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Posts posted by Blackstar8000

  1. Hey, I have one:

    Lyra Heartstrings? ( Okay, this MAY be shocking)

    I like the way the music flows, when my hooves brush across the strings. The sound is so hypnotic like a light under the dark that glows...

    I don't know how I do it, It just come's naturally, It's got to be my destiny, 'coz It's what my cutie mark Is telling me :)

    How's that, was that shocking, tell me If it was... I don't want to ruin this topic with my loss for words :/

  2. Yes, finally, I want to introduce myself with a lot of brony courage and dignity, remember, you guys who are bronys, suck It up and spell BRONY on the school board :blush: lol, anyways, I'm BlackStar8000, I love MLP (obviously) I used to like pokemon....... but yeah, now MLP is the best ^.^ yay for MLP :smirk: I love being Random! (It's what I dooooo XD) so yeah, don't hesitate to throw the friend request at me, I will accept anyone who is willing to be friends with me: A crazy Tomboy chick who Is a pinkie-Pie fanatic ^.^

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