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Posts posted by IIID3LTAIII

  1. FlashBomb called to CloudDasher to help him with the door, Unfortunately she was busy with her own problem A group of about 6 ShadowBolts attempted to enter the back way of the building. She barricaded the door as best she could but to no avail, FlashBomb had been overran and soon after CloudDasher would be too. She panicked not knowing what to do.. Suddenly a voice came through her comms in her helmet. "You guys down there?" CloudDasher smiled "[colour=#00ffff]Nice of you to join us Flight 04, This is Recon 1-1 from the SERS, Were pinned in a building to the south of the train station..[/colour]" She looked over to FlashBomb "[colour=#00ffff]We may have a pony down, Get your plot down here and give us support![/colour]" She managed to yell through the comms before the door finally opened. CloudDasher turned to face her opponents. "[colour=#00ffff]You want some? Come get some![/colour]" She yelled as she charged the shadowbolts. She landed 4 square blows into a pony's stomach "[colour=#00ffff]Thats 15[/colour]" She said. She was about to block a blow from another attacker but something grabbed her from behind. A pony that had been attacking FlashBomb had gotten the drop on her. She wiped her head back landing a blow square on his forehead. the stallion stumbled back in pain and CloudDasher finished the job by smacking him in the jaw. "[colour=#00ffff]Thats 16![/colour]" She yelled. She had no idea what condition FlashBomb was in. She wanted to get over to him and give him First-aid if he needed it. But they just kept coming. "[colour=#00ffff]17[/colour]" She landed a blow on a pony's chest. A blow came from another ShadowBolt and hit her chest. She grunted in paint and another blow came from the back. She was grabbed from behind and held in a way that another shadowbolt could continue to deal blow's to her underside. The shadowbolt hit and she grunted in pain.. She was winded from the fighting, They just kept coming. Another blow made her scream in pain. She struggled to get free. A little beep in her headset told her the X-12's were ready again. She smiled and flipped them on. The pony that was holding her was instantly incapacitated. She landed another blow on the one who was hitting her. She looked around. They just kept coming. "[colour=#00ffff]19[/colour]"

  2. CloudDasher laughed, "[colour=#00ffff]What are they doing? Are they trying to fight? I.... I just...[/colour]" She felt different Like how she did back 2 years ago when the academy was invaded and she was corrupted "[colour=#00ffff]N..No[/colour]" She looked up at the moon, Her eyes started to shine red. She stood there submerged by fear. Suddenly she was tackled under a cart by FlashBomb who smacked her around a little. He apologized. "[colour=#00ffff]Yeh?! You can take me out for cider for a apology later, Right now.. Were getting our plots handed to us![/colour]" She was about to get up but suddenly a large boom could be heard and suddenly she was flying across the ground. Hitting her head on something, Her helmet flew off and she blacked out. A few moments later FlashBomb wakened her. She was atop of him. It would have been romantic if they weren't in the middle of a combat zone and if he wasn't her mentor. She got up and he handed her helmet to her. "[colour=#00ffff]Thanks...[/colour] She put it back on. FlashBomb muttered something about Celestia. She looked back to see hundreds of ShadowBolts. "[colour=#00ffff]Eeeh.. We can take 'em[/colour]" She smiled. FlashBomb yelled something into the com system. While he was doing this. The shadowbolts charged. CloudDasher grinned. She had hoped she could use her new "Weapon" Soon. She flipped a switch on her helmet that sent a signal down to her uniform A pair of light gloves sparked up. A sorta taser that she could use to punch and incapacitate others. A shadowbolt charged at her and she landed a blow square in there chest "[colour=#00ffff]1[/colour]" She muttered. She turned to kick out with hind-legs another flying towards her "[colour=#00ffff]2[/colour]" She said again. She managed to turn on her com's as well and said through it "[colour=#00ffff]Hey! Velocity, Shimmer. Get your Plots down here![/colour]" She yelled through the comms. "[colour=#00ffff]Your missing all the fun![/colour]" A grunt from a pegasi she hit went through the comms and she said so the two could hear her say "[colour=#00ffff]3[/colour]"

  3. CloudDasher turned to FlashBomb "[colour=#00ffff]Do you want me to rough him up? Ill gladly kick somepony's Flank[/colour]" She said in a annoyed angry ish tone. She looked around, She saw Shimmer, and Velocity fly over head. It seemed as if Reinforcements were here. She smiled to herself.

    (Sorry for short poast.. Dont really know what to say XD)

  4. CloudDasher formed on FlashBomb's Wing, He said something back to her that she couldn't quite hear. But she was sure it was something to do with her joining him. She got a little closer to him.[colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#0000FF]"Maybe you could take care of a Juvinile delinquent while we are there!"[/colour] He told her "[colour=#00ffff]Juveniles? Im a highly trained scout for the SERS... Sounds like fun[/colour]" She replied with a slightly evil grin on her face. CloudDasher descended to CloudsDale with FlashBomb. Her hooves touched the soft cloud cover, A feeling she hadn't felt for a while. She was half way tempted to lay down and take a nap. But there was work to do. While she was distracted Flashbomb mentioned that things were worse than he though. She looked around at all the tired pegasi. FlashBomb turned to her and asked her where they should start. "[colour=#00ffff]I Suppose we should ask around Flashy, See what there dreams are like and stuff..[/colour]" A few pesai turned there heads to them. She guessed they weren't used to seeing the SERS In CloudsDale

  5. CloudDasher turned to see FlashBomb enter. "[colour=#00ffff]Hey there Flashy.[/colour]" She replied to his greeting "[colour=#00ffff]Ill just tag along. Scouting is going to be pretty dull today, I was just going to do a sweep of PhillyDelphia, But they have been silent for months.[/colour]" She told him. Slipping on the arm band that had the SERS's Logo on it. "[colour=#00ffff]And these notches represent experience in the field I guess you could say its sort of like a score. To bad your too slow to keep up[/colour]" She joked. FlashBomb trotted over to angel and fliped his cot. Angel awoke instantly and got tangled in the cot. He began to thrash around struggling to get free, he heard FlashBomb laughing, As well as CloudDasher. Eventually he broke free "[colour=#800000]Was that necessary? I was having the most amazing dream..[/colour]​" He sighed and got up, Rubbing his eyes. "[colour=#00ffff]Were heading to CloudsDale. Shouldn't be too much of a problem, But Flash might need me to bale him out.[/colour]" She laughed. She trotted outside with him, "[colour=#00ffff]Alright, Dont go to slow ok?[/colour]" She joked as she took to the skies.

    AngelSnapp trotted outside to the hall, Shimmer, Velocity, And [colour=#282828]Carmus. "[/colour][colour=#800000]I swear, Flash is going to wake me up one day and im going to strangle him.. Why cant he just open the curtains and shake the cot a little like Cloud does? Jezz[/colour]" He laughed to himself as he passed by them. He entered the Mess hall and grabbed a hot coco.

  6. CloudDasher heard Shimmer call the stallion [colour=#282828]Carmus. And he was also there captain. "[/colour][colour=#00ffff]My apologies sir..[/colour]" She told him. She was about to say something cocky but before she could let the words leave her mouth Dawn rushed over again. Carmus seemed to respond with the intent to help.. Although CloudDasher was pretty sure that he didnt know about the whole "moon" Situation. CloudDasher sighed "[colour=#00ffff]If you need me Velocity, Ill be gearing up for patrol.[/colour]" She told him, then trotted off to the barracks. Once she was in there, The uniforms were still hanging on the racks. FlashBomb had taken his, And Angel was still sound asleep. CloudDasher giggled at how the stallion could basicly sleep through the apocalypse. She sighed and took down the uniform and slipped it on. A saddle bag next to it contained a pair of binoculars and some first-aid supplies. Apart from being a scout. She was also functional as a team medic. She was no doctor, But she could patch pony's up of need be. She had to use it twice. Both times on herself. She picked it up and set it on her back and also put on the helmet.

  7. CloudDasher exited the kitchen with a piece of toast in her mouth. Still half aleep she saw Dawn charge in and start yelling at FlashBomb for some reason. All she heard was ''The moon" And she continued to trot over to a table where she sat down a cup of OJ and ate the rest of the toast. She also heard her tell FlashBomb to round up just about everyone, Though she didnt hear her name called. She let out a angry shrug. It seemed like Dawn and lyria just ignored her Existence So what if she had a Crush on Angel.. its not like she was going to swoop him off his hoofs right from under lyria. She sighed and finished her OJ then got up. She trotted out from the mess hall and passed Shimmer, Velocity and the other guy "[colour=#00ffff]Sounds like dawn's gone crazy[/colour]'" She told him. "[colour=#00ffff]Who's this[/colour]" She gestured toward the stallion she had never met before "[colour=#00ffff]You a recruit? If you are. Stay out of my stuff.. [/colour]" She told him with a slight grin.

  8. CloudDasher trotted down the hall. The maps were only part of her job. Most of the times she was sent out to scout out possibly dangerous situations for the SERS Before they went in. It was fun, She got to work alone for the most part and didnt get slowed down by somepony else. But every now and then she kicked some pony's flank. She would inscribe a little dash in her helmet. There were 7 Now.. She hadn't seen much combat. Equestria was extremely peaceful. She dealt with a few minor crimes like burglary and minor assault over a pie.. Which was... Interesting. She sighed and saw Shimmer and Velocity talking to somepony she had seen but never meet before. She guessed it was there older brother. She trotted passed them and said "[colour=#00ffff]Sup guys[/colour]" as she passed. The mess hall was just down the hall. She looked back. Velocity was a interesting pony, He spiked her interest a lot. And so did his sister Shimmer. She was looking forward to meeting whoever they were talking to.


  9. CloudDasher Rolled over in her cot, The sun light came through the windows and hit her face. The warmness of the sun caused her to wake up. She quickly hid the Teddy Bear she snuggled with every-night, She still had A image to uphold. She attempted to get out of the cot but got her hind hoof stuck on the strap and fell off the hanging bed, Though they were comfy, They were hard to get out of. This was the 3rd time this week. She got up and dusted off her coat and trotted over to the closet. She grabbed her goggles and hung them from her neck and also took the SERS Hoof band. She never wore the uniform, Too uncomfortable. These last 2 years had changed CloudDasher A lot. She was more responsible but still had a Cocky attitude. She trotted down the hall of the new building. It was much different than the academy. Much more clean and bigger. She came to a pair of double doors and opened them. She trotted inside a big room that had a big map overhanging the walls. It showed all of equestria and had pins that marked suspicious behavior One area marked was the BadLands, But it seemed as if it was always marked. In the middle of the room was a round table with a battle plan space in case it was needed. So far, It has not been used. To the right on the wall was also rows of books on for reading and entertainment A few couches lined the staircase leading up to the book shelves. CloudDasher trotted over to the map. Part of her job in the SERS was to update it every now and then. A few papers laid on the table. She picked them up and read off the usual area's that the SERS Kept a eye on. No new ones appeared on the paper so she threw it away and trotted back out of the room. She needed some breakfast.

  10. (Canterlot has been down a lot latley, That kinda prevented me from poasting last night.. Sorry everypony ^^; )

    Angelsnapp laughed "Of course, Let's go pack up, Ill write a letter to Silver letting her know what is happining, I'm sure she will understand. Protecting equestria and all" Angel smiled trotting out of the room with Lyria

    CloudDasher watched as all the pony's left the room to get ready for the trip. She trotted out with Blitz to what was left of the Mares barracks. She looked around, She took off her cadets uniform, It was still somewhat wet from the test. Her goggles hung from her neck as she began to pack up multipal items. She grabbed a saddlebag and deposeted her uniform wraped in a towl so it wouldent ruin the magazines she had brought. One of them had Angelsnapp with FlashBomb on the cover and was tittled "Popular Photography" She fliped through it and put it back in the bag. At this point she was at a loss. She grabbed her saddle bag and trotted outside to see FlashBomb next to some charriots. She trotted over to him.

  11. CloudDasher fallowed FlashBomb into the room, As celestia explaned more. Cloud's Eyes grew wider and wider with excitment. Celestia had choosen her to protect all of equestria! Along side AngelSnapp and FlashBomb. Velocity and Shimmer. They would be unstoppable. CloudDasher smiled to herself (Sorry guys. Ill post more in depth when I get home, All I got right now is my mobile)

  12. Angelsnapp Sighed "[colour=#800000]Unfortunately everypony. SwiftBlitz has not been able to make it for some reason..[/colour]" He said through the mic. "[colour=#800000]So with that. I welcome the newest members of our team![/colour]" He said trotting off stage. The ceremony was complete.

    CloudDasher waited for the ceremony to be over, Once it was, She trotted inside and waited for Celestia in the hall.

  13. AngleSnapp made a facial expression that said "[colour=#800000]How do you expect me to stall?![/colour]" He looked back at the audience. They had grown silent. The awkwardness was immense. CloudDasher also felt it. AngelSnapp finally made up a excuse "[colour=#800000]It turns out that Blitz was just inside getting some water. She will be out shortly.[/colour]" He covered up the mic "[colour=#800000]Any luck Flash?[/colour]" He asked

  14. AngelSnapp called a few other names and gave out the rest of the diplomas He reached the last name and called out "[colour=#800000]SwiftBltiz" [/colour]But the cadet was no-where to be seen\

    CloudDasher grunted. She was anxious to meet with Celestia. If the cadet didnt show up soon. They would skip her name and close the ceremony. CloudDasher was still wet. But a little dryer than Soaking wet.

  15. AngelSnapp nodded to FlashBomb and trotted up to the stand. He opened his mouth and spoke "[colour=#800000]Being a wonderbolt takes more than knowing a few tricks. It takes Guts, Talent, And Teamwork. These cadets today showed how they can handle certain challenges and rise above their problems.[/colour]" The crowd cheered, FlashBomb was right. They were lively. "[colour=#800000]Today, We will welcome a few of those pegasi who have the right stuff to our team.[/colour]" He looked down to CloudDasher "[colour=#800000]Our top student at the academy this year was a young mare named CloudDasher. And she finished first during the exam. Cloud, Come on up.[/colour]" AngelSnapp bent down and grabbed a diploma from under the stand.

    CloudDasher laughed. "[colour=#00ffff]My heart is racing.. I wonder what she wants.[/colour]" She said. She looked up to see AngelSnapp take the stand and call her name, CloudDasher was still soaking wet. But she didnt care. She put down the blanket and trotted up to the stage. The crowd cheered and she couldn't help but smile. She accepted the Diploma and trotted off stage. "[colour=#00ffff]Its official.. Im A wonderbolt! [/colour]" She Jumped a little then trotted back to her seat.

  16. CloudDasher's eyes widened with exitment "Of course ma'am! Ill be there" She told her. Celestia trotted back off into the stand with her sister. CloudDasher was about to tell FlashBomb about how she wondered about what was happaning, But he was already on the stand.

    AngelSnapp joined FlashBomb on the stand. He stood beside and behind him. He looked over at lyria and nodded at her. It was a busy week and they hardly got to talk.

  17. CloudDasher blushed a little "[colour=#00ffff]Well anyway[/colour]" CloudDasher was about to say something but Celestia approached her. Her eyes widened with excitement when Celestia complimented her performance. "[colour=#00ffff]uh.. Th.. Thank you ma'am! I hope you enjoyed my performance[/colour]" She told her. She went to salute but sneezed again.

    AngelSnapp looked back at FlashBomb "[colour=#800000]I got a few.. Most of them were awesome! I think I got some really good shots.[/colour]" He told his freind.

    (Night everypony)

  18. CloudDash laughed.. "[colour=#00ffff]Yeh, Hes my mentor.. why? Did you think he was something more? Did that make you jealous?[/colour]" She teased Velocity. CloudDasher let out a little sneeze and sniffled "[colour=#00ffff]Yeh, FlashBomb is pretty awesome, Almost as awesome as me[/colour]" She smiled

  19. CloudDasher looked up. Somepony had given her a blanket at this point and she stopped shivering. Yet she was still wet. Velocity trotted up and told her congrats. CloudDasher smiled "[colour=#00ffff]Thanks[/colour]" FlashBomb trotted and sat next to Cloud. He told her that he was proud of her. And that she was great. He seemed to blush a little. CloudDasher laughed, She would have hit him on the back but she still was soaking wet at this point. "[colour=#00ffff]Couldn't have done it without ya Flashy[/colour]" She told him. She looked over. Angelsnapp was talking to some press pony's. Probably collaborating on getting photos for the paper. She looked to the stands, She wondered what would happen next.

  20. CloudDasher suddenly felt a hoof help her up. She was stabilized by two guards. She assumed they heard her call. They put her on a bench. She was soaking wet and shivering. They handed her some water and she downed it in 10 seconds flat. She looked back. She had finished in first "[colour=#00ffff]N...No...Nothing to it...[/colour]" She managed to say through the shivers. SHe looked back at the crowd, She couldn't remember if they had cheered for her, It didnt matter though. She was a WonderBolt now. Well almost, The graduation still needed to take place.

  21. CloudDasher flew about 200 feet down to the Deadly Dive.. She stopped for a moment, Trying to find the perfect window to go in. A few moments passed and she saw it, She dove in the top of the twister and was meet immediately with hard winds and hail. She struggled and nearly lost control the first 100 feet down. The winds were going hard and she was hit by a big chunk of ice. Knocking her off course. "[colour=#00ffff]Crud crud CRUD![/colour]" She yelled as she regained her composure. She nearly had gotten flown out of the giant twister. She got to the bottom and exited. She war breathing hard now. Next was the hardest. She got up to the hard cloud she had been carrying with FlashBomb not an hour ago. "[colour=#00ffff]Remember me? Well im going to beat the living cud out of you![/colour]" She yelled at it as she began to kick out with hind-legs it with her hind legs. She got through the hard outside to be meet with multiple ice-sheets inside. She attempted to break through them and got about 3 out of the way, But it was taking too long. She flew out of the cloud and gained altitude. She dive bombed the cloud and flipped on her back so her hind legs were facing the hole she was working on. Then "WAM!" A few more sheets were out of the way. She kicked through a few more. And she was done. She breathed heavily now. She had only 2 more stretches She jumped down from the cloud and landed next to the pool of water. There was no time to catch her breath. She dove in and began to swim under the barrels floating on the surface. Half Way she stopped and gained more air. It was horrible. Underwater being out of breath. She nearly breathed in water on multiple occasions. She reached the end of the pool and dragged her aching body out of the water. She tried to stand but collapsed "[colour=#00ffff]No no no! Just a little more.. Come on![/colour]" She thought to herself. She tried to stand one more time. Panting now, She over to the 200 pound sand bags.. She put the bags on her back and spread her wings.. Flying about only 3 inches above the ground. She groaned . Helping FlashBomb once again sorta helped with this experience Half way there, She nearly touched the ground but pulled up at the last second. All she could think about was not disappointed the crowd in front of her... Especially Celestia and Luna. 3/4 of the way there now. She looked back, A few cadets were right on her tail. She pressed on. Painting.. She wanted so bad just to give up right then and there. But something pushed her to cross the Finish line. She had no idea what position she finished in.. All she knew was that it was over. She dropped the sand bags and fell on the ground moaning "[colour=#00ffff]Water...[/colour]"

  22. CloudDasher ran to the stormcloud shock. CloudDasher ran through the mud. Keeping her footing. The stallion just in front of her. She doges a lightning strike and makes it to the end of the feild. She ran back over to the runway where she passed the Stallion who steped out of bounds and had to start again. She got blasted from the right side and she swore she could hear sorin laugh. The crowd cheered, CloudDasher hoped it was for her. She knew Celestia was watching, This was no time to skrew up. She made it to the end. Nearly stepping out of bounds. Finnaly she could use her wings. She smiled, it was time to show off. She opened her wings and with a burst of air she was in the air. Leaving a cloud of water where she once was. She flew into the feild of clouds, The noiskilled her ears but she dodged the clouds coming out of the other side. She smiled looking back at the audence. She was going strong.

  23. CloudDasher listened as FlashBomb explaned the course. She knew that this wasent going to be easy, But she would pass, No she needed to pass. She looked up at Velocity and winked. FlashBomb shot a storm popper and CloudDasher dashed out of the starting gate. Making sure to pace herself. A quarter down the runway when she passed celestia, It seemed as if time slowed down for a moment. She looked over and through the corner of her eye winked at celestia and luna. Then time speed up again. She made it to the sand bags and pushed it the required 25 Feet. Helping FlashBomb with them before had helped with this excersize. She reached the artic plung, There was no time to think twice about jumping, She took a deep breath and jumped in the freasing water. She struggled at first but then she managed to move forward and under the plank. She pulled herself out and shook off her coat. She got to a tunnel and crawled inside. At first it seemed as if it was a simple waterslide, Once she reached the bottom the water was.very high. She managed to navigate throught the dark to a up-hill tunnel. She stumbled a few times but eventually made it up and out. She was again, Soaking wet.

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