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Posts posted by TehBbqdPizza

  1. "Hello there!" Ballad turned around, noticing a stallion entering the building. He was a pegasus, wearing glasses. Ballad did not know how to respond to him; she didn't even know the pony. Eventually, she decided to greet him back, and with a wave, she said, [colour=#ff7e00]"Yes, hello."[/colour]

    Ballad was now sitting down, awaiting for the apparent owners of this spa to arrive at the counter. Passing the time, she observed the waiting room. On the wall hanged a painting, which was simple yet appealing. One could assume that its artist had great effort and skill in creating such art. Nearby was a clock, the minute hand slowly moving. Ballad wondered how much time has lapsed. Two minutes? Three?

    Next to her seat was a plant, growing from a vase holding it. She did not know what it was, however. Ballad might have to research about it some time, even though she wasn't interested in botany; it was just her curiosity and the will to find the answer to the "mysteries". On the table sat a few magazines, placed in a circular manner in front of Ballad.

    [colour=#6699ff]"[/colour][colour=#ff99ff]W[/colour][colour=#6699ff]elcome to Ponyville Day Spa! You're just in time for our Summer & Spring Spectacular promotion! I[/colour][colour=#6699ff] fear I'll have to ask the gentlestallion to wait though, since we're dealing with unusual amount of customers right now. Lotus Blossom, at your service. How can I help you?"[/colour] Ballad now put her focus on the pony; she was a cerulean (about the same colour as blue and cyan mixed together) coloured pony with a pinkish mane, along with a snow coloured headband. She was sure she had saw "Lotus" before in a scornful manner at some other stallion, but now, she can't be completely sure. She just wanted to try the spa as fast as she can and go home to continue on her poetry.[colour=#FF7E00] "I vill...go vith the...hot spr-ing." [/colour]Ballad answered, taking a hoof-ful of bits and counting them. [colour=#ff7e00]"How much vill it be?"[/colour]

  2. Hm... maybe I'm not understanding it properly. ^^;

    Can a doctor technically prevent the Jester from winning if he is revealed?

    Depends if the doctor isn't killed and he assumes that he is the Jester.

    And actually, a Jester can work with the Mafia if he choose to so they can kill of all the town members (or one member extra equaling the number of mafia members'), then kill the Jester, making the Jester and the Mafia win.

    And I'm just saying the Jester can be easily revealed if he says that he wants to be lynched. Basically, it's not that easy, because the town won't want to lynch him and waste a day, giving the Mafia a chance for another kill.

  3. This game does seem interesting...

    Though, doesn't the Jester seem a bit overpowered? ^^;

    No, in reality, he isn't that overpowered. It's not simple to play him and you can't simply yell out "LYNCH ME!" in the whole topic; people will immediately deduct you're a Jester. You have to play the game and force yourself to be lynched (ex: Making fake claims or reports.) before the mafia or arsonist kills you.

    And you don't win, by the way, if the town wins.

  4. School. School was like torture to Tornado Bolt. There was nothing wrong with the teachers or students there; they were all good-natured and welcoming. Actually, scratch that. She did like school. She just didn't like the time between arrival and dismissal, as that was the most boring part of school hours. At least she had her friends to pass the time. Tornado really felt like volunteering to help the weather team now; that was all she could think of after she had acquired her cutie mark.

    But then, she had to get out of her bed, go downstairs, eat breakfast, get packed, and get ready for school. It was tiring to do for Tornado , and she had to complete the same routine over the over again...today, she thought, will be no exception. Tornado sluggishly got out of her bed. Her alarm clock was not set up, and so it did not create any beeping noise, even when supposedly it was time for the clock to do so. She half-expected herself to have twenty minutes remaining before school begins, and, in an energy lacked manner, looked at her clock. What she saw brought her into surprise. Somehow, she miraculously had more than an hour remaining before she was actually late for school.

    She felt like going back to sleep, but she began considering doing such an action. Maybe she can use this chance to impress her parents just this once, that is, if this was the only time she'll ever wake up this early. Anyways, she couldn't force herself to sleep anymore, as she had stayed awake for too long, meaning that it will take too much unnecessary time to get back to sleep.

    [colour=#a9a9a9]"Tornado! Time to eat your breakfast!"[/colour] was the shout from downstairs, in which Tornado could most certainly conclude was her mother. At the same time, her suspicion rose. It was extremely rare of her to be so rushed, and her mother would have predicted that Tornado will sleep late. It was almost like she already knew from the beginning that she had awoken. Carefully but quickly, she rushed down the stairs and flew directly into the kitchen. There she saw her mother, calmly cooking up a lunch for Tornado's father. A bowl of hay cereal was prepared especially for Tornado, and a daisy sandwich along with orange juice and salad was stored in her lunch box, which was open. The original appearance of the lunch box could no longer be seen, as Tornado had taped several of her friends' pictures onto the lunch box in the past.

    It felt quite unusual of her to sit down on the table and enjoy her breakfast for a change. Tornado was able to actually taste the food she was eating rather than swallowing as much as she can in one bite. Finally, Tornado finished her cereal, and stood up. [colour=#c1c5d3]"Why are you doing this?" [/colour]Tornado blurted out, saying the question that she had withheld in herself during her whole meal.

    [colour=#a9a9a9]"Making old habits brake."[/colour] was her mother's rejoinder. [colour=#a9a9a9]"Now off to school with you. No idling off to anywhere else, you hear? Don't want to be late for school." [/colour]Tornado, after hearing this, dashed off to the school. She didn't like school, but she knew better not to disobey her mother.

    She still raced like she was in a fight against time, even though she had very much time to spare. Tornado was flying at full speed, and came to a full stop in front of the school. She then galloped inside, finding her classroom, and sliding to decelerate into the class. Upon her arrival, Tornado saw absolutely nopony, with the exception of one specific colt. Tornado, greeting the teacher, said, [colour=#c1c5d3]"Good morning, Miss Cheerilee,"[/colour] and sat on her seat, lying her face down on the table, while secretly peeking at the colt nearby.

    It was him. Shady Daze. He has been praised for initiative, effort, and hard work. Tornado and Shady were both opposites, and Tornado saw Daze as her competitor. Tornado couldn't lose to him! Shady doesn't even have a cutie mark! Tornado was always seeing the best of his traits, leading to her wanting to "beat" him. Of course, if she had more will to participate in class, it might have been a different story.

  5. I believe despite all the landslides and such, we can prevent it ourselves. We are already prepared, and it is necessary to learn the skills for protection during an earthquake or landslide.

    Anyways, welcome to Canterlot. :)

    You've been in a curse for 2000 years? That's cute. I'm over 3018 years old and have been caught in an infinite Time loop for 3000 of that. Plus I'm just a unicorn. Also you can control Nature? I control Time itself. Your Welcome for still Breathing.


    Time Spinner & Sundial

    You know, immortality is not necessary. It's much more painful than you think, and one will rather live a mortal life and live it to the fullest instead.

  6. White...to blue. Blue...to white.

    Servante was changing clothes constantly, from her white shirt to a blue, black-striped one. But this wasn't because she was stuck in decision nor displeased without her clothing- she was literally changing it with one of her claimed "magic tricks" by pulling upon her outer jacket. She was absolutely bored, since one of the performing shows she was in was cancelled.

    She had been sitting next to one of the outdoor tables for about an hour, observing ponies passing by. The seats were quite appealing and soft that you can sleep on it; Servante remembered how back in Fillydelphia, seating was not as fancy as the ones compared to Canterlot. But, Servante has gotten used to this "rich" life. (Although in reality, she wasn't really wealthy.) She looked at each pony, occupied in conversation, enjoying food and drinks, or shopping at street stores. The town square sure is busy today, Servante thought.

    She stopped her continuous "clothing" trick as she heard a feeble, melodic tune. It didn't take long for her to hum to the tune, like she always did in every melody she found rhythmic and catchy in orchestras or musical performances. Music like this always attracted her; it was serene, calming, and fitting to the environment. She was not exactly a connoisseur of music, but she could determine, from the knowledge gained from her previous orchestra experiences, that the instrument played to the music was most certainly a cello. The frequency was not a high as a viola or a violin, and from there she could make such a conclusion.

    Using the tune to follow the player of the sound, she walked slowly, the tune getting slightly louder and louder each second. Finally, she stopped, noticing a earth pony with a grey coat playing her cello. [colour=#ffcc33]"Well...that was lovely,"[/colour] Servante commented, dropping a golden bit into the mare's jar.

  7. For the "a new tree" thing...I didn't understand what you asked, sorry :oops:(I also forgot to write in the info of the post, that I am called by my friends "AlbyTree" or only "Tree") .

    For short, I was asking whether the term "tree" was some kind of Italian slang. :P

  8. 500 Influential Canterlot Quotes- Part 1

    1. Point of View "Before you jump into conclusions, you must first consider things from your oppositions' point of view. " - TehBbqPizza

    2. Family and Friends "Trust is the basis of a fulfilling relationship, but the trust must be based on knowing that the person is worthy of that trust." - Weesh

    3. Skill "Writing is not a skill that can, in my opinion, be given a grade. Each person has a different style and preference of what is written. Each word that is written is a record and in a world where societies come and go each record is a piece of immortality to be gained." - ShadowWalking18

    4. Self-confidence "No, that's not possible... Because you're already as cool as can be." - Quillhart

    5. Mind Boggling Question [colour=#3D3D3D]"[/colour][colour=#3D3D3D]It's all good when you're living on pure fun, but what about the long run?[/colour][colour=#3D3D3D]" - StarStorm[/colour]

    6. Resilience "Even if you are scared that some days are going to break you in half, you need to keep strong, if your heart can keep going, so can you." - OilWells

    7. Time "[colour=#3D3D3D]Everypony complains how they don't have time. What they don't see, is that time is like a drug. Too much of it, kills." - Expo[/colour]

    [colour=#3D3D3D]8. Love "[/colour]I have a desire that makes my mind out of line. Your gentle glow and wonderful description of you. You're more that just another person, you're the sympathy that that I forever seek. Love me." - TrixiePony

    9. Friendship "Friendship is mandatory." - Davroth

    10. Nature "Have you ever taken the time to slow down and watch the midnight sky? It's more beautiful than I ever imagined." Accellerant (status update) and Flittershy (chat)

    11. Point of View "We're all weird and freaky in a way. Which is why we're still existing."

    12. Sad/Tolerance "Perhaps misfits like herself would finally have liberation." - SonicRainboomGirl, from fanfic "Sincerely, Dinky Hooves"

    13. History "They say that history is the greatest of all teachers, but sadly humanity is the poorest of students. Our history has been one of rises and falls, destruction and construction, persecution and zealotry. No matter how advance the technology gets, not matter what laws or regulations we are doomed to a continued to move down an endless stream of destruction because we refuse to listen, to understand.." - ShadowWalking18

    14. I don't get it "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But there is a difference in Practice." - Weesh

    15. Friendship "A true true friend helps a friend in need, a friend will be there to help and see. A true true friend helps a friend in need to see the light that shines from a true true friend!" - LovinityHearts

    16. Random "Do you ever feel like copying someone else's status just to see if they notice?" - Browneh, Dessa, Starstorm, MyLittlePonyTales

    17. Reconsideration "An interesting experiment for temperamental computer addicts: Remap your capslock key to a backspace key. It makes you think about who you were about to insult and why." - ping111

    18. Symbolism "Nothing really becomes clearer, but everything just... feels isolated. Calmer. If I believed in universal symbolism I'd say the straight road represents an unblocked mind while the golf course represents a carefully maintained process. Being a valley of course, all this is locked up by the limitations of the horizon It doesn't really go on forever, far from it. It is ultimately finite." - Mireshard, Blog

    19. Sad "Without sadness and sorrow.. Can we really know what true happiness is?" - Flittershy

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  9. Fear not, as your efforts have not been naught,

    As you have arrived to the Canterlot,

    We have roleplayers and members in chat!

    Though I have heard you wanted the latter,

    So go ahead, to discuss some matter!

    Just remember to bring food and a hat.

    P.S And by the way, does the term "a new tree",

    As slang, if you have the time, please tell me.

    A poem dedicated from me Ballad! Note that it's in iambic pentameter- each line has ten syllables.

    Me? I'm from Australia, so we definitely have bronies around from all over the world :)

    And I'm from Taiwan! :razz:

  10. This forum game is based off of the original Mafia party game.

    Rules of the Game:

    1. There are three factions in this game: Town, Mafia, and Third-party. In order for the Town to win, all Mafia members and Arsonists must be lynched or killed. In order for the Mafia to win, all Town faction members must be killed, or the number of Mafia members outnumber the number of Town members. Third-Party members have differing goals, depending on the person's role. The game is tied when one Mafia member/Arsonist and one Town or Third-Party member is left, with the exception of the Mayor's voting ability. If one member is a Survivor, however, both Survivor and the other member wins.
    2. Mafia faction members can know other Mafia faction members' roles. Town and Third-Party faction members' roles are anonymous to others- only the person him/herself who has the role knows which role he/she is in.
    3. Each page counts as one day.
    4. In the day all the players will vote to lynch a person. If one person receives the majority of the vote by the end of the day, he/she will be executed.
    5. Everyone must PM me your "night" ability (ex: kill a person) for it to take effect on the NEXT day. All actions taken during the "night" will be listed on the top of each page. If a person was killed, their role is revealed, with the exception of the Janitor's night ability. (There is no night cycle in this game; it is a substituted name for all PM actions.)


    Town Faction:

    Bodyguard: Can choose to defend another person for the night. If the person that the Bodyguard defended was attacked, both the Bodyguard and attacker will die. If the Bodyguard is attacked himself, the attacker does NOT die.

    Doctor: Can choose to heal someone else for the night. If the doctor targets a person to heal, that person is immune from being killed.

    Vigilante: Can choose to kill a person each night.

    Investigator: Can choose to investigate a person at night. The investigated person will reveal a clue, which will limit the person to two or more special roles. (ex: Your target owns weapons; he/she is a Vigilante or Mafiaso.)

    Cop: Can choose to investigate a person; he or she will receive a message saying whether they are sided with the town, mafia, or third-party.

    Bus Driver: Can choose to swap the positions of two players; any night action that targets one player will be swapped to the other.

    Mayor: Has higher voting power; his/her vote counts as 3.

    Mafia Faction:

    Mafiaso: Are aware of other Mafia faction members' roles, and can decide within the Mafia faction to kill someone.

    Consigliere: Like an Investigator, the Consigliere can investigate a person at night, revealing a clue.

    Godfather: Can kill without decision from other Mafia members.

    Framer: Can visit a person during the night; that person will appear as a mafia member when investigated by a cop.


    Jester: Wins by being lynched.

    Arsonist: Can douse a target or burn all doused targets (has no effect if no one is doused). The Arsonist wins by killing all other members. They will know which people has he/she doused, even if the target was swapped by a Bus Driver.

    Executioner: Wins by having his/her target lynched. His/Her target is always a Town member, and if that Town member was killed, he/she automatically becomes a Jester.

    Survivor. Wins by surviving until the end of the game. He/She can use a bulletproof vest two times to avoid being killed.

    (Note: There will be no blood or gore in this topic. The game requires 8-16 players at the start. When the minimum is reached, I will continue accepting for 3 days. No more players will be accepted when the game starts.)

    Player List:





  11. I have not been here during the unfortunate death of a person, and have no knowledge of her, and so I can not say much. A death of one person makes you have a thought in your head- all lives are important, in one way or another. It's saddening to know that hundreds of lives are gone and yet our own lives continue being completely unaware of these deaths. I can only conclude one thing: Value the living and the dead.

    I also want to add that we shouldn't linger in the past and reopen old wounds. This is what another member in the chat told me. We shouldn't forget her, but we shouldn't mourn for her for too long either. We have to move on, as in all honesty, life is actually harder than death itself.

    "[colour=#000000]The timing of death, like the ending of a story, gives a changed meaning to what preceded it." - Mary Catherine Bateson[/colour]

    "[colour=#000000]It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live." - Marcus Aurelius[/colour]

    Oh lor - the worst way to die, by far! :cry: What were the surgeons even doing!?

    That isn't the worst way to die. The worst way to die is dying for no purpose. The worst way to live is to betray the dead.

    Know that the surgeons had did as much as they could to save a life.

  12. After checking around to find the source of the noise, Ballad gave up on her search, resuming her work. The library returning to it's original, quiet state, Ballad was, once more, deep in thought. Would this line work with the word "noise"? No, it sounds a bit too...unfitting...

    The Canterlot library had, hitherto, returned to serenity. But that, however, soon came to an end. Before Ballad can finish up her first stanza, there was suddenly the clattering of armor, echoing throughout the library. Ballad paused her writing, then put her pencil down. Her impatience has peaked, and, in extreme annoyance, stormed off from her seat to find the sound. Who is causing such tumults in the library? If Ballad ever found who was causing disorder around here, she was going to teach them a lesson or two about proper behavior...

  13. Ponyville. She had been here a few times already, as a train trip from Garden Gait to Ponyville wasn't that long. Ballad was trotting through streets that seemed a bit familiar to her from her last trips. Of course, she was never seen outside with her poetry notebook, partly concealed in her book satchel.

    But this time, Ballad came for one particular reason. On her hoof grasped a card with an address fancily written on it. On top was an underlined "Ponyville Day Spa". Ballad had never been to a spa before. After all, she found it unnecessary and unneeded. But she had been encouraged to come here by one of the mares in the Canterlot's newspaper press she occasionally sends her complete poems to. The mare advised Ballad to "relax" for some time- she most likely said this because Ballad hadn't recently slept due to working on her poem overnight- and gave her a card.

    At first, Ballad was reluctant to accept. In her point of view, she wasn't stressed out at all. She's always been writing poetry, even late at night. It was basically her routine. Ballad went to Ponyville anyway to get a treatment at the spa- just this once.

    Finally, Ballad arrived at the Ponyville Day Spa. Even without the address number, it was fairly easy to recognize from it's surrounding residencies and shops. But, as she approached the entrance, she slowed her pace. There was a door- if you could consider a broken framed and hinged door equivalent to a typical one. [colour=#b22222]"This is certainly an...innofation." [/colour]Ballad muttered, smiling at her own sarcasm.

    Inside was a pegasus, surrendering his armor and weapons, along with the two ponies, who seemed to be the proprietors of this spa, in quite a bad mood. One even said that she will jail the stallion if she had to. In an instant Ballad knew something was wrong. What is going on here... Ballad thought. She decided to act like she didn't see anything, and rang the bell, sounding a Ding! throughout the spa.

  14. Name: Sea Swirl

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Unicorn

    Eye colour: Rose ( #B50B65 )

    Coat: Pale Mulberry ( #F2BEFF )

    Mane/Tail: Moderate Blue ( #3A3DBE ) and Light Blue. ( #8989FF ) Her mane is wavy and curls backward at the end, slightly disheveled. Her tail, unlike her mane, is much more kempt, along with being long and wavy.

    Physique: ​ Lean, and fairly athletic

    Residence: Ponyville

    Occupation: Swimmer

    Cutie Mark: Two dolphins- notably the same colour as Sea Swirl's mane- encircling each other, representing her skill and endurance in swimming.

    Cutie Mark Story: When Sea Swirl was younger, she often ran off to the river bank east of Ponyville whenever she wasn't occupied. She went there for the sole intention of having some fun, and have adventures of her own. Sometimes, she would dip herself into the refreshing river water. Then one day, as she looked up to the other side of the river, she began having thoughts. She decided on challenging herself; she would get to the other side of the river- but not by land. No, that was too easy to even be considered a challenge; she'll go by water. Sea Swirl did this not only because she wanted to push her limits, but because she wanted experience something completely different.

    At first, Sea Swirl attempted several times to swim through the water, but she couldn't find the courage to swim farther into the river, as she was inexperienced in swimming itself. When she had set up her challenge, she had never considered how to do it. She was not discouraged, however, and began referring to other swimmer ponies and guides. Each time she returned to the river, she attempted to improve endurance by swimming near the shore of the river.

    Finally, when she believed she was ready, Sea Swirl went back to the river once more, with the intention to completely swim across the river. For this special moment, she got her parents and some of her friends to speculate. She had great confidence in herself that she claimed that she can reach the other side within two hours. Without pausing for any thought, she galloped into the water, and swam towards the other side.

    The journey was tiring, overall. It was not what she had expected at all, and she felt like turning back. But then the farther she went, she knew she couldn't give up; she didn't have an option. After all, going back would take much longer than getting to the other end of the river, and so Sea Swirl continued on.

    Sea Swirl never crossed the river within two hours like she said she would. But when she came out of the water, there was a cutie mark on her flank that seemed to come out of nowhere. Sea Swirl, elated from the appearance of her cutie mark, decided to devote her life in swimming.

    History: Sea Swirl was born in Ponyville- she has, in fact, lived and raised there for her whole fillyhood. Her father was a book publisher, and her mother was a moderately skilled engraver who did most of her work at home. Her family lived an above average, though not wealthy, life.

    The filly, however, felt that her life was boring. She believed there were was nothing "exciting" happening around this town. That was when her parents encouraged her to "make her own fun". Though she was quite upset by their remark, she took their advice anyway and explored the vicinity of Ponyville, until she came up to a river bank. Sea Swirl decided to end her search there, and began having make-believe adventures and such at that place. Soon, it was also the place where she had started her swim to the other end of the river, allowing her cutie mark to appear.

    As Sea Swirl went into adulthood, she at first participated in several swimming tournaments within Equestria for her university, then became an official swimmer. After she was out of university, however, Sea Swirl has been gaining interest in bowling, and is aspiring to become a professional bowler.

    Character Summary: Sea Swirl is an extrovert and socializes with others easily. She remains optimistic in any situation, even when it seems hopeless. She is also a nonconformist, who refuses to follow the same practice in a group. Sea Swirl, however, often finds it difficult to keep secrets. She will often leak out secret and gossip to other ponies, a few times leading to unnecessary drama. She also tries to make herself the center of attention, and is stubborn in her decisions.

    Sea Swirl's hobbies are swimming, bowling, water polo, and skydiving (does this occasionally). Despite Sea Swirl having a liking for bowling, she is only an amateur at the sport. She usually swims outdoors, with the exception of the winter season, where either the water is frozen or just extremely cold.

    Her goals for life is to bring herself to national fame by attempting to participate in tournaments in different countries. Her skill in swimming, unfortunately, isn't good enough to compete in national tournaments. Sea Swirl hopes on improving her swimming skills to make her dream come true. She also wants to explore all of Equestria; but her swimming occupation comes first.

    Even though Sea Swirl likes to act like she is fearless, she does in fact has a phobia- astraphobia, or the fear of thunder and lightning. She usually goes down to her basement when a planned thunderstorm from the weather team occurs.


    From Season 2 Episode 15, Super Cider Squeezy 6000


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  15. Ballad was in the hall of mysteries, adventures, and everything knowledgeable; better known as the Canterlot library. It is almost unthinkable that such a library is massive in both size and the quantity of books. You could find basically anything in this collection, no, depository of books.

    It was no wonder that Ballad had arrived to this "paradise" to mainly focus on her poetry. While she acquired her inspiration from objects outside of the library, the library itself was where she gathered all of these thoughts. It also acted as a fail-safe when she was in a writer's block, or in this case, a poet's block. She could pick out a random anthology of poems and read until she eventually regained her creativity.

    Sitting on the table alone, she was working on a poem- a sestina, actually, composing of thirty-nine lines, and seven stanzas. The finished product had to be turned in to the Canterlot's newspaper press for it to be published onto the newspaper page. She was staring at the sheet of paper, deep in thought. This was where she needed total concentration...

    [colour=#ff0000]"DRAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNN!!" [/colour]Ballad, in shock, jumped from her seat and slid her pencil in a downward motion, dropping it to the floor. Recovering from the unexpected shout, she bent down to pick up her pencil, and looked to her paper to see a black streak on the paper. Irritated, she gingerly erased the pencil streak, trying to avoid accidentally erasing the words. Exasperated, she viewed in all directions. Don't they have the decent etiquette to keep quiet in a library?

  16. Name: Ballad

    Occupation: Poet, sometimes roams around other "secondary" jobs

    Role in RP: Defendant

    Physical: She is of average height and weight of a mare, and is not very buff nor athletic. She has a blue mane that curls forward, and the tail of the same colour curling in a circular manner. Her eye colour is yellow-red, like amber, and her coat is light blue.

    Cutie Mark: A flute on a piece of paper.


    (From WOE application)

    [colour=#282828]Ballad was born in the suburban area in Germaney, not far west of Hoofenheim; her father was a journalist who often traveled around Equestria to write recent news for the newspaper. Though Ballad missed her father often when he went off on these trips, she overall enjoyed her life, as there was always something exciting happening around her neighborhood and she had friends to socialize with.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Ballad began writing poetry on the day where Ballad's school teacher in grade school taught Ballad and her students on the fields of poetry. It might have been a typical day for most students, but for Ballad, it was a memorable one. The more she listened to the teacher's lesson on poetry, the more interested she was on it. Poetry was an ideal type of literature; it could describe so much with little words, express feelings, and tell stories within its stanzas. Even though the lesson lasted for a short time, it was enough to get her into poetry, that she began reading more poems by herself, and afterwards, writing her own poems.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]At first, her poems were in need of improvement- they lacked rhythm, tone, and discernible points. Fortunately, Ballad's hard work paid off as she continued writing more poems and gaining more experience, these poems gradually improved in content. Then came the day where Ballad's father had to take a trip to Garden Gait for business reasons. While Ballad's father was gone, she had planned on writing the "perfect poem" for her father and show it to him when he returned. She began working day and night to come up with such a poem, and thought up and trashed many ideas and drafts she believe were "uninteresting". Exhausted, she looked out her window one night to find buildings and roads in the night sky; that was where she got her inspiration for writing about the departure of a pony.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Ballad showed her finished work to her father as he returned from Garden Gait. The stallion was impressed not only by her actions, but also the effort she put into the poem. Later, her cutie mark appeared, further encouraging Ballad to write more poems in her lifetime. It may not have been the "perfect poem", but it was influential to Ballad.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]As Ballad grew older, however, her father's trips became more frequent, and it had grown to be inconvenient to the family. Eventually, Ballad's parents had decided on moving to Garden Gait, as it was located closer to the center of Equestria, making travel time shorter and easier for Ballad's father. This was hard on Ballad, however, as she developed homesickness to her home back in Germaney. But, due to the acquisition of her cutie mark back in Germaney, she began writing more poems, a few of them were even added into her new school's magazine. Despite being well known for having her poems in the magazine, however, she didn't become popular for her actions.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Finally, reaching into adulthood, Ballad chose to stay at Garden Gait, and continue writing poems as a living. She also does do other "extra" jobs, usually jumping from one job to another. Ballad is not discouraged by leaving an occupation to go onto another, as she believe that it is better to have a little of each "experience"[/colour].



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