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Posts posted by babablacksheep

  1. When the next boom came, Acrylic's eyes widened and then the flower shot it's knife like petals at him causing him to run out of the forest trying to get away from them. "Oh in the name of Celestia! Why me! Why is it always me!" he shouted as he ran out of the forest.

  2. Fresco was completely clueless as to what Delilah was doing and walked up to Acrylic. "So did you get the stuff you promised to get me?" He questioned as Acrylic sighed "Yes Fresco." He said reaching in his pack and pulling out a brown paper bag and handing it to Fresco. "Thank you~ I'll start dinner now!" Fresco sang trotting happily into the kitchen. But before long there was a loud scream in the kitchen and Fresco stormed back into the room. "War Paint! Neon!" he shouted angerly as the two females laughed.

    "This isn't funny!" he said using his magic to show a page of the cook book open where there it had Fresco's pride listed in black marker on things needed. War Paint just laughed louder "Yes it is!" She said rolling around on the floor. Fresco flushed angerly and then turned his tail mumbling how he'd get them back later. Even Emulsion chuckled for a moment and then coughed. "Despite that being quite humorous, thou shoudn't hast done that to thine brother." He said turning around and scolding the two who tried to keep their faces straight as they were being scolded.

    Acrylic on the other hand wasn't amused and sighed roughly. "Not even five minutes back home and I'm alreadys starting to get a headache." He mumbled

  3. Acrylic was crouched down using his magic to quietly draw a knife-blade flower. He knew from past experiance of painting in the Everfree forest that you had to be extremely quiet around them or else you'd get their razor sharp petals shot at you. It took him three weeks when he first ran into this flower to get the petals pulled out his backside. But despite being dangerous Acrylic couldn't help but enjoy the beauty that this flower held.

  4. "Alright I guess, except the fact my cousins who are with me in Ponyville are completely useless. Emulsion got lost and tried to ask some weird grey pony with crossed eyes for directions and he ended up eating muffins with her. Fresco got kicked out of a clothing store for calling some mare's newwest work very tacky and too country for his tastes. So it's been a little crazy trying to keep up with those two." He said sighing for a moment then he perked up. "If you need a place to stay while you're in ponyville you can crash at my place if you want." He suggested but doubted that Dawn would agree because of what he just spoke about his cousins doing.

  5. Stumbling through the Everfree forest was a little bit easier for Acrylic because for some strange reason the clouds over ponyville lit up. So it helped him see what he was doing much better. Slowly he trudged through the forest looking for the paints that looked strange or odd that he knew he could only find in this very forest.

  6. "That's great!" Acrylic said excited but then flushed darkly and coughed "I-I mean that's good." He said trying to appear calm about it. Normally Acrylic wasn't this nice to anypony, but there was something different about Dawn that just made him feel the need to be nice.

  7. "Oh, well we're are you planning on going? I could walk you there. I-I mean it's not really safe for a mare to walk alone at night- not that you're weak or anything after all your mother is Princess Luna after all! I'm just going to shut up now!" Acrylic said rambling then shutting his mouth and pulling his hat over his eyes with his face slightly red. He hadn't rambled like that in years, he had thought he had grown out of that old habit of his.

  8. Welcome to Canterlot, Sheepy! What other cartoons do you like besides FiM?

    Oh I like this and that, I enjoy watching older shows like Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, and MGM. But I also enjoy newwer shows like MLP FIM (of course) or Gravity Falls, and I'm starting to get into Pound Puppies. (only because I'd watch it to wait for the shows I like to come on).

    And thank you for the warm welcome.

  9. As soon as Neon was fast asleep, Acrylic stepped outside his house before pausing when a large boom and flash of light happened. He looked over at the house and heard the sounds of Neon still fast asleep. Sighing in relief Acrylic then headed off to the forest.

  10. The members of the Paint family looked at one another for a moment noticing Delilah's reaction. "Does the size of our family bother you?" Fresco said being the blunt one only to have his hoof stomped on by War Paint. "Fresco!" War Paint hissed and then turned and smiled "What he meant to say is the size of our family over whelming to you? I suppose it could be, but I've been around this kind thing my whole life." War Paint said politely.

    Acrylic smiled when he walked over to a table set out to the side in the kitchen with a mare's picture on it, the mare in the picture had the same coat as War Paint but the same hair colour as Acrylic. "Hey mum! Sorry if I worried you! Look I got those flowers that I promised." He said before digging around in his saddle bag and pulling out some flowers and setting them on the table.

  11. Acrylic opened the door to his house only to be tackled in a hug by War Paint "Acrylic! I was so worried!" She cried squeezing the life out of her younger and much smaller brother. "Wa-War Pa-Paint! I c-can't br-breath!" He wheezed as Emulsion walked up "Little cousin! Brother and I both told thou's sister that thou would be fine. But she would not heed our words." Emulsion said before hugging Acrylic himself after War Paint let go.

    "Please! Stop with the hugging! I won't be fine if you guys keep trying to crush my ribs!" He wheezed out. Then War Paint looked behind Acrylic to see the two mares standing there. She smirekd and said "Oh, who are these fillies?" as Acrylic blushed and hissed something through his teeth in War Paint's ear. His sister paled for a moment and then shivered. "You wouldn't." She hissed as Acrylic narrowed his eyes "Try me." he dared

  12. Trotting down the rode through ponyville Neon was soon fast asleep on Acrylic's back. Acrylic closed his eyes and yawned as well, today had been a long day for the both of them. Sadly for Acrylic, he wasn't done with his work, he still had to complete his study of the plants in the Everfree forest. So that meant going out to the Everfree forest at night, and he couldn't possibly do that with Neon tagging along, he didn't want her to get hurt.

  13. Acrylic's eyes widened for a moment and then he stepped back when the bucket appeared in front of him. "Thanks!" He said then looking up "Dawn?" he questioned shocked ot see Dawn once again in Ponyville. "What are you doing here?" he said happy to see his new found friend once again.

  14. Acrylic smiled when his painting was finished and he turned to Neon who didn't dare to leave his side the whole time. "Wow that's so cool Acrylic!" Neon exclaimed loudly as Acrylic sighed and flattened his ears on his head. "Haha right," he said then he looked up at the sky. "Well it's getting late we better be heading off then." He said as Neon nodded eagerly and then yawned loudly. Acrylic couldn't help but laugh at Neon yawning, "Tired?" He questioned as Neon nodded closing her eyes for a moment. Acrylic smiled wordlessly before packing up everything and then putting Neon on his back as well. He then headed back to the house of which he had rented.

  15. "Honestly, Fresco freaks out over everything, 'We can't have dinner without hay'. Geeze this is like his thrid trip here you'd think he'd finally know where the store is." Acrylic mumbled to himself trotting down the street and using his magic to adjust his saddle pack that held his bits in.

  16. "Dearest little cousin! Please would thou join us for dinner?" Emulsion asked Acrylic who looked up from his painting that he was trying to frame. "Sure just a moment." Acrylic said before setting the painting down on the coffee table. Althought Acrylic didn't live in Ponyville, which he should have because of how many trips he makes to here just to paint in the Everfree forest, some of his family had joined him on his trips down here to his house that he rented. This time it was Fresco and Emulsion, his two older cousins.

    "We're out of hay! We can't have dinner without hay!" Fresco said trotting in from the kitchen. "Worry not brother!" Emulsion said smiling as Acrylic sighed and stood up "I'll go get some, since I'm the only one who knows where the store is." He said before trotting out of the house. "Come back safely and swiftly!" Emulsion called from inside the house. "Yeah yah." He said trotting down the street.

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