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Posts posted by RainboomDash

  1. Dawn took off the amulet and set the pony down. "Celestia is my aunt." She said, and looked at the ponies. She kept the amulet right next to her, for she didn't trust Joe. "She sent you here to check out the source of the intensive power coming from Ponyville. Am I correct?" She put the amulet back on.

  2. Lyria watched Flashbomb soar down the runaway like she had. She took off after him. When they landed on the other side, she looked at him. "Want to race back? There is only a strip of snow left." Working and racing were the only things that kept Lyrias' mind from trailing back to her parents. She got ready to race, shovel in front of her.

  3. Lyria went outside, and grabbed a shovel. She started to shovel the snow, and slowly a smile crept on her face. She flew into the air, and then took off across the runway, shoveling the snow off, and making sure it didn't get on other ponies. She landed at the other end of the runway, and smiled. Mommy and Daddy would be proud of me for that. She smiled. She then went to shoveling snow part by part.

  4. (Yes it was, but this rp is how it was created and how it corrupted ponies.) Dawn looked at the other pony in surprise. "Not a magician." She said. "This is the Alicorn Amulet, something my brother made me when I was a filly. It turns all the descendants of the Royals that are not alicorns into alicorns if they are wearing it." She put the amulet back on, and turned into an alicorn once more. "Now..." She growled. "The Night... Shall last... FOREVER!!!" She laughed evilly, and then threw the amulet off again. "It's messing up... Since my mother, Luna's, blood is infused in the red jewel, Nightmare Moon will control me at points so she can rule once more." She turned to Time Turner. "Dusk. He was my brother... Nightmare Moon..." She sniffled. "Made me kill him years back..." She sniffled again. "As for my age... About half of my mothers. So... I'm about 100?" She said, trying to remember. "I don't really know... I don't keep track."

  5. She grabbed a pad of paper that was in her saddle bags and a pencil, and started to sketch a picture of her family silently. Maybe drawing them will make me a little happier... She thought to herself. She focused on her art, and looked out her window to see Angel clearing the skies.

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