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Posts posted by TehBbqdPizza

  1. This is a bit off-topic, but I have to say that this website is the first to not actually deny an application. Usually on other roleplay forums or topics, moderators or original posters deny an application, and you would have to copy that whole application again and redo it.

    It's just my opinion, but I don't think the RPH here would actually deny an application. The poster would probably lose confidence and be discouraged and instead prevent him from re-making the application.

    It's best not to talk about the Banishing Stamp. We use it to get young fillies to go to bed or eat their vegetables. :aubrey:

    I thought most forums used the ban hammer.

  2. Anyone get Altair's Outfit yet? I just noticed it's much harder than getting Ezio's...

    I can't get 100% full synchronization! I still have 26% percent left but it's so freaking hard.

    I've played all the Assassin's Creeds, and I honestly felt that the series started to die once Revelations came out. Returned Revelations just a few days after getting it, as for the gameplay was almost exactly the same as Brotherhood, and had a rather dull and unneeded story filler. But talking AC3 here, I didn't like the new combat system they added in it, not to mention you still can't block spears, and it doesn't feel like a natural combat IMO. I also did a little test run and back in AC1 and 2 you almost had to use some type of sword or weapon to get anywhere, but in AC3 you can beat the campaign with just using your hands. No joke.

    Not always. some less experienced players can't do that.

    But still, you can just air assassinate, kill people from behind or an hiding spot, and disarm guards.

    Disarming Jagers are fun.

  3. Wow..Latest episode had a 'Walking Dead' feel to it....Wonder what those zombie like creatures were? Proto-Candy-People? (They did hint early in the series that the cute Candy citizens do enjoy the taste of human flesh)..And the pink gummy stuff that helps both Simon and Marcy throughout their trip..And this was the last episode done by Rebecca Sugar....Bumma. :-|

    I had to admit, it was a bit creepy seeing mutant people.

    I think the pink gum stuff was the prototype of Princess Bubblegum. I just have that feeling that she is Bubblegum.

  4. It didn't take long for him to find out that his weak lie has been seen through. His words has been crushed with a single reply. The filly appeared to be knowledgeable about the city, and Long Drive knew that he could not deny any longer. Secretly, he wanted to smack himself in the head; it was his actions that cause this troubles. If only he wasn't so nosy at that time. Eventually, he managed to get out the words. [colour=#008000]"Sorry," [/colour]he apologized, then added, [colour=#008000]"Didn't mean to follow you."[/colour]

    The other colt soon spoke up, praising his filly friend he called "Babs", and agreeing on her statement.[colour=#008000] "Well, I don't really have a friend to aid me," [/colour]Long Drive said. [colour=#008000]"Got no pony nor friend over here, since I'm fresh." [/colour]​He hesitated with some thought (and again look at the colt's sprained forehoof) and later continued. [colour=#008000]"Anyways, I wasn't looking for the golf course at all. I'm trying to explore the city. Except now, I'm lost like always...actually, I remember you and Babs-" [/colour]Long Drive said the filly's name with uncertainity- [colour=#008000]"mentioned going to a hospital? I..uh..could go with you if you like...since I don't have much to do now. And I might want to know where the hospital is when I sprain [/colour][colour=#008000]my[/colour] [colour=#008000]leg."[/colour]

  5. Now the main problem with this is the name "Kakuro" is Japanese, and there is no evidence of Japanese in Equestria. Now if you really want to keep that you could perhaps use the English translation of the full name of the game, which is "addition cross." Or since it is not vital to your character you can also just take that out since you have mentioned that he likes solving mathematical puzzles.

    But other than that, great work!

    Whoops. :P

    I shouldn't have put a trivia without second thoughts, though I edited it.

  6. Long Drive kept his eyes glued to his own map, hoping not to attract any attention. His hopes were soon dashed when he did just the opposite. There was a voice, he didn't know whose, which came from nearby. He put his map down and looked up, seeing the two ponies again, and guessed that what was going to happen probably meant trouble. Long Drive realized that the filly was yelling, and it didn't take long to find it that it was directed at him. He knew that he should speak up in order to avoid conflict, but he just couldn't find the right words. What should he say to her? That he was following her just because of his curiosity?

    Meanwhile, the older colt beside her spoke up. What he said got his attention completely. The colt seemed to talk to an academic way, which seemed to fit more in an essay than a conversation. At least I could understand what he's saying, he thought. The elder colt explained how they were finding a hospital, and Long Drive looked at the pony's forehoof. [colour=#008000]"It does look a little twisted..." [/colour]he remarked. Then recalling what the pony said before, Long Drive hesitated. What he didn't want was to get other ponies involved in his personal problems. True, he had to find help eventually, but only in desperate situations. [colour=#008000]"No! I'm not at all lost!" [/colour]He quickly tried to locate the golf course on his map, or at least act like he was going somewhere. [colour=#008000]"In fact, I'm going to the golf course soon! There should be one maybe... five, ten minutes from here?"[/colour]

  7. So I have been looking for a pony sever on Minecraft and I guess I did find some but the thing is its all create mode. I mean its cool to because to make Ponyvile but I would like to play with some bronys and try playing normally. It gets boring doing it alone but if there is a sever out there like that feel free to tell me the server IP. If not I might just make my own server if any pony wants to join such a thing.

    To be a real Minecraftian, you must build...in survival mode! It's cooler that way!

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  8. I had a reason for being a brony. It wasn't only the plot of the show, the animation of the ponies, the "cuteness" of it all. There was another hidden reason.

    There's a good friend of mine at school. We became friends as soon as we discovered we had something in common. We liked the same things, and it was, of course, My Little Pony: Friendship is magic.

    One day, I asked him, how did you discover MLP and why do you continue watching it? I discovered that he found out the show near the end of 2011. The show peaked his interest. The morals were simple and easy to understand, yet people forget these valuable morals, despite its simplicity. He felt like he was being part of something. Liking the show has made him different, that the bronies and he could deny the nonconformity of the two inaccurate facts that "Boys should be liking boyish things" and "Girls should be liking girly things".

    I found out how true that was. I decided that my reason was no different that his. It was because we were so "unusual" that I continued to watch the show. Kind of.

  9. I can take the wait,but equestira girls?

    Are they trying to turn MLP into bratz or something?

    (Well,I guess that makes sense since bratz turned into ponies tough.)

    Mind me, but that is terrible. Making them ponies does not make them any better. (Plus, the girls look pretty ugly, even with good clothes. No offense.)

    If it was me, I would have picked a Barbie doll over Bratz.

  10. This was something I thought of about suddenly out of nowhere; did anyone dream about anything that is MLP-related? Was it lucid? What was it about?

    I was considering starting a dream journal, whether it's MLP-related or not, since I now find dreams to be exciting- or scary.

  11. How do you expect it to change?

    Not the show, I'm saying everything I've been on, such as forums and all that. I would see new faces in the brony community, and not to be negative, but also have the other ones leave. It's something gradual and inevitable, and I expect myself to change as well.

  12. It's not a complete loss. They said there would be 26 episodes again, which is worth waiting for. I can wait with RPing and fanfiction. Plus, I have brony friends in real life, so I won't exactly be bored during these nine months.

    Also, it'll make myself an older brony. When Season 4 comes, I would have been a brony for a year and a half. And everything would change by then.

  13. Luckily for me, I don't do visual art at all. ;)

    You can still of course do art. Drawing art will not be considered a burden at all just because there are just rules enforcing the copyrights of your art. Of all things, you should be happy that there won't be people plagiarizing your work.

  14. Long Drive was being fairly attentive on the two from a distance he presumed was far away to cause suspicion. With further observation, he saw that the filly had quite a mane-cut. It was the style you won't find on an ordinary filly. He assumed it was one of these fillies who tried to act tough and colt-ish. The other colt seemed much older than him, and was a unicorn. Unicorns were less common where Long Drive lived before, and so the face that the colt was a unicorn himself peaked his interest. He was also wearing an monocle on his left eye, and had simple but tidy clothing. He's like those rich ponies in those books...he reflected. He recalled the last time he saw an actual rich pony, which was an entrepreneur. He wondered how it was like to live in prosperity. Probably getting what they want all the time.

    He spent all his time in thought he almost didn't notice the two. Looking at them again, he had the sensation that the two ponies were glancing back at him, and he guessed that it wouldn't be too long for them to raise suspicion. Quickly but casually as possible, Long Drive tried to hide his face with his map, acting like he was focusing his attention on finding his way. In fact, the symbols and roads on the map were too complex for him to fully understand. The intersections and roundabouts connected the roads that looked like a spider's web.

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