mare with the snake like eyes was a bit intimidating. But she was sure she wasn't that bad.

  10. Arc's eyes went wide. He stepped back a bit. [colour=#8b4513]"Me..I?"[/colour] He started to get really nervous. His eyes started to scan over the surgery table. He looked at all of the tools and what not and they just made him more and more nervous. Arc looked up at the Overseer. He figured he would know what to do. Since his training and all. He wasn't ready at all.

    Arc gulped and moved closer to Flashbomb who was laying on the table. He examined his wounds. He had an idea of what to do but he didn't start yet. He looked over at Flash's face who was moaning in pain. He chuckled nervously and smiled a bit. [colour=#8b4513]"Hey..there..Flash.."[/colour] He chuckled again.

  11. "My apologies Charming. I forgot they really aren't 'parties' per-se. When are you inviting me to one again? That last one I went to was quite gorgeous I have to admit. You've a talent for decorating, something I can respect."

    This made Charming smile. It seemed that Rarity took exactly what he was thinking and just spoke it. He had no idea whether to be impressed or freaked out. Was Rarity a mind reader?

    [colour=#0000ff]"Ah..yes. I shall be planning one quite soon in fact. Only the upper crust of Canterlot per-se. You know those things and what not. You are always invited my dear." [/colour]He laughed a bit and closed his eyes as Lotus finished up the mask for Charming. While he never really did this before..there wasn't any reason not to.

    So, has my fashion line spread to Canterlot yet Charming?"

    [colour=#000000]With his eyes still closed he gave her a nod.[/colour][colour=#0000ff] "Yes I believe so. Not as big as you want it to be but there are someponies wearing a few things of yours. Here and there and all that you know?"[/colour][colour=#000000] He smiled again. He figured that was what Miss Rarity would do. Pamper you up and make you feel good about yourself by bragging about you and then asking a meaty question about yourself. But Charming did that all the time. So he had no reason to be harsh. [/colour]

    "So...do you arrange social engagements for a livin' then Charming? That's kind of an interestin' career. Must be fun to spend lots o' time with different ponies and t' meet all sorts!

    [colour=#000000]Charming looked over in Alexander's direction. Though his eyes were still closed. [/colour][colour=#0000ff]"Oh yes. Indeed. It is quite the fun job if I do say so myself. I get to meet some of Equestria's finest. Though I haven't met either of the princesses yet. But one day. I shall."[/colour][colour=#000000] He smiled a bit as he began to dream big. He then turned to Rarity and said, [/colour][colour=#0000ff]"So how's Ponyville then?"[/colour][colour=#000000] [/colour]


    [colour=#000000]As Lotus was finishing up Charming's mask she began to get a big nervous. She had no idea he was from Canterlot. What was he doing in her and her sister's spa in Ponyville? Oh well. Maybe this stallion will speak highly of her spa in Canterlot. More business.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Lotus knew that Charming's eyes were closed but she still smiled at him as she trotted away. She then approached Alexander. She gulped a bit.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]The nervous mare came closer. She half smiled. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]"Um..sir. May I? Apply the mask?"[/colour][colour=#000000] She laughed nervously. She was getting more and more scared of what the stallion would say. The mare backed up slightly. She was sure he was a nice pony. He hadn't broken anything so far. But she liked to be safe.[/colour]


    [colour=#000000]Aloe followed the mare as she sat down. She liked her velvet coloured mane. It was pretty. As she came nearer to the mare she made eye contact with her sister again. She was about to apply the mask to the big muscular stallion. She felt a bit bad for Lotus. But she was sure she could do it. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Aloe looked over at the mare again. "[/colour][colour=#800080]Ok Miss. Vat would you like today?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled at her.[/colour]

    [colour=#40E0D0]Oh...how silly of me! Sometimes I end up taking a nap while I'm waiting in a certain place, I'm sorry![/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Aloe couldn't help but laugh at this. She smiled at the mare. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Tis ok Miss! If you would like any spa treatment. Please sit over here next to this mare."[/colour][colour=#000000] She smiled.[/colour]

  12. Aloe turned and examined the mare. Did her voice change from what it had been? Or was she just imagining things. Nah. She probably was just examining things to hard.

    Aloe moved through and let the mare inside.

    [colour=#800080]"Oh? A treatment?" [/colour]Aloe smiled at the mare. [colour=#800080]"Oh but of course! It is our jobs no?" [/colour]She giggled at the mare and pointed to a few chairs in the room. "Please. Take a seat anywhere. I shall be with you momentarily." Aloe nodded and then trotted off to go get some supplies to prepare for the treatment. She made eye contact with her sister and they both stopped and looked at each other for a bit. Lotus was applying a mask to Charming. She looked down at Charming and then back to her sister. They both giggled slightly and then Aloe continued to where she had planned to go.

  13. "I am quite well. I get to spend a day at the spa with some of the more lovely stallions Equestria has to offer. I have no complaints whatsoever. What about you Charming? Still hosting plenty of fun parties?"

    Charming never really liked the word "Party". But technically..those were what he planned. Parties. He preferred to call them Social gatherings because they sounds more professional and high class. Which is what Charming was. A high class pony. [colour=#008080]"Oh yes Indeed. I have been. Though I do not call them parties..rather social gatherings." [/colour]He smiled at Rarity who now had a face covered in goop by the lovely Lotus. Charming looked over and saw that Aloe was with another customer. The place must be getting busy. Charming decided to ask Alexander a question.[colour=#008080] "So...Alexander. You're a farm pony then?"[/colour] He gave him a half smile and a raised eyebrow in question.

    Just then Lotus finished up Rarity's face and smiled at her good work. She then turned to Charming who gave her a look. He nodded and Lotus gave Alexander a quick look and then trotted over to Charming. She smiled at him. [colour=#ee82ee]"Ready for you facial Mister..um..? [/colour]She stopped herself. Charming laughed a bit and smiled at her. "[colour=#008080]My dear. Call me Charming."[/colour] Lotus giggled. [colour=#008080]"Charming. Are we ready then?"[/colour] She smiled again.

    Charming stretched a bit. "[colour=#008080]I'm quite ready my dear." [/colour]He smiled at her. Lotus blushed slightly and then started to put the cream on Charming's face.


    Aloe had to admit. She felt a bit ignored by the new mare that had trotted in and just...ignored her. Still. She had a job to do. Aloe glanced over and saw her sister at work. She moved closer to the new mare. She coughed a bit. [colour=#800080]"Um..excuse me. Miss?"[/colour] She moved closer to the mare.[colour=#800080] "May I help you?" [/colour]

  14. [colour=#800080] "Hey! Come over here and help us stabilize this guy!"[/colour]

    Arc was among one of the medical ponies standing by and watching Reginae. He was a young unicorn and he hadn't had much battle experience. Which he didn't really want any anyways. Which is why he chose to be a medical pony. Not only did he get to help ponies who were on the verge of death..or that had a chipped a hoof but, he didn't have to do that much fighting. Though he could fight. Just that wasn't his expertise.

    As Arc stood by he glanced among his fellow unicorn medics. None of them were moving to go help Reginae. Arc decided to do it. The black unicorn shook his shivers off and moved his tan mane out of his face. He trotted up to Reginae and looked down at the pony he was trying to help.

    This..Flashbomb..was in terrible condition. Arc didn't think he would make it. But that doesn't mean he wasn't going to try. Arc moved closer and looked up at Reginae. He moved his hoof up and saluted Reginae. His little red cross armband moved along his forearm. [colour=#daa520]"Medic here to help!"[/colour] He put his hoof down and started to help stabilize Flash with Reginae.

  15. [colour=#0000FF]"So Vinyl When is your next party you have to play at? Does Pinkie pie ususally Ask for your help when she throws her parties like.......all the time......?"[/colour]

    Vinyl put a hoof up to her chin and thought for a second. "[colour=#0000ff]Well...I think I have to play at one tomorrow. Should probably find out for certain.[/colour]" She laughed a bit. Before she answered the part about Pinkie Pie..she realized that Flash was right. It seems that everytime she is going to play somewhere Pinkie is either already there or is asking around to help. Usually she just eats all of the sweets at the parties anyways[colour=#0000ff]. "Pinkie asks me a few times. But usually she has her parties under control. She is a very good party planner." [/colour]She laughed a bit.

  16. "That's nice. She really is a kind hearted Mare. I'm glad t' have met 'er. I've known 'er for...oh...probably a year and a half? We met in Canterlot whilst we were both on business trips. Her hotel room had been cancelled 'n she was stuck out in th' rain. I offered her my sisters and my room. The rest is history, we're kind of an odd match but it seems to work."

    Though Charming was happy for Alexander and Rarity and he didn't despise anypony..yet. He just felt like this Alexander was to much for him. To country. He seemed proper but Charming was sure that that was just some mask to hide his real behavior from Rarity. He wouldn't let this pony know how he felt about him so he decided to keep to himself. Besides. country ponies were great. They were needed. Again, Charming didn't not like Alexander. Just not the country part.

    As Charming sat in his seat he took in the surroundings of the spa. He couldn't help but keep looking over at Lotus and Aloe. Lotus was with them and Aloe was away somewhere. Both mares were pretty much symbols of beauty to Charming. Charming turned his head to Rarity and Alexander. [colour=#008080]"So. How is everypony today?"[/colour]


    "No, thank you Lotus for providing such a lovely spa each time I come here. Just give us the works for all three of us. I'm here to show these two how to relax properly so we might as well show them how lovely you and your sister are at running your business darling. So Facials, Mud-baths, massage, and any other services you provide please."

    "Oh! And don't worry about cost today. We're going all out. I've got it more than covered thanks to Charming here. I provided mos tof the lovely gowns for the mares going to one of his lovely parties."

    Lotus nodded to Rarity. She was going to start to give Rarity her regular..since she was a regular here. But she had guest. Two stallions. Lotus trotted over and brought over a few things for the facials. She placed them on a table and glanced back and forth between all three of the ponies. She wanted to know which one to start on. There was the large muscular stallion. Who looked like he would snap her in half if she got near him. Then there was the other stallion. A tall and seemed be very elegant stallion. She didn't even know him. Or the other stallion. Then there was Rarity. She decided to start of Rarity.

    Lotus moved over and started to put the cream for the facial on Rarity's face. [colour=#ee82ee]"I hope you are ok withz me starting on you Miss Rarity. And..will the stallions be..getting the treatments as well?"[/colour] She knew that Rarity had ordered for her whole trio..she just wanted to make sure.

    Aloe was watching her sister prepare Rarity for her facial. She then turned her head to the door and saw a mare standing outside. She looked as if she was going to come inside. So Aloe decided to give her a friendly welcome. She trotted over to the door happily and opened it for the mare.

    [colour=#4b0082]"Hello and welcome to the Ponyville Day Spa! Would you like to come in?" [/colour]She smiled at the mare.

  17. Vinyl nodded and agreed with Lyra. She said that she had things to do in her spare time..Vinyl wondered a bit what those things were. Sure she was a nosy pony. She wanted to know. But she didn't really want to just ask. She decided to stall. She looked over and realized that Fluttershy was still gone. She was getting a bit worried. She turned and saw Flash and Rainbow still there. Vinyl decided to ask. She looked to Lyra and smiled. [colour=#0000ff]"Lyra..if you don't mind me asking..what do you do in your spare time?" [/colour]

  18. Charming followed and took a seat next to Rarity and Alexander. He knew this stallion was rather muscular. What he was doing in spa was beyond Charming. He then decided not to worry about it and sat in the seat. He then turned back to Alexander as he asked how long he knew Rarity. His thick southern accent was duly noted. "[colour=#008080]Oh..how long have I known Miss Rarity?"[/colour] Charming put a hoof up to his chin and thought for a bit. He smiled and then said, [colour=#008080]"Clearly not long enough. A mare with such beauty and grace deserves to be known. I regret not knowing her sooner. How about yourself? How long have you known her?" [/colour]Charming smiled at Rarity. He figured everypony liked his charm. Though it was usually taken as flirting and he knew it. He was happy.

    As Charming kept his seat he looked over at Aloe and Lotus. The two mares were quite beautiful. He liked that about this place.

    Charming kept his mouth shut. He knew what he wanted but he wanted to wait to see what Rarity and Alexander would say


    Lotus noticed that not only the three ponies came in but another mare as well! Lotus trotted over to all of them. She smiled at them. [colour=#ee82ee]"Thank you for coming today! How can we be of assistance?" [/colour]She smiled at them. She was really talking to Rarity and the other mare. She had no idea why the two stallions were in here...but she didn't judge anypony. Besides. They were fine. The spa was open to everypony. She did notice that the white stallion had something about him that made him seem...elegant. She liked it.

  19. --Charming--

    Charming had been in Ponyville for a few days now. He was hear to meet up with a friend he met a while back at one of his parties in Canterlot. Miss Rarity. He liked this mare. She was a pony of style and elegance and fashion. Like him. Minus the fashion part. Charming was a pony of style and elegance but not fashion. Though he did dress rather sharply even when he wasn't at one of his parties. The pure white stallion made his way down the street. He was a big stallion. Not really in muscle but mostly in height. He was not a string bean stallion though. But he never worked out his muscles. He mostly worked on his looks. For they were everything to him.

    The stallion had bright purple eyes. They shined like gems. Which he knew and he loved. His mane was quite long and he considered it rather amazing. It was a solid dark blue and was long in length. His mane went down to around his neck and he had it parted to one side on his forehead. He loved his mane. His tail was another thing he loved. His tail was the same colour as his mane and was long as well. Not long enough to touch the ground though. He hated dirt.

    As Charming made his way down the streets of Ponyville he noticed he was getting a few looks. From mares and stallions and fillies and colts. He liked it. He was a pony who let his attitude get the best of him sometimes. That he did not know. He thought he had no attitude. But he paid them no mind and kept trotting.

    As he trotted he spotted her. Miss Rarity.

    Charming trotted up to Rarity. Not noticing the stallion with her.

    [colour=#0000ff]"Ahh. Ello there Miss Rarity. How are we doing today? Smashing? Good." [/colour]He gave her a smile. His voice was quite drawn out when he spoke and his accent was heavy. Most ponies figured he would have had some Canterlot accent but not Charming.[colour=#0000ff]"I see that yuh waited for me. Apologies for being late my dear. Got caught up with some[/colour][colour=#0000ff] things you know?" [/colour]He kept his same smile. His bright purple eyes scanned over Rarity. She hadn't changed. Which he was happy about. He then noticed the stallion. He was rather large. Though Charming was the same height as he was. Charming looked at the stallion. [colour=#0000ff]"Ello there. Ow are we today? Do believe I haven't made your acquaintance[/colour][colour=#0000ff] yet dear stallion."[/colour] Charming did a little bow to the stallion. [colour=#0000ff]"I am Charming Masquerade."[/colour] He looked back up at him.

    Charming then moved his eyes over to the spa building. It was open. He had been in the building a few times but wasn't a regular. Charming moved closer to the door and opened it.

    [colour=#0000ff]"Mares first Miss Rarity. Along with your friend there. We can talk when we get inside."[/colour] He smiled again and waited for Rarity and the stallion to enter.

    --Lotus & Aloe --

    Lotus was a mare of beauty. Not only did she help other ponies achieve great beauty status but she was quite a beauty herself. Now she didn't like to consider herself beautiful. She was a modest pony. She thought that Aloe was prettier than her anyways. But speaking of beauty it was another day for that. A day at the spa to help ponies rejuvenate and just relax. That's what she loved about her job. She got to help ponies by making them feel relaxed. It was a dream come true.

    Lotus trotted around the spa and prepared a few things that someponies might be using eventually today. She finished her preparing and glanced over at Aloe. She was preparing a few things as well. She loved how both she and her sister ran the spa. She figured she could never run this place by herself. This spa could not be run by one mare. She hoped that Aloe knew she was appreciative.

    Aloe looked over at Lotus and smiled at her. She trotted over to her. [colour=#ee82ee]"The spa is open. Now we just wait for anypony to come."[/colour] She smiled.

    Lotus giggled a bit and smiled. [colour=#00ffff]"Yes!"[/colour] She giggled out of excitement. Just then the doorbell rang and both Lotus and Aloe looked at the door.

    A pure white stallion entered and held the door for two more ponies. A regular, Miss Rarity, and a stallion. Lotus and Aloe looked over at eachother. Then they both said at the same time. [colour=#800080]"Welcome to the Ponyville Spa!"[/colour]

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