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Posts posted by RainboomDash

  1. Lyria continued to gain speed, but dive bombed to the floor below. She landed, and took off at a gallop. She hid in a cloud, and took a quick breather. She heard them coming closer to her, and she took off once more. That's when she preformed her double rainboom, and took off toward the winning area.

  2. [colour=#800080]"Angel! I'm going after their flag!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria yelled, and took off. Finding their flag, she swooped down after it [/colour]and grabbed the flag. [colour=#800080]"Suckers!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She stuck her tongue out, and took off. [/colour]

  3. Lyria took off to protect her flag, and tackled Lightning Lane to a cloud nearby. [colour=#800080]"Not so fast boy." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and took off down to protect the flag. She rammed into anypony that come near to taking her flag that wasn't her team, and never put her wings down. She was constantly moving around the flag, eyes and ears open to any sound or motion.[/colour]

  4. (Sorry... School. DX) Lyria took a shower, and put her mane back in her usual pony tail. Her coat shiny and free of the forest, she trotted to everypony else. She saw them, and trotted over to them smiling. [colour=#800080]"Hey guys!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and sat next to Angel.[/colour]

  5. Lyria looked out the window, and kicked it. [colour=#800080]"We gotta pass this test. GO!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She barked, and grabbed Angel, carrying him as she quickly glided through the forest. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Only a few minutes from Ponyville." [/colour][colour=#000000]She whispered, and landed on the outskirts of the town. She put Angel against a tree. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Am I in time?"[/colour]

  6. Lyria squeaked and jumped into a corner of the cave. [colour=#800080]"Flashbomb! How did you get in he-"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"This is my old playhouse type thing. I've had it since forever ago.. Forgot it was here. My father and I built it." [/colour]

  7. Lyria continued to look at all the old stuff, and smiled as she recognized the small things. She trotted over to a small window that her father had carved for her in the cave. She looked outisde of it, and saw that snow had covered it.

  8. Lyria looked at Angel when he sneezed, and giggled a little. She trotted into the back of the cave, and looked around. [colour=#800080]"No way..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She whispered to herself. She looked around, and noticed the small table and bed she had made so many years ago. With her father, they built this little playhouse. It had a table and chairs, bed, mini fridge, working sink, anything a house would need. Just she had built it for a play house.[/colour]

  9. Lyria looked to Shadow Sound. [colour=#800080]"Thank you Shadow Sound." [/colour][colour=#000000]She put the branches done and started to make the fire. After a few minutes, she set the logs and sticks ablaze. The warmth in the cav e skyrocketed. Lyria looked at the cave entrance, and some boulders. She started to push them to the cave entrance, hoping to block out some of the cold driftng in. After that, she wiped her forehead with her hoof, and looked at the makeshift wall. [/colour][colour=#800080]"This should keep us warm."[/colour]

  10. [colour=#800080]"No.. Thank you. For searching for me, protecting me when I was in danger, even when I was stupid enough to get into it..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She looked at him. [/colour][colour=#800080]"And seeing you under that tree.... Brought me to a extreme panic mode."[/colour]

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