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Posts posted by mazeious

  1. About Myself: Me? I live in Caliornia. As for hobbies; I enjoy observing and creating art, gameing, and enjoying the massive amount of internet culture that there is.

    How I found Canterlot.com: I was looking for a place to chat with other bronies, and this is the best looking out of the ones that came up on my google search, so I thought I would give it a shot.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Long story short, I was looking for something different, someone number of people recomended mlp fim. I decided to give it a shot, and right away the art style drew me in. Then after about five episodes I became invested in the characters and plot, and just kept watching it until I became sort of obsessed with it.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Twilight Sparkle
    I thought it would be a good idea to throw one of these introductions up, so that I can meet some people to chat with here.

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